Judging from the current booming business situation of Huayin Company, half of so many people are earning more than before.
Hearing this, Su Yun shook his head and said, “I need to investigate this matter,
If the quality meets the company’s standards, the trademark can be used by you. ”
What he is struggling with is not the issue of profit, but the issue of quality.
There must be a bottom line in being a person, and you can’t harm ordinary people for money.
Originally, they were sad. For the sake of patriotism, they supported Huayin Company, but they were cheated. If it was you, what would you think?
Zhou Xian heard this, his face was bitter, and he smiled bitterly: “I knew it was like this!”
He had a hunch that Su Yun would react like this for a long time, and he originally wanted to try it as a partner.
But he didn’t expect such a result, and he had no choice.
Su Yun looked at Zhou Xian and explained: “The reason why I promised Wu Guangqi to use the trademark,
It is because of Tongyi Reel Wire Factory that I know that the quality of the products produced by this factory is no problem. ”
Since Zhou Xian came here to find himself talking about the trademark, he naturally learned the news from Wu Guangqi’s shore, so he didn’t need to hide it.
Moreover, he also did an investigation and found that Wu Guangqi’s factory had no problems, so he handed over the trademark to Wu Guangqi for use.
“Zhou can understand.”
Zhou Xian nodded when he heard the words. He didn’t complain too much in his heart. He also knew that Su Yun was only doing things according to his own standards.
After finishing speaking, he looked at Su Yun again and said, “In a few days, the industrial equipment and talents shipped from the United States will arrive at the Shanghai port.”
Zhou Xian didn’t worry too much about the trademark, but told Su Yun about the things he asked him to help before, and now it’s all settled.
Chapter 103: Charity Dinner – Big Brothers Appear One After Another
Su Yun thought for a while before he nodded and said, “Su Mou already knows!”
He had been busy with other things before, and he forgot about it.
Now that Zhou Xian said it, he remembered it, but it was not a big problem.
“Is the place where the talents live ready?”
Zhou Xian heard the words, but he wasn’t too surprised, it’s been a while since this happened.
Now people are coming, but I don’t know if Su Yun has arranged a place to live.
“Su has already prepared where he lives.”
Su Yun said that the staff dormitory in the industrial park was already under construction when he was on a business trip last time, and these talents can be accommodated soon after they arrive.
Even if they are allowed to stay in Jinling for a while, there are staff quarters for them. Anyway, no matter what now, Su Yun is not in a hurry.
Afterwards, Zhou Xian and Su Yun talked for a while and then went out of the box to the lobby on the first floor.
There were already quite a few people in the hall at this time.
Su Yun glanced at it roughly, a smile appeared on his face, and his eyebrows stretched.
A lot of famous people from the Jiangnan area have come, and those who should have come have already come. As for those who haven’t come, they are unwilling to reconcile.
Su Yunqing coughed twice, and everyone’s eyes turned to him.
“Su Mou is honored to invite everyone to this dinner.”
Looking at everyone present, Su Yun smiled slightly.
After a pause, he continued: “Everyone has the idea of ​​revitalizing education, but it’s just a place where suffering has no effect.
Tonight Su organized this education charity dinner in order to provide everyone with a place where they can serve education. ”
After listening to this, everyone had a smile on their faces, although their purpose of coming here was not really to serve education.
But “seven and eighty” should be said at least on the surface, this is the so-called scene talk, so that everyone can live in a decent face.
After Su Yun glanced at them, he continued: “The money from the education charity dinner will be used for education in the future.
Those who contributed to education tonight will be published in newspapers to announce to the public. ”
He knew what the purpose of most people who came here was.
In this case, he is naturally well prepared.
Everyone in the hall breathed a sigh of relief.
The reason why they came here for the dinner was the last sentence. After donating money for education, Su Yun published their names in the newspaper.
By rectifying their name in this way, they cannot lose the family’s century-old reputation, even the title of scholarly family.
In this era, although there are many rich people and many businessmen, in terms of social status, people from scholarly families are far from comparable to businessmen.
Like a certain Confucius, you only know that he is a businessman, but who knows that he is a descendant of Confucius?
In a word, people are not from a merchant family, but others are descendants of well-known families, and only later entered the business world.
So for scholarly family, origin is very important.
In fact, Su Yun took some of their ideas and came up with such an education charity dinner.
with this methodDivide those who are hostile to yourself in two.
Those who came to the dinner party, they gave themselves money, no longer hated themselves, and could cooperate in the future.
In exchange, he wanted to publish their donations for Huayin School City in the newspaper, to correct their names, and to re-establish their scholarly family status.
“Bring everything up!”
After Su Yun finished speaking, he called the restaurant staff to bring things up.
After the restaurant employees took orders, they immediately brought several donation boxes with the word education printed on the front of the donation boxes.
Restaurant staff stood by with educational donation boxes.
Su Yun pointed to several donation boxes and said with a smile: “Donations can be made by check or cash.
Or write down how much you donated on a piece of paper, and you can send someone to send the money later. ”
Cheques have been around for a long time. The reason for using cheques or cash is actually too simple.
The ocean is a thing, if the number is small, you can’t see anything, but if the number is large, it will not work.
Don’t talk about other people, just talk about Zhao Pu!
He wants to donate 3 million, how much is the 3 million ocean?
Let me first say that one ocean is 26.5 grams, and the current weight of 10,000 oceans is 265 kilograms.
How much does three million oceans weigh?
Therefore, at this time, it is naturally impossible to use the ocean as a transaction, and check or legal currency is the best choice.
After Su Yun finished speaking, Zhao Pu was the first to stand up.
Everyone’s eyes turned to Zhao Pu, with different expressions on their faces.
“Suzhou Zhao, willing to donate 3 million to revitalize education.”
Zhao Pulang said, took a check from Zhao Zhen’s hand and put it in the donation box.
The restaurant employee sitting next to him recorded the Suzhou Zhao family in a small notebook.
Shao Wen looked at Zhao Pu and nodded.
“Suzhou Zhao!”
Zhou Xian raised his eyebrows. This is a big family. In other words, the rich and serious people have always lived in the southern region of the Yangtze River.
“The Zhao family really came, and the shot was so generous.”
One of the businessmen couldn’t help but sighed that the name of the Zhao family in Suzhou was like thunder.
Then came a young man with a smile on his face.
Wu Guangqi said with a smile: “Wu is also willing to donate 500,000 yuan to revitalize education.”
After speaking, he took out a check and put it in the donation box.
“Five million!”
Zhou Xian’s eyes narrowed slightly, this is not a small amount, although it is not as big as Suzhou Zhao’s.
But it was different. Suzhou Zhao was forced to the edge of the cliff by the fishing boat.
Moreover, the three million is also Zhao’s name. Without the three million, he cannot enter the Huayin School City.
In the future, people will say that the Zhao family in Suzhou is a scholar, and I am afraid that some people will refute it.
A scholarly family in business? Why don’t people from his family come in to teach and educate people in Huayin School City?
But Wu Guangqi was not forced into such a corner.
Zhou Xian also knew that Wu Guangqi and Su Yun cooperated, but he didn’t expect Wu Guangqi to be a big one.
Originally, he was going to donate ten or twenty thousand to Su Yun’s face.
But think about it now, if you donate 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, I’m afraid it will be a bit of a slap in the face, and you have to follow the cloud.
“Donate 200,000!”
Zhou Xian thought about it and decided to donate 200,000. Anyway, Shengqing Restaurant in Shanghai is making gold every day, so donate a little more this time.
“Boss Wu has recently cooperated with Huayin Company, and he should indeed support it!”
A businessman’s face was stunned. They had heard about Wu Guangqi’s use of the Huayin Company’s trademark.
Others saw that Zhao Pu and Wu Guangqi both stepped forward, some looked at each other, and they all began to put checks into the donation box.
Su Yun stood by and kept smiling, watching them put the checks into the donation box one by one.
Employees are the ones who have been keeping track of donations.
After about 20 minutes, when the last person put the check into the donation box, everyone had already donated all the money.
Su Yun nodded, walked to the front, and glanced at everyone.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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