The two nodded.
“Okay, get in the car!”
The driver heard the words, nodded, and said casually, in his opinion, these are nothing.
After the three got into the car, the car drove towards the company headquarters.
On the way, the two asked the driver, “Why are we so different from him? We need to move tomorrow.”
They were very curious as to why they were inferior to Diao Li.
It stands to reason that the three of them are similar, and they are all employees who used to work under Zhou Xian.
The driver heard the words, smiled, and turned his head.
He glanced at Diao Li, then turned to continue to look at Lu, and asked, “Are you literate and experienced in work?”
Then the driver asked about Hu San and Wang Tiedan: “How about you, can you read and hyphenate?”
When the two heard it, they were a little embarrassed and whispered: “We have been working for so many years, and we can recognize a few words, but we have absolutely rich experience in work.”
After listening, the driver smiled and said: “In today’s society, there are many people with rich work experience, but not many people who can read and hyphenate.
You only recognize a few words, and no one must be treated like this. In the future in the company, if you want to be promoted to be a department manager, team leader, or a leader, you must be able to read and hyphenate words.
You two have rich work experience, but you are illiterate. From now on, you will follow orders~¨. ”
When the two heard it, they both opened their mouths, unable to speak, and could not refute for a while.
They also finally wanted to understand the gap between themselves and Diao Li. And they also heard a very important news.
That is, in the future, Diao Li may be able to go further.go further than they do.
The eyes they looked at Diao Li changed, and they became more and more envious.
Then the car came to the company headquarters. After the three got out of the car, they came to the office on the first floor. They found Sun Li.
“Manager Sun, we want to live in the staff dormitory tonight, can we?”
Hu San and Wang Tiedan asked with embarrassment on their faces. After they knew the gap between themselves and Diao Li, they did not dare to make excessive demands.
Sun Li raised his head and glanced at them, and then at Diao Li who was following behind them.
Sun Li thought for a while, then looked at Diao Li and asked, “Do you all know each other?”
Diao Li replied, “I used to work at Zhou Xian’s place!”
“Then stay in tonight!”
After Sun Li pondered for a while, he made up his mind immediately, then stood up and took them to another driver.
“Send the two of them home to carry things.”
After Sun Li gave the order, Hu San and Wang Tiedan followed the driver and left the company headquarters.
As for Diao Lize, he was escorted to the staff dormitory by the driver just now, and did not stop until downstairs in Building 1.
Diao Li got out of the car with his belongings. When he found that there were many rooms in Building 2 with lights on, his face was a little puzzled.
He came to the driver and asked, “Are there so many people in the company living in the staff dormitory now? There are even people living in Building 2!”
He felt that when he came to visit, there were still many vacant places in the staff dormitory.
Hearing this, the driver raised his head to look at it, and then said with a smile: “Some couples work in Huayin Company,
The company will assign them a separate small room, called the couple’s room, and the entire Building 2 is a couple’s room. ”
Huayin Company is very humane. Considering the family of the employees, it does not force the husband and wife to separate into different dormitories.
Diao Li opened his mouth when he heard the words, and was a little speechless in shock. The small wooden box in his hand fell to the ground.
Couples room?
Simply unheard of!
He didn’t expect Huayin to be so humane. Even after getting married, the staff’s residences were arranged clearly.
If this is under Zhou Xian, Zhou Xiancai doesn’t care whether you are married or not, how to live or how to live, don’t you want to live in Datong? Go and rent it yourself.
Moreover, the Chase Shop is not free, and it also costs money. If the husband and wife are both employees, let alone living together, living separately and paying double the money.
Separate accommodation for couples? Just a daydream.
As a result, when they arrived at Huayin Company, it was no problem to wrap them up, and they even arranged separate accommodation for the couple.
Diao Li didn’t know how to describe his mood.
After an unknown amount of time, he recovered.
Diao Li secretly decided in his heart that even if he was a bull and a horse, he would create better profits for Huayin Company.
Then he took his luggage and came to the management office on the first floor. He took his employee card out of his pocket and carefully handed it to the administrator.
After the administrator read it, he gave the employee card to Diao Li.

Then the administrator registered Diao Li, including his name, position, and when he joined the company.
After the registration, the administrator looked again, then took out a key and a card and handed it to Diao Li.
The administrator told Diao Lidao: “You live in dormitory 201 on the second floor now, look after the key, don’t lose it.”
Diao Li took the key and card, feeling a little excited.
He finally lived in the staff dormitory of Huayin Company and had his own residence.
“I’ll take you to get some daily necessities.”
The administrator then stood up and said with a smile.
He seemed to have thought of something, looked at Diao Li, and reminded: “It’s free.”
Then the two left the management office together, and Diao Li followed him to a small house next to Building 1, which was the storage room of Building 1.
The administrator took a quilt, a towel, a toothbrush, a water cup, and a washbasin for Diao Li.
The two walked out of the storage room. Diao Li saw that the lights in the rooms on the first floor were not on, and asked curiously, “The first floor is not fully occupied, why did you start to arrange it upstairs?”
The administrator explained with a smile: “There are many elderly cleaners in the company’s cafeteria, gym, and restaurant.
They are of a certain age, and it is convenient to live on the first floor. It is for the elderly. It was ordered by President Su himself. Young people don’t want to live on the first floor. ”
Diao Li nodded when he heard the words, a look of surprise on his face.
Huayin Company is so kind to its employees, he has seen it before.
But when he really got into it, he realized that what he saw was just the tip of the iceberg.
From husband and wife employees to elderly employees, there are corresponding arrangements, which are meticulous.
He remembered that when he was under Zhou Xian before, he had been responsible for dismissing elderly employees.
To put it nicely, it’s called severance, and to say it badly is to let them go.
The hands and feet are not easy, all the elderly have to go, and some of the money has been deducted in half.
Before he knew it, Diao Li took the elevator to the second floor with his things.
At the door of 201’s dormitory, Diao Li opened the door of the dormitory with a key.
He was stunned when he saw the people inside.
The person in front of him is actually Wu Si, which logically shouldn’t be!
Wu Si looked at Diao Li for a moment, then asked with a smile, “‘ ‘Have you been hired successfully?”
Diao Li was a little embarrassed. After all, when they met before, he was still Zhou Xian’s subordinate. Now, in the blink of an eye, the two of them became roommates.
Wu Si heard the words, looked at Diao Li, and said with a smile, “Lay the quilt first.”
Diao stand asideWhile making the bed, he asked Wu Sidao, “Isn’t this place full before? Why are you alone now?”
It was strange when he came in. When he visited last time, Wu Si had other roommates. Why are they all gone now?
“The wives of several other people have also come to work in Huayin Company, working as dishwashers and cleaners in the restaurant.
So they were assigned to the couple’s single room. Now I’m the only one left to live here. ”
Wu Si said with a smile when he heard the words, his face was a little helpless, and he couldn’t blame him.
Diao Li smiled after hearing this, but didn’t speak. He remembered that he didn’t seem to be married either.
After he made the bed, Diao Li got out of the bed, opened the closet, and put in his two clothes that were still visible.
However, at this moment, he saw a small sign, put his hand on the wardrobe, and was stunned.
He could recognize the two words, and the nameplate was pinned to the chest of a work uniform, and then hung casually beside the bed.
The bed is from Wu Si!
Diao Li looked at Wu Si and asked, “Have you been promoted to manager?”
He couldn’t believe it, how long has it been since the last visit, is it fake?
“Yes, I was promoted by President Su to be the manager of Xinyue Restaurant some time ago!”
Wu Si said with a smile.
Diao Li heard the words and looked at the room, and finally looked at Wu Si and asked, “As a manager, you also live with ordinary employees like us (Zhao Zhaozhao)?”
After all, the manager’s identity is different in his opinion. He manages a group of people and needs to live with them?
“The employees of Huayin Company, after being promoted, can be assigned to a small single room from the head of the department.
It’s just that I’m used to living with everyone, so I didn’t move. ”
Wu Si shook his head slightly and explained with a smile, these are all optional, and the company will not force them to live like this.
When Diao Li heard this, he looked envious. He secretly made up his mind that he must work hard and strive for promotion and salary increase in the future.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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