Yang Qing looked at Su Yun and said with a smile, “It is a great honor to be invited by Mr. Su (ajec).”
The man in front of him was a celebrity who was valued by the government. He never thought that Su Yun would notice him.
And I think that I don’t seem to have any intersection with Su Yun, and I haven’t even seen each other a few times. Why did I suddenly find him?
SuYun looked at Yang Qing and said with a smile: “I admire you very much, so I invited you to dinner at noon today.”
After Yang Qing heard this, he frowned slightly, looked at Su Yun and asked, “Mr. Su appreciates it, this is Yang’s honor.
Why did Mr. Su invite me to dinner?
If Mr. Su did not make it clear, Yang would not dare to eat this meal. ”
He was afraid that something was going to be too much, and he only asked once he had eaten. If it was really too much, he would be in big trouble.
Su Yun looked at Yang Qing’s expression and knew what he was thinking.
Looking at Yang Qing, he said directly, “Sumou saw your talent and wanted to invite you to work at Huayin Company.”
He didn’t continue to beat around the bush, and now it’s up to Yang Qing’s attitude.
“I will have more room to play in the Industrial Department. Thank you Mr. Su for your kindness.”
Yang Qing said with a little embarrassment on his face, he has a dream in his heart, he wants to revitalize the national industry.
Although he knows that the Ministry of Industry is not doing much at the moment, there is still a chance, and he does not want to become a private money-making tool.
After Su Yun heard Yang Qing’s words, he pondered for a moment and understood his words.
“Now that Huayin Company has officially completed the department, the R&D department currently lacks a talented manager,
In the future, Huayin Company should not only pay attention to industrial development, but also pay attention to industrial research and development work. I have counted the people around me and think you are the most suitable. ”
After Su Yun finished speaking, he looked at him. Since he had guessed some of his thoughts, it would be inappropriate to directly withdraw the money.
If it is measured by salary, it is obviously inappropriate.
Yang Qing did not speak in a hurry when he heard the words, but pondered, and glanced at Su Yun from time to time.
I don’t know how long it took before he said: “Yang wants to go back and think about it again.”
He didn’t reject Su Yun directly, but he didn’t either.
Su Yun did not force it either.
After eating, Yang Qing left in a hurry.
In the afternoon, Su Yun was already sitting in the office writing documents, falling into contemplation from time to time, and then continued to write.
He spent the whole afternoon writing documents in the office, and at five o’clock in the afternoon, Su Yun packed up and left the company headquarters.
Then he drove to Shengqing Restaurant No. 1 Xuanwu Road. He still had one very important thing to do today.
The reason why I came to Shengqing Restaurant is because tonight is the education charity dinner.
After Su Yun entered, he chose a box by the window on the second floor of Shengqing Restaurant.
After he sat down, he quietly looked outside He. Tonight’s education charity dinner was very important to him.
On the one hand, it is to reconcile with those people, and on the other hand, he needs to use the money from the charity dinner tonight to do a big thing.
At present, there is a lot of money in the company’s account. After all, the income from light industry and restaurants is not small.
But even this money is still not enough. For this thing he needs to do, the money is not ordinary.
After half past six, people came downstairs one after another.
After a while, Su Yun saw Zhao Pu coming with his eldest son Zhao Zhen, Su Yun smiled slightly and shook the teacup in his hand.
There was a faint smile on his face, and sometimes he had to admire Zhao Pu. As expected of an old guy, he was very thorough in the choice between fame and fortune.
Afterwards, Wu Guangqi also brought people here. For Wu Guangqi, Su Yun’s senses are still good.
Compared with Zhao Pu, who was pushed to the cusp by the fishing reel, Wu Guangqi seemed to be more proactive, at least he had never been hostile to him.
This is Zhao Pu, Su Yun knew in his heart that the old guy probably wanted to kill him earlier.
After that, Shao Wen, Cheng Li, Li Jisheng, Yuan Zhu and others from the literary circles Taishan Beidou came one after another. They all had smiles on their faces.
When Su Yun saw the old gentlemen, he couldn’t help shaking his head slightly. He knew why Shao Wen came here.
Su Yun would not believe how much they donated.
Shao Wen and the others, who are not very involved in business, should talk about wealth, but more about land and food. When it comes to cash, they really don’t have much.
They came, more of an attitude.
Then some people came one after another.
Until half past seven, Su Yun’s eyes narrowed.
At this moment, at the entrance of Shengqing Restaurant, a convoy slowly drove over.
All of them were all black cars, and the number of this team was quite large. There were about 20 black cars in the front and rear.
You must know that in this era, not everyone can own sedans. A fleet of 20 or so sedans goes out, which shows that the people who come here are not ordinary people.
“Who is here?”
Su Yun was a little curious, thinking in his heart, but it seems that there are not many people who can have such a pomp, who is behind this team?
Then the convoy stopped, and Su Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly.
Dozens of young men in black long shirts got out of the car. Their eyes were fierce and they were suspected to be bodyguards.
Immediately after, an old man in his 60s, wearing a long gown and a jacket, got out of the car.
Then a young woman in a white cheongsam got out of another car.
Su Yun stared at it and saw that this young woman was actually Huo Ying, whom she knew before.
Chapter 102: The Terrible Old Guy
Su Yun watched the old man lead Huo Ying into the restaurant slowly.
“Tell Zhu Kai to come and see me!”
Su Yun asked the waiter to call the restaurant manager over.
After a while, Zhu Kai hurriedly came to the box, and after seeing Su Yun, he stood in front of him.
Zhu Kai and Su Yun asked, “Mr. Su, do you have any orders?”
“Go and invite this old gentleman to the box.”
After Su Yun glanced at it, he ordered.
Zhu Kai glanced at the window, and after identifying the person, he immediately took orders to deal with it.
Not long after, the old man and Huo Ying came to the box.
Su Yun stood up.
Huo Ying smiled and Su YunGreetings: “Meet again.”
Hearing this, Su Yun glanced at the old man, then responded with a smile, “I didn’t expect you to come to tonight’s charity dinner.”
The old man listened all the time, with only a faint smile on his face.
Huo Ying looked at Su Yun and said with a smile, “I came with Grandpa!”
Su Yun heard the words, and only then did he look at the old man.
The old man patted Huo Ying’s hand lightly and said softly, “Let’s go out first.”
Huo Ying glanced at Su Yun after hearing this, and then left the box.
“Sit down, sir!”
Su Yun said with a smile, and the two took their seats.
Then the old man looked at Su Yun and smiled and said, “Are you so sure that your plan will work?”
Hearing this, Su Yun smiled lightly, looked at him and said, “Businessmen are chasing profits, and scholarly families are chasing names. Now there is a great opportunity in front of them, and they will definitely come.”
The old man smiled when he heard the words, looked at Su Yun and asked, “What if they didn’t come? Now the people coming from the lobby on the first floor,
Most of them were famous families and businessmen in Jinling area, but those in Hangzhou area did not seem to come. ”
Hearing this, Su Yun suppressed the smile on his face and said casually: “It doesn’t matter if they don’t come. The newspaper can push them to the top of the storm, and I can also push them with a fishing reel to make them fall off the cliff completely.”
After listening, the old man nodded, looked at Su Yun and said, “What you do is to the appetite of many old guys, let go and do it. In Jinling, those people can’t make a difference.”
Su Yun immediately understood what he meant when he heard the words, stood up and bowed slightly to the old man.
“Ziwen never thought that he would make the old gentleman worry about him. Ziwen is here to thank the old gentleman for his kindness tonight.”
Of course he knew what the gold content of the old man’s words was.
Those who can live in the house before No. 30 in Xingdaoli are not ordinary people.
You can’t live there with a few bucks.
After hearing this, the old man looked Su Yun up and down for a while before shaking his head slightly and sighing: “Back then we old guys followed Mr.
I also want to revitalize education and develop industry, but in the end, when I am old, I have lost the ambitions of my youth, which is really inspiring! ”
After speaking, the old man stood up, with memories of chasing dreams in his youth on his face.
For Su Yun, this era is not peaceful and difficult to do. For Mr. Huo and the others, the current era was earned by countless people through bloodshed and sacrifice, which is much better than before.
Seeing this, Su Yun quickly stepped forward to help him.
“Old Huo has done enough, just leave the rest to these young people.”
Su Yun said while supporting him out of the box.
Hearing the words, the old man waved his hand, smiled and said nothing, so he was supported by Su Yun and walked out of the box with a cane.
The two walked slowly to the lobby on the first floor.
When everyone saw the old man coming down, they quickly greeted him.
“Elder Huo, have you been healthy when you came in?”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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