Shao Wen stepped forward to look at the old man and asked with a smile.
“Lao Luo, Ren Lao Luo. Brother Guan Ziqing’s body is still stable!”
The old man looked at Shao Wen and smiled.
At this time, Zhao Pu also stepped up and said, “Old Huo’s health is our luck.”
“Brother Yao, it is not easy to accumulate the reputation of the scholar family, don’t go astray.”
Looking at Zhao Pu, the old man smiled.
“So I’ll be gathering here tonight, won’t I?”
Zhao Pu responded with a smile, and the old man nodded with a smile.
Everyone saluted the old man and looked at Su Yun who was helping the old man. Everyone was shocked and raised their eyebrows slightly.
Some people looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other’s eyes.
I never thought that this young man Su Yun would be so favored by Huo Lao.
The old man looked at the eyes of everyone looking at him, and smiled slightly: “Don’t worry about my old bones, I’m here to see tonight.”
The voice fell, and he looked at Su Yun and said, “Do it with confidence, there will be some old guys watching you from behind.”
After speaking, Huo Ying stepped forward, took Su Yun and helped the old man out of Shengqing Restaurant.
Su Yun looked at the back of Huo Xiangyi’s departure, exhaled a breath, and then came to the front of the crowd.
There are not many people in the hall, there are many familiar faces, and of course there are also many new faces.
And some famous people from Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Wuxi also came. The lobby on the first floor was quite lively, and everyone was talking and laughing.
Su Yun looked at the people in front of him, and thoughtfully, he estimated that there should be some more people.
However, at this time, Zhou Xian and Zhang Qinglai found Su Yun.
“Mr. Su, can you find a quiet place to talk.”
Zhang Qinglai looked at Su Yundao with a warm smile on his face.
Su Yun raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, looked at the two of them and said, “Then invite me from the box!”
Sitting down in a box, Zhou Xian looked at Su Yun and shook his head slightly and sighed: “Boss Su is not kind. Huayin Company offered such a good salary package, and several of my employees ran away.”
Zhou Xian complained that several of his capable employees had all run away, and none of these people, such as Diao Li, Hu San, and Wang Tiedan, were left.
“Su can’t stop this matter, and the welfare system has long been established.”
Su Yun casually sat in a chair and said, he would naturally not refuse a competent employee.
“Mr. Su is really willing to spend a lot of money on employees, right?”
Zhou Xian said with a wry smile, he also knew about the welfare system designated by Su Yun, and I am afraid it will cost a lot.
He couldn’t laugh at the thought that he would be troubled by these things next, and how many of his employees ran away.
After hearing this, Su Yun shook his head and did not speak.
Zhang Qinglai looked at Su Yun and sighedSaid: “Mr. Su has not even had a year since he started, but he has made such a big business, which is really enviable.”
He remembered that when he first met Su Yun, Su Yun was just a rookie in the business world at that time.
As a result, he has now changed his body and has become a person who stirred up the business sea.
“No way, the employees want to eat and Su wants to make money, so he can only work hard to make money!”
Su Yun had a helpless look on his face.
After hearing this, Zhang Qinglai didn’t say anything else, looked at Su Yun and said, “I’m here this time on behalf of the Jinling Chamber of Commerce.
People from Jinling Chamber of Commerce hope to get Huayin’s product agency rights in the north, northwest and southwest. ”
He explained his purpose of coming, and his visit this time was naturally not so simple. Huayin is very popular now, and it is certain to make money.
These businessmen also saw this, so they wanted to get some benefits from Su Yun.
It’s just that they had no friendship with Su Yun, so they had to push Zhang Qinglai out.
Su Yun didn’t speak after hearing this, just bowed his head in silence.
Seeing Su Yun’s expression, Zhang Qinglai continued: “We don’t want the agency rights in the Jiangnan area, but we hope we can also borrow the soup from Boss Su’s light.”
Although the Jiangnan area is rich and the business is the most popular, it is the base camp of Huayin Company after all.
The Jiangnan area can be rejected, but in other areas they have to fight for it.
Hearing this, Su Yun frowned slightly. He knew the thoughts of these businessmen.
Now Huayin’s products are selling well, so these people have other thoughts and want to get a piece of the pie.
After Su Yun pondered for a while, he said lightly: “The price of Huayin Company is lower than other similar products, and there is no problem with the quality now.
Once the agency rights are given to you, you will damage the reputation of Huayin’s products, which is not acceptable. ”
Su Yun knew that after these merchants got the agency, they would definitely raise the price if they sold the products.
For the sake of profit, these businessmen will probably intensify their efforts at that time. It wasn’t what he wanted to see.
“Everyone is from the Jinling Chamber of Commerce, and they are also doing business on this land.
Boss Su is so worried, I can make a guarantee on their behalf, we can not raise the price, but hope to get the agency. ”
Zhang Qinglai made a ticket and promised, looking a little sincere.
However, Su Yun still shook his head, looked at Zhang Jinlai and said, “I can’t trust those businessmen!”
When he entered the Jinling Chamber of Commerce, he had already seen through the true face of that group of businessmen.
If they really get the power of agency, these verbal promises are worthless in the face of interests.
Zhang Qinglai’s face darkened after hearing this, but he shook his head but said nothing.
Walked out of the box, and then left Shengqing Restaurant directly.
At this time, Zhou Xian looked at Su Yun, he didn’t speak the whole time just now.
When the two of them were left, he said, “Boss Su will offend those people by doing this.”
Zhou Xian felt that it was a bit inappropriate for Su Yun to do this. There was no need to refuse so directly.
Anyway, this is not a trivial matter, and it is reasonable to go back and think about it.
But now directly rejecting so many people from the Jinling Chamber of Commerce is equivalent to offending them, and also offending Zhang Qinglai, the president of the Jinling Chamber of Commerce.
“It doesn’t matter, those people Su Mou haven’t taken it to heart yet!”
(blank) ⑥⒐⑧9⒉5⑧50
Su Yun said lightly, with a calm look on his face, he had never thought about dealing with these businessmen at first, and if he offended him, he would offend him.
Moreover, the businessmen of the Jinling Chamber of Commerce and he are not the same.
After he finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Xian.
After looking at it carefully, he opened his mouth and said, “You don’t want to take the power of attorney, do you?”
If he didn’t want to take the agency, how could he hang out with Zhang Qinglai? Although Zhou Xian was a partner, it was actually an exchange of interests.
Zhou Xian took a fancy to the market of Shengqing Restaurant, but he couldn’t open it without Su Yun’s nod.
And Su Yun also needs Zhou Xian to buy machinery and equipment in the United States, and there are no people under him who are familiar with the Western market.
“I didn’t think about agency rights!”
Zhou Xian shook his head. He came to Su Yun this time, not for agency, but for something else.
“Then do you have anything to do with me?”
Hearing this, Su Yun asked, and he became a little curious.
After thinking about it, Zhou Xian said: “Zhou has also participated in several factories over the years, two of which want to use the Huayin Company’s trademark, and the other shareholders asked me to come and talk to you.
A paper factory and a tea factory, they think that I have had a lot of cooperation with you, and the relationship is relatively close. ”
As Wu Guangqi said at the time, most of the people today only recognize Huayin Company.
At first they just supported a wave out of patriotism.
But later found that the same thing, Huayin’s things are cheaper, the quality is not bad.
Slowly, Huayin Company has become the first choice for shopping in the hearts of the common people. It has occupied major cities. Among them, the market in Jiangnan area, as long as Huayin Company has products, must be the first choice.
…………………. 0
The Huayin company’s trademark, in the eyes of many businessmen, is a sign of making a fortune.
As long as your goods are affixed with such a trademark, they will surely sell well.
It’s just that the trademark is not what you want to use. You don’t have the authorization document from Huayin Company, and you haven’t filed it with the government.
As long as you dare to sell, someone will soon come to trouble you, you can’t get the authorization documents, and the fine will be closed.
So without such a trademark, their business is not easy to do.
Once you have Huayin’s trademark, everything goes smoothlya lot.
Besides, he and Su Yun are restaurant partners, he thought that he should be able to have some thin noodles, right?
Su Yun immediately understood when he heard the words, and he asked, “How is the quality?”
For this matter, he only cares about one issue, and that is the quality issue.
“The quality is absolutely fine.”
Zhou Xian was relieved when he saw Su Yun, and said seriously, he even dared to guarantee that the things made by his factories would definitely be fine.
Of course, no one will say that their products are not good.
Su Yun heard the words, did not speak, just looked at Zhou Xian.
Seeing Su Yun’s appearance, Zhou Xian immediately understood. He said, “We all know the rules. Half of the profits will be distributed to Huayin Company.”
Zhou Xian thought it was a matter of profit, but he had already inquired about it.
Wu Guangqi also gave half of the profits.
It was over when he came.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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