After hearing this, Diao Li was incredulous. Even if he came to Huayin Company, he would not dare to hope that he would be treated so favorably one day.
Even if you move a house and give it to the arranger, you can also arrange a passenger car?
He can’t even think about it!
Let alone a small passenger car before, he felt that even if someone helped him unload things, it was already a 12-point preferential treatment for him.
He remembered that when he joined Zhou Xian, he took some clothes and walked on his feet for a long time before returning to the place where he lived.
When he went back, the lights were dark around him, and he came home in the dark.
Let Zhou Xian send someone to deliver it? He didn’t even dare to think about it. Zhou Xian didn’t tell him to hurry up, he probably had to kowtow to Zhou Xian.
Now that I have come to Huayin Company, it doesn’t matter if someone helps me move, there is actually a minibus to pick up and drop off.
He couldn’t believe his ears!
The uncle who was cooking looked at his expression and nodded with a smile.
Then Diao Li left the cafeteria, came to the front headquarters building, and found Sun Li.
Diao Li said in a low voice, “Manager Sun, I want to move into the staff dormitory today, and I have to go home to get something.”
When he said these words, he was very nervous.
“Okay, come with me!”
Sun Li said with a smile, and then the two came to the 109 office.
All the drivers of the company are here, because the recruitment is too busy today.
Most of the drivers stayed here to work overtime, and some of the other drivers went to the restaurant to pick up the employees.
After Sun Li glanced at it, he called a driver casually and said, “Diao Li, a new employee, is moving out of the house, will you pick him up?”
“Okay, no problem, Manager Sun!”
When the driver heard this, he stood up and walked out, while Diao Lize followed behind the driver.
Until the two left the company headquarters and came to the parking lot behind the company headquarters, Diao Li was still stunned.
He still feels unreal, is this the end?
There is really a car to pick up and drop off. You must know that the number of times he takes the car is very small. Usually, even if it is a rickshaw, he is reluctant to take it. It is all money!
Simply incredible.
At this moment, the driver asked, “How much do you have?”
However, Diao Li was still immersed in shock. He saw the black cars and buses parked in the parking lot, and he couldn’t help himself.
The driver turned around and saw Diao Li’s expression, but he was not impatient.
Instead, he walked up to him and asked, “Do you have a lot of stuff?”
“Ah… oh! It’s nothing, just some clothes, and a few small things, nothing else.”
Diao Li just woke up at this moment and replied quickly.
The driver heard the words and walked to the side, opened the door of the car and sat in.
Diao Li also immediately sat in.
On the way, Diao Li asked, “I want to go to Zhou Xian’s mansion first, can you take me there?”
Since he has been accepted by Huayin Company, some things must be resolved.
“Small idea!”
The driver replied, and then drove to the 777th mansion of Zhouxian Mansion.
After Diao Li got out of the car, he trotted into the mansion, not wanting to waste any time.
At this time, Zhou Xian was sitting in the hall.
When he saw Diao Li, his brows were slightly wrinkled, but he quickly regained his composure and said lightly, “What are you doing here?”
Diao Li looked at Zhou Xian, gathered up his courage, and said word by word, “Boss, I want to resign!”
He didn’t even call him Master anymore, but changed his name to Boss.
Zhou Xian’s brows deepened when he heard the words, and he asked, “Why? I treat you well. Your salary is five or six yuan a month.
From time to time, some rewards are given, and you have an income of seven or eight yuan a month. What are you dissatisfied with? ”
He didn’t think he had anything bad about Diao Li.
“It’s too hard to be here. I’m here just to inform the boss, not for your consent.”
Diao Li shook his head slightly and looked at Zhou Xian with a firm gaze. From the moment he joined Huayin Company, he had already made a decision.
“If you dare to resign, the rest of your salary will not be paid!”
Zhou Xian said lightly, his face turned cold, how dare a servant dare to shake his face?
“I don’t want it anymore! I have been accepted by Huayin Company!”
Diao Li stood up straight when he heard the words, and said loudly, he had the confidence to say this sentence.
If it were normal, it would be several oceans, ZhouEven if Xian asked him to kneel, he had to agree.
But it’s different now, he doesn’t want to stay here any longer.
Zhou Xian opened his mouth when he heard the words, not knowing what to say.
Diao Li didn’t say anything, just turned around and left.
Zhou Xian saw that Diao Li was about to leave, and frowned, he said, “Wait, I’ll pay you this month’s salary.”
After Zhou Xian gave him a deep look, he took out six pieces of ocean and handed it to Diao Li.
Diao Li took it and left, then got in a car and came to his place.
That’s the slum in the southwest of the city, where the shanty towns are.
After Diao Li got out of the car, he looked at the continuous shanty towns and was filled with emotion.
He had lived in the slum for so many years, and he did not expect that he would leave here one day.
Diao Li stood there and watched for a long time, and finally said slowly, “Finally, I’m leaving!”
Then he returned to his home.
Hu San and Wang Tiedan lived with him, so he still had their clothes in his house.
Diao Li looked at it, the tattered quilt was no longer needed.
Some of the tattered clothes were also discarded, and in the end, I took two clothes that were passable.
After a brief tidying up, he picked up a small wooden box and walked out of the shack.
When I was going out, I happened to meet Hu San and Wang Tiedan.
Chapter 100: What is the gap? That’s called the gap!
Diao Li looked very happy with bright smiles on his face when he saw Hu San and Wang Tiedan approaching each other.
When Hu San and Wang Tiedan saw Diao Li, they were a little puzzled, and they stepped forward and asked, “What are you doing with the things?”
“I will never live in this shabby shack from now on. I am going to live in the staff dormitory of Huayin Company.”
Diao Li lifted the small wooden box and said aloud, with a firm look on his face, he will never come back in this life.
Hu San asked curiously, “Have you been accepted by the company?”
As soon as he said this, Diao Li had a smile on his face and replied with a smile, “Yes!”
After speaking, Diao Li looked at them and asked with a smile, “Have you been admitted?”
“I was accepted. The company asked us to go to the company tomorrow morning to measure our height and body circumference, and to have a physical examination in the afternoon. Then we can move to the dormitory tomorrow.”
The two said with a smile, their faces full of anticipation. They finally joined Huayin Company.
But after they finished speaking, they both asked suspiciously, “Why did you move in tonight? Can’t you move in tomorrow?”
“I received a notice that I can move tonight! The company also sent a car to pick you up.”
Diao Li said with a smile, he didn’t think so much.
As soon as the two heard it, they looked at each other, and immediately felt that the gap was huge.
They were admitted on the same day as Diao Li, and they even went to Huayin Company to line up earlier than Diao Li.
How can Diaoli be able to move ahead? They have to wait until tomorrow.
After thinking about it, the two said, “We also want to move tonight!”
They felt that their own and Diao Li’s conditions should be similar, and they could not move tonight.
“I can’t decide!”
Diao Li heard the words and shook his head.
Hu San and Wang Tiedan looked at each other again, and both wanted to go to the company to ask if they could move tonight.
Diao Li glanced at their faces and seemed to have guessed something.
He opened his mouth and told the two of them, “If you go to the company, you can ask the driver outside if they are willing to take you two to the company headquarters.”
The two nodded when they heard the words, and then Diao Li took the things and brought the two to the front of the car.
Hu San and Wang Tiedan quickly came to the driver and asked, “Can you take us to the company headquarters?”
They were really envious, if it wasn’t for being told that they would not be able to move until tomorrow, they wouldn’t have to sleep in the shack for another night.
Since they were admitted by Huayin Company, they didn’t want to stay in the shack for a moment.
The driver looked at them and said.
“Well, I was admitted!”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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