After Diao Li sorted everything out, the door was opened again.
At this time, two people came in with a smile, holding daily necessities.
When they came in, Diao Li in the dormitory was stunned for a moment, and the two of them were equally stunned.
The two people in front of them were naturally Hu San and Wang Tiedan. They never thought they would be assigned together.
The last three looked at each other and smiled.
“You know each other?”
Wu Si looked at their appearance and asked curiously.
Diao Li explained with a smile: “I know, the people who worked together in the past were all under Zhou Xian’s hands!”
“You should have come a long time ago!”
Wu Si heard the words and said with a smile, he naturally knew what kind of environment Zhou Xian was like.
Hearing this, Hu San couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “Brother, what you said is right, it’s long overdue to come here.
We’ve had a terrible time in the past! There, I couldn’t eat enough, and I couldn’t sleep well.
A few days ago because I broke something, I lost half a month’s wages.
If it weren’t for Huayin’s recruitment, I don’t even know how I would survive. ”
As he spoke, the grievances in Hu San’s heart came up, and tears flowed vigorously.
Chapter 101: The Real Big Brother Appears
At nine o’clock in the evening, Diao Li and the others had already settled down, and the lights were still on in the office on the top floor of Huayin’s headquarters building.
Su Yun was looking at some people’s information in the office, while Sun Li was standing in front of him.
“From the afternoon, there were countless people who came to apply for the job, and by the beginning of the evening, there were still many people queuing up.
There is no other way, I will let those people apply again tomorrow. ”
Sun Lihui reported that there is no way, there are too many people, and many people have come to apply for the job, and it is estimated that they will go back.
Hearing that, Su Yun nodded in response, and he was not surprised at all.
After the newspapers advertised the benefits of Huayin Company, it was not surprising that so many people came to apply.
It’s hard for anyone to refuse such a good benefit.
Moreover, it is also a good thing to have a lot of people. Now Huayin Company is short of people, and these people can also fill the vacancy.
Su Yun continued to slowly look at the resumes of some important people screened by Sun Li, and occasionally his eyebrows stretched.
After looking at it for a while, he raised his head to look at Sun Li, and asked, “Have these people been hired?”
Here, he saw a few names with some impressions, and the work experience was not bad.
“Yes, they will come to measure their height and circumference tomorrow morning, and take them for a physical examination in the afternoon.
The quilt factory will also deliver their corresponding work clothes tomorrow afternoon. ”
Sun Li said with a smile, with confidence on his face, he has already arranged all these things, and there is no big problem.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and after reading the resumes in general, he had an idea in his mind, and he put all these resumes on the desk.
“You’ve worked hard too, get off work early!”
Su Yun raised his head and looked at Sun Li, and said, crossing his hands on the desk, Sun Li has done a good job.
Sun Li’s ability is really good, and Su Yun is quite satisfied. He has screened out these materials in one day, and everything has been arranged.
It also seemed right to choose him as the manager of the personnel department.
Then Sun Li left the office, and Su Yun returned to the mansion to rest soon after.
The next morning, Su Yun came to the company headquarters. After returning to the office, he began to process the documents.
“Dong dong!”
Just then, there was a knock on the office door.
“Come in!”
Su Yun said, stopped 780’s work,Putting the pen aside, he looked up.
Zhao Lin walked in at this time.
“Mr. Su, Du Gan sent a telegram saying that he found out who recruited Robert and the others abroad.”
Zhao Lin looked at Su Yun and reported.
After Su Yun heard this, he raised his eyebrows, sat up slightly, and became interested.
He wanted to know who was so powerful, and he recruited the big cows like Robert and the others, and then asked Zhao Lin and the others to investigate.
After all, to be able to invite so many big cows together in one fell swoop, it takes a lot of ability to do it.
Su Yun picked up the pen on the table, looked at Zhao Lin, and asked, “Who is it?”
Zhao Lin looked at Su Yun and said, “There is an official called Yang Qing from the Ministry of Industry.”
These days, they have all investigated it.
Hearing this, Su Yun nodded thoughtfully.
He asked Zhao Lin to check such a person, not to know who he was.
“Continue to check, find out where this Yang Qing is now, and when to invite Yang Qing out to have a meal together.”
I ate to thank him for helping him find so many big cows, and there was another reason.
If that’s all there is to it, to really thank him and also to the people who helped him recruit him.
Zhao Lin said with a smile, “Mr. Su, I have already checked, Yang Qing is in Jinling!”
It’s not just who they are these days. Such as some addresses and so on, they have a certain understanding.
After Su Yun heard the words, he pondered for a while, put down the pen in his hand, looked at Zhao Lin, and said seriously: “How about making this person the manager of the company’s human resources department?”
Being able to dig up so many big cows, if you can invite him to be the manager of the human resources department, with Yang Qing’s discerning eyes, it is simply too suitable.
Moreover, Huayin Company is really short of talents now, and many departments cannot even identify department managers.
At that time, if Yang Qing can recruit more commercial and industrial talents, it will be a great thing for Huayin Company.
After Zhao Lin heard this, he shook his head slightly and said, “Yang Qing is the most suitable R&D manager.”
He didn’t think Yang Qing should go to the human resources department.
Su Yun looked at Zhao Lin and asked, “Why?”
In his opinion, Zhao Lin could not aim at nothing, and I am afraid he has his own basis.
However, there is a big gap between the functions of the human resources department and the research and development department. The research and development department is inclined to technology, and it is not impossible for Robert and the others to come.
However, Robert needs to preside over the industrial park in Lu’an. It seems that it is not a good idea to come to Huayin as the manager of the R&D department.
“The reason why Yang Qing was able to recruit Robert and the others was because they were college classmates, and they were all top students who graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering.”
Zhao Lin explained that Yang Qing’s basic situation has been investigated almost, so according to his ideas, Yang Qing is the manager of the R&D department.
After listening to it, Su Yun thought for a while, and said, “Go and send electricity to Du Gan, and ask how Yang Qing’s performance was during his university days.”
Yang Qing can go to a school with Robert and the others, which means that he is already good enough, but he doesn’t know what the university he is in is like.
If you are good enough in university, according to Zhao Lin’s idea, it seems good to be the manager of the R&D department.
“Okay, Mr. Su, I’ll do it right away!”
Zhao Lin took the order to leave, and then went to deal with it immediately.
About an hour later, the door of the office was knocked again. After receiving permission from Su Yun, Zhao Lin returned to the office again.
With a smile on his face, Zhao Lin reported: “Mr. Su, Yang Qing had excellent grades and excellent performance in college.”
This is good news for Huayin Company, maybe Yang Qing can be the manager of the R&D department.
“Go and invite Yang Qing immediately. It’s best to have an appointment for dinner at noon today.”
After Su Yun heard this, he immediately made a decision. This Yang Qing is a rare talent. He has to communicate in person, which is more persuasive.
And if you can, it is also a good choice to invite Huayin Company.
Zhao Lin went to deal with it immediately after taking the order. After about half an hour, Zhao Lin came back again.
“Mr. Su, I have an appointment to eat at the No. 2 store in Xuanwu District of Shengqing Restaurant at noon today.”
Zhao Lin looked at Su Yun and reported with a smile.
Su Yun nodded in response and said with a smile, “You did a great job!”
The next thing is after the meeting.
Zhao Lin then left the office.
At eleven o’clock, Su Yun took a car ahead of time to the second store in Xuanwu District of Shengqing Restaurant.
“Hello, Mr. Su!”
When Yingbin saw Su Yun coming, he hurriedly bowed to welcome him.
Su Yun entered the Shengqing Restaurant and asked someone to arrange a box, then sat down in the box, and the waiter hurriedly served tea.
“Mr. Su, do you need something to eat?”
The waiter picked up the menu and asked with a slight bow.
Su Yun waved his hand, signaling the waiter to go out first.
After a while, a waiter led Yang Qing in a Chinese tunic suit.
After Su Yun saw the person coming, he stood up with a smile, greeted him, and said with a smile, “Please sit down!”
Yang Qing hurriedly bowed, made a gesture of invitation, and said with a smile, “Don’t dare, don’t dare, Mr. Su also please take a seat.”
Both then took their seats.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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