The Finance Department is responsible for the company’s various accounts.
As for the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, temporarily the manpower for the farm has not been found or established. Right now it’s the farm. Now Meishan has opened a farm, and the farm in Lu’an has also begun to build, and more farms will be opened in the future.
These management work must be done well, and the breeding plan of the entire farm must also be done well. ”
Su Yun lowered his head and continued: “As for the purchasing department, there are a lot of things that need to be responsible at present, such as the daily food procurement of the restaurant, the food procurement of the company’s canteen, and the procurement of materials in the school city.
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In addition, there are other material procurements at the company headquarters and restaurants. We must grasp the quality of procurement. Even the products produced by our own factories must also grasp the quality.
The publicity department is currently mainly responsible for the company’s talent recruitment and publicity, and will be responsible for the company’s product publicity and event publicity in the future. ”
After saying so much in one breath, Su Yun raised his head and glanced at everyone, and finally continued: “In the last department that has not announced the appointment of a manager, the position of manager is temporarily vacant, and Zhao Lin is temporarily unified management.”

After the meeting was over, Ding Yan was called to his office alone.
“Send someone to inform Wang Qing, Liang Hui, Dong Cheng, Fang Mingshan and the others that they will go back to work at the company headquarters when they are done!”
Su Yun looked at Ding Yan and said.
“No problem, boss, I’ll do it after lunch!”
Ding Yan answered cheerfully and took the order to leave.
Su Yun glanced at the time, and went to the cafeteria to eat. After eating, when he returned to the office, he noticed today’s newspaper on the table at the door of the office.
I casually picked up the newspaper and glanced at it. The headline of the newspaper was: “The most humane company in the country – Huayin.”
Su Yun didn’t care that the newspapers would publicize this. Now Huayin Company is very popular.
Those newspapers also know how to catch the heat. Huayin’s benefits are good, and they will definitely promote it.
Previously, a reporter was interviewing the company’s employees, and the employees told the reporter about the company’s benefits and the company’s rules and regulations.
The newspaper used a whole newspaper to describe the benefits and rules and regulations of Huayin Company.
After Su Yun read it, there was a smile on his face. His company just happened to be short of people. As soon as the promotion came out, wouldn’t it be equivalent to giving a pillow to sleep?

In the teahouse in Jinling City, each of a group of old men held a newspaper in their hands, and they were discussing the contents of the newspaper fiercely.
And the content of the newspaper they discussed was the benefits and rules and regulations of Huayin Company.
An old man in a plain robe exclaimed: “You only need to work five days a week, and you get double salary for weekend work. This treatment is unheard of for this old man.”
“Really? You can eat meat all the time, how much skill can you have to achieve this?”
Another old man said in amazement, feeling a little incredible.
“Fake? There is such a good dormitory? Can those muddy legs live in such a dormitory?”
Some people don’t quite believe that things like the washbasin are actually used by employees?
The old man in the gray robe held the newspaper, stood up, and said solemnly: “This is from the hands of Mr. Su,
Who is Mr. Su? Need to deceive the employees below?
What’s more, there are photos in the newspaper, it is indeed the staff dormitory, and let’s take a look at what kind of newspaper this is! ”
After a group of old men heard about it, they took a deep breath.
“The employee was injured and still contracted medical expenses, and even subsidized his salary for three years after being disabled.
The old man has never heard of that businessmanTo be like Mr. Su, Mr. Su is so sympathetic to employees and vigorously organizes education is really amazing! ”
The old man in a plain robe said loudly. His hands were shaking.
Then the old man in the light-colored robe sighed: “One year’s paid leave for childbirth, this time makes the old man ashamed,
This old man has been in business for many years, and he asked himself that he couldn’t achieve such a level as Mr. Su, how bold and arrogant this must be, the old man is ashamed! ”
“The treatment of employees in various aspects is planned from young to old, and everything is settled.
How many people are there in the world, can anyone be like Mr. Su? ”
Many of them could not help but start to sigh.
Someone said: “Mr. Su is not rare in the world now, he is the only one in the world. Words are too scarce to describe what Mr. Su has done.”
Another humane said: “Huayin really treats its employees as people, not as money-making machines. It’s really amazing.”
“Everyone, please see, among the newly recruited employees of Mr. Su, many of them come from the slums.”
After saying this sentence, the teahouse began to be restless.

Diao Li returned to Jinling after working outside, and was walking on the street when he heard the sound of newspapers being sold.
“Selling newspapers! Selling newspapers! Huayin Company is openly recruiting employees.”
A newsboy is walking down the street with a newspaper.
Diao Li immediately trotted over and grabbed the newsboy’s hand. He excitedly looked at the newspaper in the newsboy’s hand.
“Give me one!”
After Diao Li grabbed the newspaper, he began to rummage for the money on his body.
Although newspapers are not cheap, Diao Li can’t care about the money anymore. After giving the money to the newsboy, he started to read it.
After a while, his face was overjoyed.
Chapter 98: The collapse of adults, just for a moment
After reading the newspaper, Diao Li carefully folded it, put it in his pocket, and ran back to Zhou Xian’s mansion.
Diao Li came to Zhou Xian and reported, “Master, the matter in Hangzhou is settled!”
At this time, Zhou Xian was sitting in the hall with his eyes closed, and after hearing the sound, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at Diao Li.
Zhou Xian nodded, then took out a piece of ocean and threw it to Diao Li, and said lightly: “You have worked hard, this is your reward!”
“Thank you sir!”
After Diao Li caught the piece of ocean, he was grateful, and then he looked at Zhou Xian’s face again.
He then cautiously continued: “Old…Master, I still need a piece of ocean, and I used a piece of ocean during this period of time in Hangzhou.”
Zhou Xian just gave a piece of ocean reward, and now he is withdrawing money again. Diao Lisheng is afraid that Zhou Xian will be angered if he is not careful.
as predicted!
When Zhou Xian heard this, he immediately sat up straight and glared at Diao Li.
“It takes a lot of money to spend a piece of ocean in half a month. If you spend like this, I can’t bear it, sir.”
Zhou Xian reprimanded that he gave five or six oceans to these employees in a month.
It’s better now, it actually cost a big ocean to go out, how could he not be angry.
But in the end, he still took out a piece of ocean from his pocket and threw it to Diao Li.
“Next time, you can do it yourself!”
Zhou Xian said, his voice became a lot colder.
Diao Li caught the ocean thrown over, holding two pieces of ocean tightly in his hands, his body trembling slightly.
In his mind unconsciously flashed bits and pieces of Huayin’s welfare.
Other people’s employees easily earn more than 20 yuan per month, and they have double wages during holidays.
What about “Seven Seven Seven” himself?
I was exhausted and ran outside for half a month, and I had to be scolded for spending a piece of ocean.
Why should he be so angry?
His hand accidentally touched the newspaper in his pocket, and he recalled that Huayin Company was recruiting employees.
Holding his pocket, he thought about Huayin Company in his heart, and then looked at Zhou Xian in front of him, feeling only one sky and one underground in his heart.
Diao Li said to Zhou Xian almost immediately: “Master, I want to take a day off, and I have some health problems in Hangzhou!”
He was sick, he was suffering from a heart disease, the thoughts in his heart were getting stronger and stronger, and he could not wait to leave immediately.
This Zhou Mansion is probably not a place for him. He has been here for so many years, and he has done his best.
He wants to join Huayin Company, this idea is very strong.
“Yes, but the wages for taking leave are gone!”
Zhou Xian nodded when he heard the words, and said lightly, not caring at all on his face.
“I see!”
After Diao Li finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of Zhou Xian’s mansion, almost without looking back, and went straight to the headquarters of Huayin Company.
He doesn’t care about one day’s wages, as long as he can be admitted by Huayin Company, what kind of salary is Zhou Xian’s salary.
He trotted all the way to the headquarters of Huayin Company, for fear of wasting a little time.
By the time he arrived at the place, it was already half past three in the afternoon.
At this time, the company headquarters was already crowded with people.
Diao Li looked at the long dragons one after another with a little helplessness on his face. At the same time, he found that many people were holding a newspaper in their hands.
I am afraid that these people have read the newspaper to apply for the job, which makes Diao Li feel a little urgent, and he does not know whether he will be admitted.
And at the same time, there are still a steady stream of people coming around, and their faces are all excited.
Diao Li even saw a few more familiar faces among these people coming and going, but now is not the time to care about them.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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