Diao Li remembered what Zhou Xian said when he asked for leave for a medical examination.
He was still on sick leave, and he just showed that he was not feeling well. Zhou Xian didn’t care whether he was in bad health at all, he only cared about his salary after taking leave.
Zhou Xian only cared about his salary for taking leave, and he didn’t care about his life or death.
Where does Zhou Xian see himself as a human being, he doesn’t care about the life and death of his employees at all, I am afraid that after his death, Zhou Xian will feel bad.
Chapter 99: Diao Li’s Ambition
Sun Li took out two cards and handed them over to Diao Lidao: “Only with this meal card, can you eat in the company’s canteen, otherwise the canteen staff won’t give you a meal,
This employee card is also a dormitory card, go to the dormitory administrator and he will assign you a room. ”
Diao Li looked at the two cards handed over, feeling a little dazed and unreal. He carefully stretched out his hand and touched the two cards.
It is real, and he really came to Huayin Company, which he dreamed of.
After he took the two cards, he looked at each card carefully, and imprinted the pattern and text on it in his mind bit by bit.
His heart was agitated.
Sun Li looked at him, smiled, and told him: “The meal card must be kept well, and you will have to rely on the meal card to eat in the cafeteria in the future.”
Diao Li nodded heavily.

Diao Li took the meal card to the canteen, and on the way he putThe card was gripped tightly, for fear that it would fall off.
After coming to the cafeteria, take a plate at the door and come to the dining window.
He glanced at it and was stunned for a moment. He raised his head and glanced at the window again, thinking he had gone the wrong way.
The food in the window in front of him was much richer than the last time he visited.
He looked at an employee who was cooking and asked, “Uncle, when I visited last time I wasn’t so rich, how has it become so rich now?”
Hearing this, the employee looked at him in amazement.
“I’ve come to visit before.”
Diao Li immediately explained
Only then did the uncle who made the meal react, looked at Diao Li and said, “The company’s cafeteria has recruited chefs from other cuisines.
So now the food is much richer than last time. ”
Diao Li was almost dazzled when he looked at the dishes.
For chicken alone, he has seen more than ten ways to do it.
White-cut chicken, spicy chicken, saliva chicken, three-cup chicken, braised chicken, shiitake mushrooms, shredded chicken, etc.
And lettuce, for the first time he knew that a vegetarian dish could do so much.
Garlic lettuce, minced meat lettuce, stir-fried lettuce, soy lettuce, cold lettuce, etc.
For a time, he was completely stunned, not knowing what dishes to choose.
The uncle who was cooking saw him like this and smiled. Every new employee who came to the company was like this.
“I want a pig’s trotter and a duck leg!”
Diao Li thought for a while and said.
When he thought about his work under Zhou Xian, it was too difficult to eat a piece of meat.
It can only be eaten by a group of people at a dinner party. At that time, it is not bad to be able to grab one or two thin slices of meat.
Now he can have a pig’s trotter and a duck leg, which is very satisfying for him.
He has never enjoyed such treatment.
Just looking at so much meat, his heart was a little restless.
In the end, he dared to look at the uncle and asked, “Can I eat all meat?”
When it comes to the end, the sound is getting smaller and smaller, almost like a mosquito.
“As long as you finish eating, the company canteen is open for supply, but one thing is, food is not allowed to be wasted, otherwise you will be on the blacklist for a month.”
The uncle who made the meal said with a smile.
Diao Li couldn’t believe it and said excitedly. The words almost blurted out.
But when he heard the blacklist, he shrank his neck again and whispered, “What happens if I get on the blacklist?”
He finally came in, but he didn’t dare to do anything.
The uncle explained: “The meal is limited for the next month.”
“I will definitely eat it all, even if I die, I won’t waste it!”
Diao Li was excited when he heard it.
Then Diao Li asked for two more spoonfuls of beef and a chicken wing, and was ready to leave when he was satisfied.
The uncle immediately reminded: “There are egg soup, broth, and vegetable soup next to it.”
Diao Li then picked up another small bowl, beat a bowl of egg soup, and went to a dining table to gobble it up.
He was so hungry.
He ate a cake on the way back to Jinling today at noon, and then walked all the way back, his physical exertion was very heavy.
Diao Li’s mouth was full of food, causing some employees to look at him amused.
Hearing the laughter, Diao Li raised his head and looked around. Many people looked at him with kind smiles, which made him a little embarrassed.
“I’ve never eaten such a hearty meal.”
Diao Li said that it felt too embarrassing, like a bumpkin who had never seen the world.
“It’s okay, brother, it was the same when we first came to the company!”
One employee said with a smile, saying there were memories on his face.
When Diao Li heard the words, he didn’t speak, but continued to feast on the food. The food here is really delicious.
After eating, he touched his stomach.
Feeling that he could still eat, he looked eagerly at the window for the meal, and after standing up, he was a little embarrassed to ask for it.
When he was doing it under Zhou Xian, it was good to have a good meal every time, but was he still full?
If you want to be full, you can pay more money. His monthly salary is just that much. If you want to be full, it may not be enough to put all the wages in it.
So it’s not that he doesn’t want to, but he doesn’t dare.
At this moment, the employee who was speaking to him looked at him with a look of refusal and welcome, and couldn’t help laughing: “If you want to eat, go over and continue to fight,
Our Huayin Company does not have those messy regulations. As long as you don’t waste it, you can eat as much as you want. ”
“Is it really possible?”
Diao Li couldn’t believe it, could Huayin really feed him instead of deducting his money?
He had never been treated so favorably before, and it was nothing to be hungry under Zhou Xian, he was used to it.
All kinds of strict regulations made him almost breathless, and now he can open his stomach and eat at ease, without worrying about those rules and regulations.
The employee looked at him, smiled, got up and turned around and said, “Look, I’ve become fat in the past few months when I came to Huayin Company. I used to be skinny.”
When Diao Li heard the words, he looked at himself and then at others. It was true that people who looked white and tender had flesh on their bodies.
I was skinny and skinny, and I felt panicky when I touched it.
However, Diao Li was still a little embarrassed.
After taking two steps, he carefully looked at the dining window again.
The employee didn’t talk nonsense, and directly grabbed Diao Li’s plate.
He smiled and said, “What’s so embarrassing about eating, you eat a lot and cook a lot,
This is our President Su’s famous saying. President Su is not afraid of you eating, just afraid that you will not eat. ”
It was only at this time that Diao Li felt relieved and followed.
This time he asked for a little haggis and chicken haggis, then went to make another bowl of rice, poured it in the broth, and sat down to eat.
After Diao Li finished eating, he hiccupped and leaned back slightly.Touching his stomach, he felt like he was holding on.
After a while, he raised his head and looked around the cafeteria, and found that there was no one there.
At this time, the uncle who was cooking just now also came out to eat with the food.
He looked at Diao Li and asked with a smile, “You were only admitted today?”
“Yes, how do you know?”
The uncle who was cooking went on to say: “This morning, not many people have come to apply for the job.
The company was about to burst in the afternoon. According to the company’s rules and regulations, only people with rich work experience,
They will be admitted on the same day and issued a meal card to eat in the cafeteria. Everyone else had to come every other day to see the results. ”
Diao Li nodded in response when he heard the words, his face was a little stunned. Turns out there is a rule here.
The uncle looked at Diao Li and asked with a smile, “You can’t live in the staff dormitory?”
“Stay, we’ll be moving later.”
Diao Li nodded and said, he will come home after picking up his luggage, and he should be able to catch up.
The uncle who was doing the dishes smiled and told him: “It’s night now, you are going to the personnel department now, it is estimated that you are still busy recruiting,
You go to Manager Sun Li, and he will arrange the company’s minibus to pick you up and help you move. ”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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