“From the point of view of Mr. Su building schools and engaging in industry, you are a generous person in everything you do.
The hospital built now is also very large, several times larger than the military hospital in Jinling. It is estimated that the hospital is almost built now. You must not look down on ordinary doctors and ordinary medical equipment.
We are most familiar with these aspects. The Department of Health under the Ministry of the Interior is far worse than us. If you know us, you will definitely find a way to find us the best medical equipment and doctors. ”
Xu Deli said it was not surprising that he still knew Su Yun’s situation relatively well, and the hospital built by Su Yun recently was completed in these days.
They were the only people Su Yun could find.
Su Yun opened his mouth when he heard the words, can you guess this? Is it true that Xu Deli is a roundworm in his stomach? predicted his predictions.
Moreover, when Su Yun saw the presence of the old god Xu Deli, he probably not only guessed that he had come in, but his heartThere has been some speculation.
After a 777 meeting, he nodded and responded, “Yes, the hospital must do its best.”
However, Xu Deli guessed that it will not affect him too much, as long as Xu Deli can get him the best medical equipment and doctors.
He Su or someone else doesn’t do it, and if he wants to do it, he must do his best, which is to burn money.
After listening to Xu Deli, he smiled and said, “Actually, more than ten days ago, before you returned to Jinling,
Some people have already contacted foreign doctors and medical device factories. Now they have all been contacted. It depends on how much you want.
You nod and pay, and the cruise ship from Europe will set sail soon, and it is expected that it will arrive at the Shanghai port in ten days. ”
In fact, they don’t need Su Yun to speak, they have already prepared for him, and now it is only up to Su Yun to say how much he wants.
Su Yun was stunned when he heard the words, opened his mouth, but couldn’t say anything.
He estimated that Xu Deli’s people would be prepared, but he really didn’t expect that Xu Deli had already prepared it for him before he returned to Jinling.
And not only the medical equipment, but even the medical staff helped him get in touch.
Are these people working too fast? Don’t give yourself a chance to react.
Seeing Su Yun’s expression, Xu Deli leaned on the back of the chair and explained: “There’s nothing to say about these things,
There is no medical device factory in China. If you want medical devices, you must buy them from abroad.
There are not many doctors in China. Those college students who graduated from medical schools in colleges and universities were recruited either by private hospitals or by the military medical department.
Your hospital has not yet been established, nor has its own training system, so doctors can only be recruited from abroad. ”
Xu Deli seems to be explaining, but in fact, everything has been planned for Su Yundu, and they have thought about the specific process.
At that time, everything doesn’t need Su Yun to worry about it.
After Su Yun heard this, his face was full of gratitude: “If Deputy Director Xu bothered, Su would be very grateful.”
Su Yun expressed his gratitude to Xu Deli and others from the bottom of his heart.
He really didn’t expect them to prepare him so meticulously (ajec). They don’t really need to do that at all.
Facing Su Yun’s gratitude, Xu Deli just waved his hand and said casually: “What is this? You gave us an IOU, how much are those weapons and ammunition?
Like 70,000 pieces made in Hanyang, if you buy one, even if it is a hundred oceans, it will cost seven million. Not only do you have an IOU, but a piece is only twenty dollars, how much does it cost?
There are also Czech light machine guns, that is, you can only tell the price of 50 yuan a piece, a total of 3,000 Czech light machine guns, if you go out to buy, 500 ocean a piece,
There are 1.5 million oceans before and after, and you have 50 oceans, and you have an IOU and other bullets. ”
Su Yun has done so much for the military and sold it at such a low price. He can help a little, and there is no big problem.
Besides, things like Su Yun, in his opinion, can be done very easily, there is no difficulty at all.
“Furthermore, for these, your trivial matter is simply not worth mentioning, and now there is an economic crisis abroad,
There are too many unemployed people, and the medical equipment factory’s equipment is almost worrying the bosses in the warehouse. Our people went to negotiate the price, and the negotiation was quickly settled. ”
Xu Deli continued, with a relaxed expression on his face, leaning back on the chair.
Besides, there are too many unemployed people in the current economic crisis abroad, in every industry.
Those industry talents were also not accepted, and Su Yun recruited them. It is impossible to say that they all have to be grateful.
“I’m grateful to Deputy Director Xu for thinking about Su and these things, it’s work!”
Su Yun expressed his gratitude again. He also thought about it, the economic crisis has swept many countries.
The machinery and equipment of the heavy industry suffered, and the medical equipment was not spared.
Xu Deli picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, and asked, “How much medical equipment does Mr. Su need?”
After Su Yun heard the words, after thinking about it, he said frankly: “I am not proficient in medical matters. Can the people from the Military Medical Department help estimate it.”
Su Yun didn’t know much about medical treatment. He might be good at fiddling with mechanical equipment. As for medical equipment, he had only a limited understanding.
He asked people to build a hospital, one outpatient building, and another emergency building.
Each medical device used is different, and the medical devices used in emergency are more sophisticated and complex.
These medical devices are all life-saving things. He is not a professional, so he has never thought about getting an axe.
Of course, in the medical field, professional matters are still left to professional people.
The level of the Military Medical Division in China is so high that it would be better for them to make plans.
“No problem, I’ll call you when the time comes!”
After Xu Deli heard the words, he nodded. After solving the problem of funds, these are just small problems.
Then Su Yun separated from Xu Deli and left the logistics department by car.

March 29th at six in the morning.
Su Yun got up early to finish breakfast.
I believe that there are many people who get up early like him today, because today is the day of rest for some people.
After breakfast, Su Yun returned to the room, looked at the wardrobe and began to choose the right clothes.
Then Su Yun chose a black tunic suit.
For Su Yun, in fact, he didn’t wear a Chinese tunic suit very often, and many times he didn’t choose to wear a Chinese tunic suit.
It’s not that I don’t like it, but the tunic suit is too formal. Generally, people who wear a tunic suit will button up all the buttons.
Otherwise, it looks a bit condescending, but when the button on the neckline is buttoned, he feels a little uncomfortable in his neck.
In the clothing of later generations, there are many round necks or open collars, and there are very few clothes with such buttons tied to the front of the neck.
After putting on the tunic suit, Su Yun pinned a small white flower on his chest.
After standing up straight, on the left armA white cloth wrapped around it.
After preparing everything, Su Yun took a slight breath and got into the car.
“Outside the city cemetery!”
Su Yun said to the driver, the car then started.
It was already 7:30 in the morning when he arrived at the cemetery square. Su Yun looked at the crowd, shook his head slightly, and led people from the crowd to the gate.
The three old gentlemen, Shao Wen, Cheng Li, and Li Jisheng had already stood at the gate.
“Ziwen, you are a little late.”
Shao Wen looked at Su Yun and said softly, Su Yun smiled wryly and shook his head without speaking, standing beside him.
The body arrived at the pier yesterday afternoon, but it will not enter the cemetery until this morning, so there are so many people here today to watch.
Glancing at the people in the square, it was obvious that many people had tears in their eyes. Seeing this scene, Su Yun couldn’t help sighing.
There are undead in the war, but unfortunately for those parents, the son who has been raised so hard is gone.
After waiting for a while, the loud military song sounded.
“The storm rises~
Mountains and rivers move…”
Hearing this song, Su Yun’s eyes swept out of the square.
I heard the sound of low and orderly steps entering my ears, but after a while, I saw a soldier with a white cloth wrapped around his left arm, and a urn and a spiritual tablet in his arms, walking in neat steps.
The position on the square was gradually occupied by soldiers holding urns, and the surrounding soldiers raised a cordon.
At this time, Shao Wen and Cheng Li came forward. The three of them were the ones who wrote the eulogy, and the three elders presided over the tomb today.
Shao Wen’s eyes swept over them and said loudly: “Mourning the tomb of the martyrs, for the mourning of this world, one plain flower, three pillars of fragrance, mourn!”
Everyone present bowed their heads in silence when they heard the words, and after a while, Shao Wen raised his head.
“The martyr has passed away, and he has long lied in the pure land, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and benefiting the essence of all things. . . .
In those days of heroism, he was a hero in gold and iron, fighting in the south and north, and he was powerful. He was an outstanding man in life, and a ghost in death.
Entering the cemetery today, you will enjoy the incense offerings of all ages, and inherit the reputation of the ancients. ”
After the eulogy was over, a major officer stepped out of the queue and walked to the front.
Looking at the front with serious eyes, he roared: “Soldiers, your exploits will always be remembered by the motherland, and your fame will always be known to the world.
You have fulfilled your promise with your life, and the motherland will be proud of you! ”
When the voice fell, the officer seemed to be doing his best and hissed: “Soldiers! You are going home!”
As this sound fell, a sudden gust of wind swept through, and the military flag lowered to half-staff blew whistling.
I saw one soldier after another, holding the spiritual card in both hands and walking forward, step by step towards the mourning hall.
The crisp sound of footsteps seemed to reach everyone’s heart.
The loud military song lingers in everyone’s heart.
“My son!”
Suddenly, a crying mother dashed past the cordon and threw herself on a soldier.
The crying mother grabbed the spirit card with both hands, holding it tightly in her arms as if it was her treasure. Tears had already wet her cheeks and stained her clothes.
Heart-piercing voices echoed around the square over and over again.
“My son, my son~”
The heart-wrenching voice of the old mother brought tears to the eyes of countless people present.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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