“At present, the company mainly focuses on the consumption of employees’ salaries, benefits and meals.”
Su Yun thought about it in his heart.
It goes without saying that those light industries need to buy raw materials, like tanneries, which need to buy all kinds of leather.
But on the heavy industry side, what is consumed is employee salaries and food expenses.
No money is needed to mine mineral resources, let alone electricity. The industrial park has built its own power plant, and the coal used for power generation is mined in Lu’an.
If you say that apart from salary and food, the only cost is the wear and tear of the machine. But for heavy industry machinery and equipment, it is normal for a piece of machinery and equipment to be used for 10 to 20 years.
When Su Yun thought of this, he realized a very serious problem. His brows furrowed.
He had previously planned to burn money with weapons and ammunition, which obviously wouldn’t work.
For example, if a Hanyang product is made, the manufacturing cost is about 189 yuan. Where do these costs come from?
Mainly is the consumption of raw materials, followed by electricity and labor costs.
Electricity can now be ignored, and raw material costs can now be ignored, because he does not need money to mine mineral resources.
Now there is the least labor cost left. The cost of a Hanyang made from his arsenal is not as expensive as the ocean of 189 yuan.
What is the minimum labor cost left?
Of course, in general, the cost of machinery and equipment is also calculated. It’s just that Su Yun is different from them. He will not count the money that has been spent.
Thinking of this, Su Yun suddenly understood. My previous plan was probably going to fail.
Then Su Yun looked at Qian Tong and asked, “‘How much was the company’s revenue in March?'”
Qian Tong looked through the ledger and said, “In the first half of March, the expansion of the factory was not completed. In addition, the acquisition of the factory cost a lot of money. The total profit of all light industrial factories in the first half of the month was less than 100,000 oceans.”
Su Yunwen (Zhao Qian’s) nodded, which was not much different from his estimate. After all, it cost a lot of money to convert those financing factories into acquisitions in the first half month.
And then buy other factories, the number is more, the cost is naturally large. The profit here is calculated after deducting these costs.
Qian Tong took another look at the ledger and continued: “But the profit in the second half of the month is very impressive.
In the second half of the month, the factories were on the right track, and the expansion was completed, and the output increased. The profit in the second half of the month, after paying taxes, is about two million oceans.
Net profit in April is expected to be around 5 million oceans, but this figure is temporarily inaccurate because of the rapid growth in sales recently. ”
“Okay, I understand, you go back first!”
Su Yun nodded and said, Qian Tong then left the office.
Only Su Yun was left in the entire office.
“The combined profits of factories and restaurants are seven or eight million.”
Su Yun began to calculate in his heart. According to the approximate data given by Qian Tong just now, plus the income of the restaurant, it is not too much..
On the other side of the school, the tuition fees paid by the wealthy children and the monthly income of the school town canteen are almost just enough to cover the salaries of those teachers.
The school cafeteria cannot give free food to students.
Because of the rules of the system, it cannot be charitable or donated.
If students are allowed to eat for free, it is a gift and it is against the rules.
A lot of things do not mean to charge less money, and it can be pure without collecting money.
The rules of the system are put there, and if you don’t take money, you’re breaking the rules.
Chapter 106: The Future of Architecture
Su Yun thought for a while, picked up the phone on the desk, and called Ding Yan.
“Leave the work at hand first and go out with me!”
Su Yun ordered to go down, then hung up the phone.
After a while, Su Yun left the company headquarters, and Ding Yan followed behind.
Several nursing homes saw that Su Yun seemed to be going out, and quickly followed.
Su Yun felt that it was safe to bring the nursing home, so he let them follow, and these nursing homes were basically his bodyguards now.
Su Yun took Ding Yan and the bodyguards to the outside of Jinling City in a car.
When they came to the construction site outside the city, Su Yun and his party got out of the car and walked slowly along the street.
Su Yun looked over and saw that most of the villas here have been built, but the glass and decoration have not yet been installed.
But it is already conceivable what these villas will look like after they are decorated.
The villa in front of him covers a large area.
Su Yun glanced inside from the gate to see the general structure inside. Outside the two-story building, there was a large flat next to it. It looked like it should be an independent garage with a large garden and reserved a place for a swimming pool. .
Just looking at it already feels quite luxurious and stylish.
Su Yun retracted his gaze and turned to the street, only to see that this street was filled with similar villas.
It’s just that the layouts of these villas are not the same, some are three-storey floors, some are two-storey floors, but they all adopt the way of low-rise row, each style has.
Su Yun couldn’t see the head of the villas on this street at a glance.
Coupled with some villas still under construction, this street must be a street in the future.
However, around the entire school city, it is not just a group of villas, there are seven or eight streets like this, and the surrounding streets are either villa groups, courtyards or mansions.
Su Yun and the others continued to walk and saw some courtyards, but these courtyards were a bit special.
The main buildings of these courtyards do not use wood like ancient buildings, but use reinforced concrete pouring.
Only the roof will be built with wood, and finally covered with bricks.
It doesn’t look that way.
Su Yun looked at it casually and found that some villas and courtyards were still under construction.
Su Yun watched as he walked, and he could see that the speed of watering with reinforced concrete was indeed very fast, and such a large building was built in a short period of time.
Unconsciously, Su Yun came to the side of the Golden Eagle Lake. He looked at the villa under construction by the lake. The villa here was a real lake view villa.
Su Yun glanced at the lake view villa in front of him, only to see that there was a semi-open courtyard close to Jinying Lake, which could be in close contact with Jinying Lake. There were many green plants planted in the courtyard.
The courtyard is also connected to the hall. One side of the hall is designed to be fully open, and glass is reserved for installation. The three-story building close to the Golden Eagle Lake is designed to be fully open.
The lake view villa covers a larger area. Su Yun stood by the Golden Eagle Lake and looked at it, only to see a group of villas that could not be seen.
He asked the system in his mind: “The houses outside the city are all school district houses and a courtyard house. Can I sell one hundred thousand oceans?”
A courtyard house with 100,000 oceans is still outside the city. Even if there is a school city, it is the same as the sky-high price.
“With the current infrastructure, it cannot be sold at such a sky-high price, otherwise it will maliciously disrupt the market price and violate the rules!”
The mechanical sound of the system rang out. The system seemed to see through Su Yun’s thoughts at a glance.
Su Yun asked, “How can it be sold at this price?”
Since the system said that it is not currently available, it means that there is still room for it.
“If you improve the infrastructure, you can sell it at this price.”
The mechanical sound of the system rang again.
Su Yun understood and exited the system, thinking in his mind as he walked.
If the infrastructure is complete, such as transportation, all these will be built, and then the hospital will be built.
This is the school district again, a two-entry quadrangle, and there is nothing across the courtyard. At this price, does anyone buy it?
Someone must buy it!
Su Yun knew very well in his heart that he had been in this era for so long, and he also had a new concept in his mind about the rich people of this era.
It’s not like at the beginning, when I thought that there were no rich people in this era, and finally found out that there are just as many rich people, but there are more poor people.
At present, the infrastructure of domestic cities is not very good, even the infrastructure in Jinling City is still very imperfect.
The reason is not that the government does not want to improve, but that there is not so much financial resources to improve this big city with a population of over one million people (ajec).
Once the infrastructure outside the city is completely perfected, it is estimated that even a 100,000-unit courtyard with two entrances will be scrambled.
But Su Yun already had an idea in his heart.
He left Jinying Lake and came to the nearby Yangshan Lake, Yangshan Lake and Jinying Lake. These two lakes are very close.
The flowing water in Yangshan Lake makes the water crystal clear.
Su Yun glanced over and saw the mountain in the north of Yangshan Lake.
That mountain is called Yangshan. It is not very high, but it is covered with trees, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.
And Yangshan Lake is also named after it.
Su YunfangLooking at it, there are several plains at the foot of Yangshan Mountain.
These lands also belonged to him. After the school city was built, he bought a large piece of land.
The land around the entire school city belongs to him, otherwise these villas would not be built.
The courtyard is built here, and it is also a courtyard with seven entrances, which is very large. The four courtyard houses are located in the four plains, with their backs against Yangshan Mountain and facing Yangshan Lake. They look like four crawling dragons.
Shao Wen thought it was a good place to be surrounded by mountains and rivers when he designed it, so he designed four quadrangle courtyards here and there.
Su Yun approached Yangshan Lake, he stood watching, and suddenly he saw a few familiar faces.
He took a closer look and found that Zhao Qingshan actually brought a few workers to build a courtyard here.
Standing in the distance, you can see that the construction of these four courtyards is about to start.
Walk over and come to a courtyard that is under construction.
He looked at the workers who were pouring the walls with reinforced concrete, but there were many wooden boards stacked next to them.
Su Yun took another look at other places, and found that the main buildings of some houses were spliced ​​with slate.
Then add insulation, and finally build on top in the old fashioned way of beam-column boards.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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