“I would like to donate 3 million to pay for education and teach in the school town.”
Zhao Pu looked at Su Yun and said word by word.
Su Yun glanced at him unexpectedly when he heard the words, and 09 found a seat in the office and sat down.
After playing with the pen for a while, he said lightly: “The Zhao family is a famous family in Suzhou, and the Huayin School is small and cannot accommodate Mr. Zhao.”
Zhao Pu heard the words and looked at Shao Wen, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly.
Shao Wen didn’t speak, just sat and tasted tea slowly, as if he didn’t hear Su Yun’s words.
This scene made Zhao Pu’s lips turn to look at Su Yun and said, “Is Zhao so out of sight of Mr. Su?”
Su Yun raised his head, looked at Zhao Pu, and asked slowly, “Are you willing to completely break away from the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Consortium?”
If he doesn’t say something, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t know.
Suzhou Zhao family, he knows, is a famous family in the south of the Yangtze River, but what he does secretly is not simple.
When Zhao Pu heard this, he looked at Su Yun sternly and said, “This old man has already shown everything here.”
“I don’t know how many people want my life now, and those consortiums are even more supporters.
But until now, I have nothing but one of your newspapers. ”
As soon as Zhao Pu’s voice fell, Su Yun said lightly.
This sentence made Zhao Pu feel complicated, he sighed in his heart, took a deep look at Su Yun, and slowly turned around to leave.
“slow down”
Just when Zhao Pu was disappointed, a voice broke the silence, causing Zhao Pu to turn around slowly.
“Mr. Zhao passed the test, when can he come to teach?”
At this moment, Su Yun was standing behind Zhao Pu with a faint smile on his face, as if what he said just now was not what he said.
Zhao Pu had a look of astonishment on his face when he heard this, but then he smiled and said, “You can anytime.”
“The lecture hall of Qinghu Building can start classes this Friday.”
Su Yun looked at Zhao Pu and smiled.
“Three million oceans can be shipped this afternoon.”
Zhao Pu said immediately after hearing the words, his eyebrows stretched, and there was a smile on his face.
“Mr. Zhao, don’t worry about the three million. In ten days, I will hold an educational charity dinner at the No. 1 store of Shengqing Restaurant in Xuanwu District. Remember to come and attend.”
Su Yun raised his hand, stopped Zhao Pu, and said softly.
“The old man will definitely be there!”
When Zhao Pu heard the words, he immediately understood and nodded in agreement.
The two looked at each other and smiled tacitly, without breaking each other.
When Zhao Pu left, Shao Wen looked at Su Yun before turning his head.
“Is this about preparing to reconcile with them?”
Shao Wen asked with a smile, feeling undeniable about Su Yun’s actions in his heart.
“Those people are too powerful, I don’t want to be thinking about my life by a group of people all day.”
Su Yun said softly, with a little helplessness on his face, he didn’t want to live a life of fear.
Shao Wen nodded.
After Su Yun took a deep breath, he continued, “I didn’t expect the school city to push so many people to the cusp of the storm.
During this time, Huayin’s industrial products have affected the interests of many people, and some people’s interests have been greatly affected, and it is basically impossible to reconcile with me.
There are still some people who have less influence and have the possibility of reconciliation. Now that some conflicts can be resolved, some of them will be resolved. ”
In fact, Su Yun also knew in his heart that those bosses who invested too much money in the factory were basically impossible to resolve with him.
But there are still many people who, although they also rely on light industry to make money, do not run factories, but wholesalers.
These people take the goods from the factory and then wholesale to the retailers below and so on.
Now he is undoubtedly standing on the cusp of the storm.
After listening to Shao Wen, he sighed softly: “I can’t help you with anything in the business world. But I have a little reputation in the literary world.
People like Zhao who entered the business world with a scholarly family, just leave it to the old man. The old man still has a little prestige, and they will give some face. ”
“In the next life, Wen thanked Shao Lao, Ziwen was very ashamed, and bothered Shao Lao all day long.”
Su Yun said gratefully, with bitterness on his face, Mr. Shao Wen didn’t need to go through this muddy water.
In the end, for his sake, he still pulled him without hesitation.
“Ziwen, you have a splendid mind, do what you want to do, and the rest of the troubles will be solved for you. Don’t be sullied by too many trivial matters.”
Shao Wen stretched out his hand and patted it gently, and said softly, his eyes softened.
Then Su Yun also separated from Shao Wen.
After Su Yun left the office, he strolled in the school city by himself.
Along the way, he looked at the cement road in the school city, at the teaching building, and at the students who had left the get out of class, feeling a little melancholy in his heart.
He raised his head slightly and looked at the blue sky in the distance. In fact, he knew and understood many things.
It’s just that many times, he doesn’t want to think about it, and he doesn’t want to think about it.
Say he doesn’tIt is a person who is struggling. Because of the bankruptcy of his family and the establishment of Huayin School City, behind him is the entire literary world.
Why did the newspapers hype him up?
You need to know who is behind the newspaper, and who is the editor-in-chief of the newspaper.
Behind those newspapers, there are more or less figures of scholarly families.
Those editor-in-chief teachers are all great leaders in the literary world. So the newspapers will hype him up.
Another example is the Song family. They used to be members of the consortium. Later, for some reasons, they became the top family in the country. Their influence runs through the military and political circles, but they also came to the opposite side of the consortium.
A lot of things that I do can be so smooth, and it is inseparable from their help.
It’s just that Su Yun didn’t bother to think about these things. Now that he was in the limelight, he had to face it.
“You are Su Yun, director of Huayin Group, right?”
Su Yun was walking in the school city when suddenly a smiling female voice came from beside him.
Wen Yan turned his head and looked over, only to see a female student in a blue dress and a blue top standing behind him, looking at him with a smile.
Su Yun glanced at her attire and already knew that she was a college student.
The uniforms of elementary school, junior high school, high school and university in Huayin School City are all different.
College girls, marked by a blue dress and small leather boots. Men wear black tunic suits and black leather shoes.
High school girls mainly wear white dresses, while high school boys wear gray tunic suits.
Junior high school girls mainly wear light red dresses, and junior high school boys wear blue tunic suits.
Primary school girls are mainly in pink, and boys are mainly in cyan tunic suits.
“Is something wrong?”
Su Yun is not surprised that the students in the school city know him. Since the second half of last year, he has frequently appeared in newspapers.
At the opening ceremony, the college students also listened to their speeches in front of them.
It is not strange that they know themselves, but it is strange that they do not know themselves.
I just don’t understand why the girl stopped her.
“I don’t have classes today or tomorrow. I want to go back to Jinling to see my parents. Can Mr. Su take me with him when he returns to Jinling?”
The girl looked at Su Yun and asked, and looked at the expression on Su Yun’s face and explained, “The school city is too far from Jinling City.”
Su Yun didn’t object, but the girl’s words made him think of a question.
The traffic in the school city is inconvenient. The distance between the school city and Jinling City is as long as a finger on the map.
But if you go to Jinling on foot, the road is not close.
Su Yun thought in his heart that in the future, when the car factory opened, it would have to open a few operating routes from the school town to Jinling City.
After leaving the school town, in the car, the girl told Su Yun that his name was Huo Ying.
“Good name, but where does your family live?”
Su Yun looked at her and asked, this is also a big feature of Huayin School City.
In the school, whether the students are poor or rich, it is impossible to see something from the clothes.
Huayin School City has very strict regulations on the management of the school, no matter how rich your family is, who is working in a certain part of the family or something.
As long as you enter the Huayin School City, you are not allowed to wear your personal clothes, and only school uniforms are allowed in the school city.
The school uniform of the school city is not just a jacket, but also more than one set.
Each student will have twenty sets of school uniforms each year. In addition, there are underwear, socks, shoes, etc., which are distributed by the school.
The reason for such a regulation stems from Su Yun’s self-esteem protection for students from poor families.
There are many students from poor families in the school city. He doesn’t want anything to show off his wealth in the school, and he doesn’t like the bullying of 773 Huan.
Therefore, there is this rule that every student in the school wears clothes from head to toe that are distributed by the school.
In order to train students’ self-reliance ability, students have to do their own laundry since junior high school.
Even if you are a girl, does the school have a laundry room?
Yes, the school has a laundry room and a washing machine. The washing machine was invented in 1858. It is no surprise to buy some washing machines.
It’s just the school’s laundry room, which is used by elementary school students, because elementary school students are younger and lack some self-care ability.
But starting in middle school, you have to do it yourself.
Therefore, it is precisely because of these school rules that he made, he couldn’t tell whether Huo Ying was the daughter of ordinary people or the daughter of a rich family.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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