Su Yun said loudly: “Everyone has fun tonight, all expenses are counted by Su.”
There were smiles on everyone’s faces, and some people raised the wine glasses in their hands. After a while, everyone began to change the glasses, chatting and laughing.
At this time, a middle-aged man in his fifties came to Su Yun slowly.
The middle-aged man said softly, “I want to have a good talk with Mr. Su.”
Su Yun saw that he was leaning on a cane and his right leg didn’t touch his knee, and he had some guesses in his heart.
So Su Yun asked, “I don’t know the old gentleman’s surname?”
“The last name is Nie!”
Hearing this, Su Yun was slightly taken aback, and said, “The second floor box, please!”
It’s not bad as he guessed, but this one shouldn’t be here.
The two then came to the box, and after taking their seats, Su Yun looked at the middle-aged man.
“Mr. Nie, why are you here tonight?”
Su Yun asked, he just glanced at it before, and didn’t notice Elder Nie in the crowd.
Old Nie asked with a smile, “Isn’t this old man supposed to be here?”
Hearing this, Su Yun shook his head slightly and said, “The Nie family has not been affected by this turmoil and is not used here.”
He is telling the truth, because the Nie family has not been sprayed by those newspapers, and is currently the only family that has not been sprayed.
The Nie family has always donated money to education, and even made great efforts for education, which cost a lot of money.
“Mr. Su wants to reconcile with those people, and it has nothing to do with the Nie family.
Those people who want to target Mr. Su have nothing to do with the Nie family. The reason why the old man came is because this is an education charity dinner. ”
Old Nie said lightly, Su Yun heard thatCleared his meaning.
“Sumou knows.”
But then Su Yun was speechless. Although the old man in front of him was the head of the Nie family, he and Nie had nothing to talk about.
After all, the Nie family is not among his goals. He may indeed come for education, but he is not.
There is no conflict of interest between the two, so naturally there is no need to tangle too much. ……
Furthermore, this education charity dinner is not more about education charity itself.
Seeing that Su Yun was so silent, Nie asked, “Is there anything you want to say to this old man?”
Su Yun looked at Old Nie and asked, “What did you say?”
He felt that he should have nothing to explain, but when Nie Lao said this, he already had a guess in his heart.
After listening to Old Nie, looking at Su Yun, he slowly opened his mouth and said: “In life, you can’t make too many enemies, but you can’t be too good with other people.
There’s nothing wrong with you investing in education, but it shouldn’t be in such a hurry. If Huayin School City is built in several years,
Trust that the newspapers don’t report that and you won’t be pushed to the cusp. ”
He felt that Su Yun’s steps were too fast all of a sudden, and it would be better to walk slowly.
Su Yun said frankly: “Su Mou has already done things. Those people will continue to oppose Su Mou, and Su Mou will not be afraid of things.”
Since he chose to hold this education charity dinner, he naturally has his own ideas. Since these people are still like this, there is no need for him to back down.
Moreover, he invested in these industries to spend money, and spending money also needs to be concerned about their feelings, and he has to be thoughtful everywhere, which is really unnecessary.
After hearing this, Nie Lao shook his head and continued: “Sometimes people can’t narrow the road, you sell weapons to the military at extremely low prices, or even make excuses.
Such a thing will offend a large number of businessmen and make it difficult for you to go on in the business field. ”
Su Yun said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter, Su does not rely on peers to do business. Besides, as a human being, I just want to do what I want to do.
Those people want to deal with Su, just come, let out any moves, and I will follow any moves. ”
He started from opening Xinyue Restaurant, then went to Shengqing Restaurant, investing in a school town, establishing a heavy industrial park, and acquiring a large number of light industrial factories that were about to go out of business.
He never thought of relying on peers to live.
Even if it is to cooperate with Zhou Xian to open a semicolon, it is more of an exchange of interests in essence. Zhou Xian helps him buy machinery and equipment from abroad, and gives him a name that can open a semicolon in Shengqing Restaurant.
It’s just that the most difficult thing in the world is the human heart, no matter what, these people will still deal with him.
“Young and energetic!”
Old Nie glanced at Su Yun and was noncommittal about his words.
Then he looked at Su Yun and continued: “This time I came to Jinling to bring those people’s words,
Tomorrow the old man will go back, I hope not to see your death in the newspaper. ”
When Old Nie heard this, he stood up and smiled lightly, then walked away slowly without saying anything more.
After Nie Lao left, Su Yun showed a sneer on his face, he was not afraid of those people.
Want to compete with yourself in business? The last thing he is afraid of is business competition.
As for those who play yin behind their backs, he is also not afraid.
If these people dare to reach out to Jinling, someone will cut off their claws.
Moreover, they are not vegetarians, they can pay for the gunmen, and it is not impossible for them to form bodyguards with guns.
After the dinner, Su Yun returned to Xingdaoli’s mansion.
After returning to the mansion, Su Yun sat in the hall and began to ponder.
There are still many people who oppose him today, which can be seen from the people who came tonight.
However, he is not worried. Now there are many employees in Huayin Company, and many people rely on Huayin Company for food.
If Huayin Company suddenly collapsed… Besides Huayin Company is currently engaged in heavy industry, some people will not allow him to have an accident.
At this moment, Xie An walked in.
“Master, the number of charitable donations tonight has come out, a total of 6.5 million donations.”
Xie An stood in front of Su Yun and reported.
Su Yun nodded and said, “Take these checks to the company headquarters tomorrow.”
He was not surprised by the amount of money in his heart. Zhao donated three million and Wu Guangqi donated half a million.
As for the other people, although there are many people, most of them mean about 200,000.
Those people who come more are more of an attitude and exchange, with one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand dollars in exchange for their name in the newspaper.
For this money, Su Yun is of great use, and the next plan also needs this money.
After several mission failures, he seems to have discovered that this broken system seems to be pitting him.
Every time he thought he had to complete the task, he would make a fool of himself, this time he made a big plan to see what else could be done to break the system.
Chapter 104: After all, there is still a shortage of people!
At the right time, Han Miao brought a basin to soak Su Yun’s feet.
Su Yun was soaking his feet, and Han Miao was rubbing his feet.
Xie An stood aside and said in a low voice, “My lord rejected the people from the Jinling Chamber of Commerce tonight,
Is it too decisive? After all, everyone is from the Jinling Chamber of Commerce. ”
Su Yun leaned on the back of the chair and asked, “What kind of products does Huayin produce?”
After thinking about it, Xie An said, “Most of them are daily necessities.”
“That’s right, what are daily necessities? Whether it is shoes, clothes, pants, or even flour, they are all daily necessities.
Now because of newspaper propaganda, the common people are buying Huayin products in large quantities out of patriotism.
If the businessmen of the Jinling Chamber of Commerce are given the agency rights, they will raise the price, and finally use the patriotism of the common people to make money.
I will never allow this kind of behavior, this is cheating the common people, I will never do such a thing. ”
Su Yun said in a deep voice that he has his own bottom line.
He knows better than anyone what the virtues of the Jinling Chamber of Commerce are.
Xie An heard the words and said, “Master, I can understand your mood. You have a good heart. If you change those businessmen, you may not be able to deceive the common people!”
He wants to lose money, but he won’t lose money by cheating the common people. This fact is too immoral.
After Su Yun pondered for a while, he looked at Xie An and asked, “How is your wife now?”
It seems that Xie An has been by his side for a while.
“She has already been discharged from the hospital, thank you for your concern!”
Xie An raised his brows and said with a smile.
Hearing this, Su Yun asked again, “Your three sons all go to Huayin School City, right?”
“Yes, sir!”
Xie An replied softly.
“You’re so old, it’s exhausting to run around with me all day, I’ll give you a week off,
You go to accompany your wife and children and follow me all day as a young guy. ”
Su Yun closed his eyes and spoke slowly.
Xie An runs behind him every day. When he was on a business trip in 2009, Xie An also followed, and there was basically no rest time.
After speaking, he opened his eyes and glanced at Xie An before saying, “Since you started working, you have never rested.
Tomorrow, I will go to the company headquarters to receive a subsidy of 50 yuan, and I will also buy something for my wife and son. ”
Xie An and the others all enjoy company benefits, and they also have basic rest.
Xie An shook his head and said: “No, if there is no master, my wife’s life will be gone,
Pay me such a high salary, otherwise my son would not be able to go to school. ”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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