I don’t know how long it took, she fainted bitterly, and the soldier who had been crying for a long time finally took the spiritual card from her arms and continued to move forward with the spiritual card.
Seeing this scene, Su Yun couldn’t stop shedding tears, turned his head and quietly wiped the tears from his cheeks, walked in front of countless people in the square, and walked in front of countless reporters.
“Where there are brothers and sisters in the family who died in the war, and children who died in the war, applicants who come to Huayin Company will be admitted first and receive favorable treatment.”
When Hua Yin fell, Su Yun left. He didn’t want to see those desperate eyes. At this moment, he thought of his parents.
I’m afraid my parents can’t find him, and even after learning of his death, the crying is so heart-wrenching! .
Chapter 97: Huayin – The Possibility of the Impossible
Su Yun got into the car and then returned to Jinling City, heading towards the company headquarters.
After returning to the company, he came to the office in a short time. He sat in the boss chair and fell into deep thought. He thought of one thing.
Then he picked up the phone on the desk and called Ding Yan.
“Ding Yan, come to the office!”
Su Yun ordered to go down, and after Ding Yan responded, he hung up the phone.
Soon there was a knock on the office door.
“Come in!”
Su Yun said, Ding Yan walked in.
Ding Yan stood in front of Su Yun.
“Who is in charge of recruiting people in the company now?”
Su Yun looked at Ding Yan and asked.
Ding Yan looked at Su Yun and said, “Boss, Sun Li is in charge of the recruitment of the company!”
Su Yun nodded and said, “Go and call Sun Li- come to the office.”
Ding Yan left after taking the order, and quickly went to inform.
After a while, the door of the office was knocked again, and after Su Yun’s permission, a young man entered.
“Boss, what’s the matter?”
Su Yun tapped the desk twice with his fingers and asked, “How is the recruitment situation?”
“Now there are some people coming, but they are not very competent and have little experience, so they have not been able to recruit suitable people yet.”
Sun Li looked at Su Yun and said, a little helpless on his face.
Perhaps in other respects, Su Yun will recruit some smart people, such as restaurant managers or something.
But the people at the company headquarters, he wants elites, let him handle company affairs.
After hearing this, Su Yun felt a little helpless. There are too few cultural people in this era.
Thinking about those companies in the future that throw college students’ resumes in the trash like waste paper, he wants to beat people up.
The pheasant college students that you dislike are all scarce talents here!
“Okay, you go down!”
Su Yun waved his hand, no one was recruited, so he could only take his time.
After Sun Li left, Su Yun sat in the boss chair and thought for a while, got up and left the office and came to the office downstairs.
The office downstairs is where the employees work, and Su Yun usually comes to see the work of the employees.
Of course, the office area for employees is not only one floor, but many floors.
For example, the sixth and fifth floors are also staff offices.
The company headquarters originally had more than 50 employees, but now there are only more than 40 people left at the company headquarters.
At that time, Su Yun had already thought about promoting some employees to manage his factories, school towns and the like.
So some people were transferred to the school management committee to manage the operation of the learning school.
Others were transferred to Lu’an and followed Du Gan to manage the industrial park.
Coming to the sixth floor, the sixth floor is very wide. Looking around, there are two independent offices on the front and back ends of the sixth floor.
One of the two offices belonged to Ding Yan, and the other belonged to Zhao Lin.
Ding Yan is a company assistant after all, so the office floor is naturally higher.
However, Su Yun’s eyes only stayed in the two offices for a while, and then looked at the middle area.
There are several office halls in the middle, all of which are where employees work, but now there are basically no people, only two or three employees are sitting there.
When several employees saw Su Yun, they sat up straight and said seriously, “Hello boss!”
Su Yun smiled and nodded in response. Although there are not many people in the company headquarters now, most of those who can stay are elites.
After looking at the sixth floor for a while, I came to the fifth floor.
There are more people in the office hall on the fifth floor, and there are voices coming from time to time, which seem to be discussing something.
There are about a dozen employees around the fifth floor, and there are many people.
Walking towards an independent office, the structure of the fifth and sixth floors is actually the same, and there are two independent offices in the front and rear.
Su Yun pushed open the door of the independent office, only to see Qian Tong sorting out the accounts at this time.
When he heard the movement at the door, he raised his head, and when he realized that it was Su Yun, he quickly stood up.
He also said anxiously: “Boss!”
“It’s okay, just do your thing!”
Su Yun waved his hand, indicating that Qian Tong didn’t need to stand up, he found a sofa at will and sat on it.
“How is the current accounting process? Are there enough manpower?”
Su Yun leaned on the sofa and looked at Qian Tong and asked, but he just asked casually.
After hearing this, Qian Tong sighed slightly and said: “Now the company is getting bigger and bigger, there are more and more factories, and there are more and more accounts. The sales, profits, material costs,
Labor costs, as well as the daily food consumption of workers outside the city, the consumption of building materials, and Lu’an, etc., there are too many places to calculate every day. ”
Su Yun heard the words in silence, thinking about it now, from the initial calculation of the restaurant, to the factory and other expenses after this, more and more.
Some time ago, I acquired and financed a lot of light industrial factories, as well as the industrial park in Lu’an. As the number of these factories increases, the accounting will increase.
After thinking about it for a while, Qian Tong continued: “Now the factory buildings built by the company have also been built.
Workers are also being recruited, just waiting for machinery and equipment. There are too many accounts every day, and more than a dozen people are a little busy. ”
After Su Yun listened to it, he looked at the busy people outside, and only then did he react.
With so many light industrial factories and the factories that he proposed to build some time ago, his industry has grown so big without noticing it.
You must know that in this age without computers, accounting is all done manually. Even those big companies in later generations have computer accounting, and there are many people in the financial department.
Su Yun didn’t speak, stood up and left Qian Tong’s office.
After walking around the entire company, the frown deepened as he looked at it.
Su Yuncai discovered that the more than 50 employees in the past are now completely insufficient.
Moreover, the management of the company is still relatively loose, and it should be formalized.
After thinking about this, Su Yun went back to his office, sat in the boss chair and thought for a while, then took out a pen and paper and started writing.
It took him nearly an hour to finally write the document. After putting down the pen, Su Yun looked at the document in his hand with satisfaction.
Then Su Yun picked up the phone on the desk and called Ding Yan.
“Ding Yan, let me know, all the staff will go to the conference hall on the top floor for a meeting!”
Su Yun instructed, but his eyes still fell on the written document.
“No problem, boss, I’ll let you know right away!”
When Ding Yan heard the words, he immediately stood up and said sternly, he realized that this meeting was not easy.
Su Yun then hung up the phone, and Ding Yan immediately went to notify all the staff.

At eleven o’clock, Su Yun sat at the top of the company’s conference hall. At present, all the employees who could be present at the company’s headquarters were there, and only Wang Qing and Liang Hui were busy outside, so they couldn’t be there.
Su Yun glanced at everyone, looked back at the document in front of him, and said, “Last year, I said that the company’s structure will be improved after the new year.
Now the company is getting bigger and bigger and more things are happening, the management of the company is a little disorganized, so today I decided to improve the companyDivision framework. ”
Hearing this, all the employees sat up involuntarily and stared at Su Yun with burning eyes. Many people were thinking in their hearts, and they didn’t know what position they would get.
Su Yun ignored them, looked at the document and continued: “The company has temporarily established 18 departments, namely the personnel department, the planning department, the finance department, and the audit department.
Legal Department, Sales Department, Technical Department, Production Department, Product Quality Management Department, After Sales Department, Human Resources Department, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Department,
Purchasing Department, Engineering Department, Public Relations Department, Marketing Department, Publicity Department, R&D Department. ”
Su Yun looked up and glanced at everyone before saying: “I will announce the appointment of the managers of each department.”
Turning a page, looking at the next page, he continued to read: “Sun Li, Manager of the Personnel Department, Liang Hui, Manager of the Planning Department, Qian Tong, Manager of the Finance Department, Wu Yi, Manager of the Audit Department, and Wu Qiong, Manager of the Legal Department,
Wang Qing, Manager of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Department, Dong Cheng, Manager of Purchasing Department, and Duan Quanyao, Manager of Propaganda Department. ”
Every time Su Yun read a name, the corresponding employee stood up.
He has paid attention to the people in the company, and currently only these people can sit in the manager’s position.
Most of the other employees are too ordinary, there is no problem in doing anything, but Su Yun feels suspended when it comes to taking charge.
Department manager, don’t say what college degree you have, but literacy and hyphenation is a must.
Not only work experience, but also literacy and hyphenation. There is no such thing as a diploma in this era.
Many people have been in private schools for a few years, or have studied in this school for a few years, or in that school for a few years, but they don’t give you any graduation certificates, so Su Yun needs to be literate and hyphenated.
Su Yun looked at everyone and said, “Each department must clarify its own responsibilities. The personnel department is responsible for the internal employee management of the company and external recruitment.
The Planning Department is responsible for planning and arranging various programs and activities.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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