Since all came, he didn’t mind so much, and lined up in the back.
Diao LiAfter queuing for a while, Changlong started to move, and he also took two steps forward.
At this moment, a curious male voice sounded from the team next to him.
Diao Li also looked over curiously, and found two acquaintances.
One of the young people in front of him was named Hu San and the other was named Wang Tiedan. Both of them, like Diao Li, were employees of Zhou Xian.
The three of you look at me, I look at you, and after a long silence, several people have smiles on their faces.
Diao Li looked at them and asked, “Does the boss know about your application here?”
“How could I tell him about this? I came here to apply for a job this afternoon when I had nothing to do.”
Hu San lowered his voice and said with a strange look on his face, both of them sneaked out to try their luck.
Then he looked at Diao Li and asked in a low voice, “Did you tell the boss?”
“No, but you can’t tell the boss about this first. If the application is successful, then tell the boss Zhou.”
Diao Li also lowered his voice and said that the reason why he asked for leave was precisely for this reason.
After Hu San and Wang Tiedan heard it, they agreed.
The benefits of Huayin Company are very good, and they are also recruiting in the newspapers. There are so many people coming, maybe they have no chance yet, it is better to have an insurance point.
The three lined up for more than an hour, and at about 5:10, it was finally Diao Li’s turn.
Diao Li watched the person in front of him leave, and when it was his turn, he felt a little excited.
The employee in charge of recruiting raised his head to look at Diao Li and was stunned for a moment. He seemed to have seen this face somewhere.
After thinking for a few seconds, he said, “Aren’t you Boss Zhou’s subordinate?”
Diao Li smiled awkwardly when he heard the words, but did not speak.
The employees of Huayin Company understood instantly, and then registered Diao Li,
After the simple registration, the company employee asked, “Can you read? Can you write?”
“I went to a private school for a few years when I was young, and I can write.”
Diao Li said immediately, staring at the watch in the hands of the company’s employees.
“Go to the 104 office on the first floor to fill in your work experience, and then hand it over to Sun Li, the personnel manager of the 105 office.”
The employee nodded and said, and then handed the registration form to Diao Li.
Diao Li took the registration form and came to the 104 office with nervousness and excitement.
When he entered 104, he found that there were many acquaintances in this office.
Even if it is not an employee of Zhou Xian, it is also the subordinate of other bosses in Jinling City.
When everyone saw Diao Li coming in, they suddenly smiled knowingly. Everyone had a tacit understanding and did not speak, but filled out the form on their own.
In this office, only those with rich work experience and literacy can write here.
Others registered outside, then interviewed, and came over the day after tomorrow to see the results.
What they wrote, whether they can be hired or not, will soon know the result.
Diao Li took a piece of paper and a pen from the table. After he took a deep breath, he began to write.

Forty minutes later, Diao Li finally finished writing. He took the paper with confidence and came to the 105 office.
After Diao Li came in, he found that there were not many people in this office.
He saw Sun Li, the manager of the personnel department, sitting in the middle of the desk, with two employees sitting on the left and right.
After Diao Li handed Sun Li what he wrote and the registration form, he stood there and waited quietly.
Sun Li recognized Diao Li, because during the visit, Diao Li was the first to ask questions, and it was difficult not to have an impression of him, but he still followed the normal employee recruitment process.
After Sun Li took it, he began to look at it. He acted very casually, but the more he looked at him, the more serious his face became.
Sun Li frowned slightly, grabbed two pieces of paper, sat up straight, and looked carefully.
After watching it for about three minutes, he finished reading the content, and then raised his head to look at Diao Li.
Sun Li asked, “Have you really been to Guangzhou, Nanchang, Wuhan, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Changzhou, Zhenjiang, Peiping, Jinan, etc.?”
It is not easy for people who have been to so many places, not to mention that Diao Li has more than these experiences.
You know, in this era, there are no high-speed rails and no planes flying all over the sky.
You said you want to go from Peiping to Shanghai, and let future generations take a plane, and you will arrive in two and a half hours.
Now you can only take the train to Pukou, then take the boat to Jinling, and finally take the train bound for Shanghai in Jinling.
So in the case of such inconvenient transportation, he has been to these big cities, and the experience is not simple.
Diao Li was a little embarrassed when he heard this, lowered his head and said softly, “I’ve been to these places!”
Looking at the paper in his hand, Sun Li asked, “Have you ever run a factory or purchased industrial raw materials?”
He found that he had underestimated Diao Li, the Diao Li in front of him was incredible, and his work experience was not ordinary.
Diao Li replied, a little nervous.
Sun Li nodded when he heard the words, and then asked: “From what you wrote, it seems that you have dealt with people from all walks of life, is it true?”
“Yes, I have been to many places with Boss Zhou before and dealt with many people.”
Diao Li said, there seemed to be some memories on his face.
After hearing this, Sun Li nodded. He was basically certain that Diao Li should not lie.
Then he asked again, “Have you only been to a private school for a few years?”
Sun Li felt that being able to write these words did not seem like he had only attended a private school for a few years.
“Yes, but I know all these words, and I learned a lot after I came out……”
Diao Li said that the words he recognizes are actually quite good.Many.
Sun Li nodded again, looked at Diao Li, and said with a smile: “Congratulations, you have been accepted by Huayin Company, but your specific position needs to be decided by President Su.
It’s six o’clock now, you can go to the company cafeteria for dinner now, and tomorrow morning, you will go to the company’s personnel department to measure your body,
In the afternoon, the quilt factory will deliver your work clothes. In addition, someone from the personnel department will take you to the hospital for a physical examination tomorrow afternoon, and you will officially go to work at 9:00 the next morning.
If you want to live in the company’s staff dormitory, you can move in directly later. The management office on the first floor of the staff dormitory is prepared to have a quilt. ”
Sun Li told Diao Li some precautions when he joined the job, and because Diao Li was special, it was not easy for him to directly arrange a job for him.
Diao Li is not only special in his work experience, but also in his identity. Sun Li thinks it is better to leave these matters to Su Yun.
“I got accepted! Really got accepted! Great!”
Diao Li jumped up happily after hearing this, with a smile on his face.
He smiled and laughed, tears streaming from his eyes, and finally crouched down on the ground and cried, piercing his heart.
He came in, he finally came to Huayin Company.
Sun Li looked at Diao Li, shook his head with a smile, stood up, walked towards Diao Li, and helped him up.
He cried and said: “I finally entered Huayin Company, it was too hard for Zhou Xian, I was on a business trip for more than half a month,
I didn’t even dare to eat meat, and I lived in the worst place. In this way, I spent a lot of money and was scolded. ”
He is so hard!
He knew that all employees of Huayin Company could be reimbursed for their travel expenses.
And how many times is Huayin’s employee’s budget for business trips?
People travel the best to live, eat the best, and even have travel expenses. For half a month’s business trip, others don’t talk about a few dollars, and dozens of dollars are less.
He traveled for half a month, in order to save money, not to mention eating meat. A lot of times it is just to spend a copper dollar to buy several pancakes to get by.
Food and lodging are the worst, and even after arriving on the ground, all work depends on running on both feet.
However, he was still scolded, and he had to be scolded.
What did he do wrong, and why should he be so angry? His grievances erupted all of a sudden after he was admitted by Huayin Company.
Thinking of this, Diao Li cried even more.
He cried: “Usually it’s only five or six dollars a month, and at night I can only squeeze into a big shop with others. It’s cold in winter and hot in summer. Now I’ve finally come to Huayin Company.”
Diao Li felt that it was too difficult for him.
He was angry with Zhou Xian every day and was not seen as a human being.
He received a tiny salary every day and worked for two or three people, and no one understood him.
Sleeping in Datongpu every year, a bunch of people are crowded together, when it’s cold in winter, you can’t even bake on fire, no money! Coal, firewood, can he use it? Zhou Xian doesn’t care about his 4.2.
“Don’t worry in the future. In Huayin Company, as long as you work hard, you can’t live so hard.”
After hearing this, Sun Li was deeply sympathetic and comforted, and at the same time patted Diao Li lightly, he knew what the boss outside was like.
Diao Li nodded, stopped his tears, and choked: “Why does the company still need a medical examination? Is it because the company is not in good health that the company won’t ask for it?”
He was worried that if something went wrong with his body, Huayin Company would not want him.
Sun Li shook his head slightly and told Diao Lidao: “This is Mr. Su’s consideration for the health of the employees,
Only the admitted employees will go to the physical examination. If they are not in good health, the company will give additional subsidies to restore their health. ”
“Nurture your body?”
When Diao Li heard it, he was stunned. He knew that Huayin Company was good for employees, but he never thought that Huayin Company would do the same to new employees.
He just came today and was just admitted. Huayin Company gave him a physical examination, and even gave him additional subsidies for recuperation if there was a problem.
This is impossible under Zhou Xian’s hands.
Not to mention medical examinations for employees. Even if there is something wrong with his body when he is hired, he can quit it on the spot. How could he possibly give money for recuperation?
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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