After Diao Li stood in front of Su Yun, he lowered his head and said, “Hello, Mr. Su!”
Su Yun looked at Diao Li up and down for a while, and then said, “Did you travel in Hangzhou for a while?”
He took a look at Diao Li’s resume just now, and saw that Diao Li’s resume mentioned the experience of going to Hangzhou.
“Yes, Zhou Xian asked me to go to Hangzhou to select the address and recruit staff for the Shengqing Restaurant!”
Diao Li answered truthfully.
“You need to go to Hangzhou again, buy land outside the city over there, and then build a school, you go down and prepare now,
Go to Qiantong to get 100 yuan for the travel expenses of Ocean. After two days, the people in the planning department will hand over the plan to you.
Someone will go with you behind the back of the radio station, and if there is any situation, send a telegram back immediately. ”
After hearing this, Su Yun said that a school would also be established in Hangzhou, and of course he had his own plans for doing so.
In addition, Diao Li has been to Hangzhou, and he should be familiar with it. Moreover, Diao Li has also dealt with many people. He took a look at Diao Li’s ability.
“No problem, Mr. Su, I promise to do this well!”
Diao Li said immediately, full of confidence, He was also very excited, he didn’t expect Su Yun to entrust such an important task to him.
Moreover, the cost of business trips was a full one hundred oceans, which surprised him, even though he knew that employees of Huayin Company had high business trip costs before.
I didn’t expect it to be so high. When he went to Hangzhou at that time, he spent a big ocean. Zhou Xian scolded him to death. Now Su Yun not only didn’t let him save any money.
It was also given a hundred oceans, which was a hundred times higher.
Chapter 105: Huge Family Business
After Diao Li was ordered to leave, the office phone rang.
Su Yun picked up the phone, and Xu Deli’s voice came from the other end of the phone.
“Ziwen, the medical equipment you want, including doctors, has already been estimated over there.”
Xu Deli said with a smile, the things that Su Yun asked him to help with before have been almost done these days.
“Deputy Director Xu, please elaborate!”
Su Yun heard the words and said, I have to say that Xu Deli’s work efficiency is also very fast, and there is news about this matter so soon. He was looking forward to it.
“From the perspective of hospital needs, purchasing a variety of medical equipment,
£600,000 is required, and the monthly salary to be paid to all doctors is £30,000 in total. ”
Su Yun couldn’t help smacking his tongue after hearing this.
In this era, one pound is equal to four dollars, and 600,000 pounds of medical equipment is equivalent to 2.4 million dollars, which is equivalent to 6 million oceans.
“There must have been a price over there!”
Su Yun thought to himself that when Xu Deli and the others helped him contact these medical equipment, they would definitely ask him for the lowest price possible.
As a result, in this economic crisis, coupled with bargaining, medical equipment is still the home, and these medical equipment are really huge profits.
As for the doctor’s salary, Su Yun didn’t care, 30,000 pounds was 300,000 oceans per month.
“This time there is Deputy Director Xu, and I also ask Deputy Director Xu to send someone to the company headquarters to raise the money.”
Su Yun said gratefully, and at the same time asked Xu Deli to send someone over.
“Okay, it’s easy! I’ll send someone tomorrow.”
Xu Deli said with a smile.
After the two said a few more words, they hung up the phone, and then Su Yun called Qian Tong again.
“Qian Tong, come to my office immediately!”
After Su Yun ordered to go down, he hung up the phone.
He tapped his hand on the desk, and it cost 6.3 million oceans just to buy medical equipment and pay the doctors’ salaries.
After a while, the door of the office was knocked, and after permission, Qian Tong entered the office.
He stood in front of Su Yun and raised his head to look at Su Yun.
“Prepare six million fiat currency, someone will come to pick it up tomorrow.”
Su Yun said that six million fiat currency will be much smaller and easy to carry.
“Okay! President Su!”
Qian Tong said that he was about to leave.
“Wait, there’s one more thing to do. Report the current salary that the company needs to send out every month.”
Su Yun stopped Xie An and asked. Now there are more and more employees. There are many people in the company headquarters, the restaurant, the school city, the construction team, the Lu’an Industrial Park, and the acquired light industry factory.
Before he knew it, Huayin Company already had a lot of workers, and he had not had a detailed understanding of the salary distribution of the employees before.
“Mr. Su, please wait a moment, I’ll go back to the office and get the ledger back!”
Qian Tong said immediately after hearing it.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, Qian Tong left the office, and Su Yun was playing with the pen in his hand.
After a while, the door was knocked again, and Qian Tong also came back with a general ledger.
“At present, Huayin Company has more than 40,000 workers in Lu’an, and Huayin Construction Company has more than 10,000 workers.
There are about 30,000 employees in other factories of Huayin Company, and about 5,000 employees in various types of school towns.
The remaining employees of the company headquarters, restaurant employees, employees of the staff dormitory, etc. add up to more than 400 people.
There are more than 90,000 employees in the entire Huayin Company. The monthly salary of these employees is about 1.9 million yuan.
But plus the benefits for employees, the monthly salary and benefits are about 2.3 million fiat currency~¨. ”
Su Yun couldn’t help touching his chin after hearing this, but he didn’t pay attention. Before he knew it, Huayin Company had more than 90,000 employees.
What a terrifying amount this is, Huayin has slowly grown into a behemoth.
At this moment, Qian Tong’s voice interrupted Su Yun’s thinking.
“Mr. Su, there are still some non-company employees in Huayin Company!”
Qian Tong continued to say that what he said just now is all within the establishment, and there are indeed more than 90,000 employees who can be checked.
However, there are many others outside the establishment, and the scale of Huayin Company is far more than that.
Su Yun heard some doubts and asked, “What’s going on?”
The employees who were outside the establishment and the tens of thousands of workers in the construction team outside Jinling City have all been recruited.
Qian Tong truthfully reported: “The light industry factory is building a construction team for the staff dormitory package, so there are still some non-staff personnel.
However, these projects are all contracted out, and the staff quarters built are not large and cost a lot. ”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words. It sounded like this, there should not be too many extra staff left. Counting all the employees, there should be nearly 100,000 people.
Su Yun thought for a while and asked, “How much money does Huayin cost to eat every day?”
With so many employees, the cost of meals is also an expense, and the employees of Huayin Company also have a variety of meals, so the cost should be good.
“The entire Huayin company’s daily food consumption is about 7,000 French dollars.”
Qian Tong flipped through the ledger and said.
“7,000 fiat a day, just over 200,000 a month.”
After Su Yun heard the words, he calculated in his heart that the food expenses were not too much.
“What is the company’s monthly electricity bill?”
Su Yun looked at Qian Tong and asked, but he knew that electricity bills in this era were very expensive.
Especially for industrial electricity and general lighting, a lamp costs between $4 and $6 a month. In the factory, the current electricity is one copper dollar.
He has acquired a lot of light industrial factories before, and these light industrial factories add up to a big electricity producer.
When Qian Tong heard the words, he quickly flipped through the general ledger, and then looked at Su Yun.
Qian Tong said: “The total monthly electricity bill for the entire company and light industrial plants is about 2,000 oceans.”
When he finished reporting the electricity bill, it was Su Yun’s turn to be stunned.
Did he hear it right? Two thousand oceans?
“Why so low? Are you sure?”
Su Yun asked, frowning slightly. He felt that the factory was running all day long, and the amount of electricity consumed was still unknown. It was impossible for it to be only 2,000.
Moreover, the light industrial factories he acquired were not one or two, but dozens. When the dozens of factories consumed electricity together, they only needed 2,000?
“Our Huayin Company has received government policy support,
Basically, each factory only charges between 70 yuan and 90 yuan per month, and other electricity is used casually. ”
Qian Tonghui reported that the government still has many preferential policies to support Huayin.
Even electricity consumption has been taken into consideration, otherwise, with so many light industrial factories in Huayin Company, the electricity bill alone would be a huge expense.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and he immediately understood that it was a preferential policy, no wonder it was so low.
Looking at Qian Tong, he asked again, “Does the industrial park over Lu’an require no money for mining mines?”
Mining mineral resources needs to pay various fees, not to mention the matter of buying mines, it will cost a lot of money just for him to mine like this.
How much money needs to be paid for the mining of each ton of ore, and taxes are also paid, and there are many types of taxes.
If he remembered correctly, Xu Deli and the others told him before that half of the tax for light industry is exempted, and no tax for heavy industry.
He seems to remember that in the minerals of this era, there are many types of taxes, if the heavy industry is exempt from tax…
“Yes, there is policy support over there, and mineral resources can be mined at will without paying any price.”
Qian Tong said to Su Yun. The government has corresponding policy support for Huayin’s heavy and light industries.
Doing so will also reduce Huayin’s costs.
After listening to Su Yun, he leaned back on the boss’s chair. Sure enough, the heavy industry also gave corresponding policies.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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