Su Yun walked into the inner courtyard again. There are more buildings in it that have not been completed yet, and the workers are working hard to build them.
There are so many courtyards in Qijin, which is equivalent to a building complex in itself.
The courtyard with seven entrances is not the kind of courtyard with two entrances.
Seven-entry courtyard houses will bring east and west across the courtyard, and some will also bring back gardens, flower houses, flower halls and other buildings.
As for the nine-entry and thirteen-entry quadrangle, that is a city within a city.
In this kind of courtyard, there are often buildings such as a martial arts field and a forest garden.
Su Yun looked at the courtyard in front of him, which had been built using several methods, with some doubts in his heart.
“Zhao Qingshan, come here!”
Su Yun called Zhao Qingshan, who was busy, over, Zhao Qingshan quickly put down the work in his hand, and Xiao ran came to Su Yun and stood still.
Zhao Qingshan wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked, “Mr. Su, why are you here?”
“Why don’t we use reinforced concrete to water the main building of the house?”
Su Yun looked at Zhao Qingshan and asked. He saw that the courtyards were made of reinforced concrete in front of him. Why did they change their form when they got here.
These seven-entry courtyards were built using ancient methods, and the speed was obviously much slower. It simply can’t match the speed of pouring with reinforced concrete.
The courtyard with seven entrances is much larger than the courtyard with two entrances over there.
Doesn’t this slow down the overall project progress?
“Mr. Su, this place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, which is a good feng shui. Mr. Shao Wen said that watering with cement here will spoil the feng shui.”
Zhao Qingshan scratched his head and said with a smile, then he glanced at this courtyard, built it in an ancient way, and it looked really beautiful.
Su Yun only remembered after hearing this.
Feng shui is quite superstitious in this era, and feng shui must be paid attention to everywhere. It is indeed a treasure land of feng shui, which is a rare good place in feng shui.
Moreover, building in the ancient way will not destroy the past that Feng Shui really said, the placement of stones in some extreme houses, the size of the room, the orientation of the door, and the orientation of the window are all exquisite.
Now these seven-entry courtyard houses do not have so much to say.
Su Yun thought for a while, looked at Zhao Qingshan, and asked, “When will these four quadrangle courtyards be repaired?”
Since the old method is used, the progress may be affected.
Of course, he hopes that the sooner the better, as long as it is not two or three months, he can accept it.
Zhao Qingshan said: “Building in this way is much slower. To repair it, I am afraid it will take a month of work.”
He can only estimate the approximate time. Although the building materials are in sufficient supply and the manpower is sufficient, the speed is still not fast enough.
It’s obviously not that simple to build these seven-storied courtyards in a good and fast way, but it’s almost a month.
Su Yun heard the words silently, another month seemed to be a long time, much longer than he expected.
And this is a residential area. He has seen other places just now. Basically, it is built at a very fast speed. It is estimated that the construction will be completed in less than a month.
He didn’t want to slow down the overall progress because of the four seven-in-one courtyard houses. He still had important things to do with these construction teams.
After Zhao Qingshan finished speaking, he looked at the expression on Su Yun’s face and said with a smile, “Don’t worry about Mr. Su,
At present, only more than 2,000 people have been transferred to build these four courtyards, and most of them are building villas and courtyards there. ”
He could see that Su Yun should think that the construction time was a bit long, but these can be adjusted.
Zhao Qingshan has already arranged it before, and the four courtyards with seven entrances are mainly fine.
So he asked most of the people to complete the houses that only need to use steel and concrete to build houses, and then gather people together.
This is not difficult for him. He has experience.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and then said, “Put the work in your hands first and come with me.”
After he finished speaking, he left the courtyard. Zhao Qingshan hurriedly followed after hearing the words, and the two walked up beside Yangshan Lake.
Su Yun glanced at Zhao Qingshan and asked, “The eighteen foreman in the construction team, theirHow is the ability? ”
There are many projects that need to be done now, and these contractors all need to propose and assign tasks individually.
“The ability is good. Although it is a little worse than me, it is actually similar.”
Zhao Qingshan said with a smile that although he is the general manager of a construction company, he is still very clear about the abilities of those people under him.
The ability of those contractors is not bad, but they were a little bit luckier, so they took the position of general manager.
After hearing this, Su Yun said as he walked, “Select eight out of these eighteen contractors and let them go to Shanghai, Jiaxing, Suzhou, Huzhou, Changzhou, Yixing, Liyang, and Zhenjiang to select locations, and then Then recruit local workers to build schools.”
The construction of the school town here is almost complete, and the surrounding infrastructure is almost completed.
But his appetite is not so small, and other cities in the Jiangnan region have to be established.
Although there are only eight places now, these eight places are only temporary.
At that time, Huayin School City will not only be limited to the outside of Jinling City.
After hearing this, Zhao Qingshan thought for a while and asked, “Would you like to send some key workers from the company’s construction team, so that the construction team over there can build faster.”
Su Yun nodded and said, “We need to send some backbones over there!”
It’s definitely not enough to just let the foreman work on their own, they have to bring in some experienced workers, and then they can do it better.
After finishing speaking, Su Yun continued: “There are still many tasks for the construction team, and all the recruited workers must be included in the company’s establishment.
In addition, the construction team at the headquarters of the construction company must be maintained at around ten thousand people. When people are dispatched, they will recruit people to fill the vacancies. ”
According to his vision, as more schools need to be established, the infrastructure around these newly established schools must also be improved.
At that time, when the tasks of staff dormitories, hospitals, and school district housing are added together, there will definitely be not enough workers. Even if you want to recruit workers, all of them must be included in the establishment.
In the future, they may all be used, and these experienced workers are hard to find.
Zhao Qingshan heard the words and said: “Tonight, I will select the eight most capable foreman.”
“Eighteen foremen, the number cannot be less. After selecting eight, eight capable ones will be promoted from the backbone of construction workers.”
Su Yun looked at Zhao Qingshan and said that he has his own considerations for these matters.
These foreman….no! To be precise, they should now be the squadron leaders of the construction team, and the 18 squadron leaders are the focus of the construction company’s training.
There were eight fewer people, and eight people were immediately promoted to serve as squadron leaders to train more construction talents, because the construction task behind Huayin Company is still very heavy.
Zhao Qingshan nodded heavily upon hearing this.
“No problem, Mr. Su, don’t worry, leave it to me!”
Zhao Qingshan understood what Su Yun was thinking.
After Zhao Qingshan left, Su Yun returned to the city by car from the construction site outside the city.
When we arrived in the city, it was getting late, so we went back to the mansion to have dinner and went to bed.
Chapter 107: Huayin Company, a Big Mac
The next day, Su Yun came to the office, sat on the boss chair, picked up the phone on the desk, and connected Zhao Lin.
“Zhao Lin, come to the office!”
Su Yun gave the order, and then hung up the phone. He has a big money-burning plan in his mind, and he needs people to prepare it.
After a while, there was a knock on the door of the office. After getting permission, Zhao Lin came in and stood in front of Su Yun.
“You go to register a subsidiary called Huayin Insurance Company.”
Su Yun said, tapping his fingers on the desk twice. He has already thought of everything.
“No problem, Mr. Su, don’t worry, leave it to me!”
Zhao Lin took orders to leave.
When Zhao Lin left and the door of the office was closed again, Su Yun took out the paper and pen.
Su Yun started to write the document. This time, he was going to make a bigger move. He had failed so many times in the mission. This time, he was going to win the system reward beautifully.
He wants to create a kind of insurance!
And it still involves nationwide-insurance!
That’s health insurance!
Ordinary people only need to spend a copper dollar, that is, medical insurance that can be purchased with a dime.
If he gets sick in the next year, he will go to the Huayin Hospital he built for treatment. The cost of treatment below 100 yuan will be paid by the insurance company.
As long as the treatment cost does not exceed 100 yuan, it is all free!
As for the cost of more than 100 yuan, the common people need to pay by themselves.
Medical insurance, which sells insurance, is considered a commercial investment, with expenses and income.
He is responsible for paying, and the common people are responsible for buying. The two sides are like gambling.
As for what is he going to bet on?
Su Yun wants to bet that the common people will not get sick within this year.
We are not doing charity, we are just doing business and selling insurance.
If the common people are sick, then we can’t, and we will lose money in business.
As for not getting sick all year round, it’s almost impossible.
Ordinary people may not have major illnesses, but minor illnesses are enough.
Moreover, once the insurance is sold, what will be the consequences?
The common people can afford to be sick, and they must know that the cost of treatment will not be low whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine.
It’s not something that ordinary people can look up to. For ordinary minor illnesses, you can just use your body to resist them, and you’ll be fine. If you can’t resist them, the whole village will eat.
Although the money usually looks small, it can’t hold many people. At that time, he will promote these medical insurances to all parts of the country.
So many people, even if they have a cold and need to get medicine, they all need to spend a lot of money.
Su Yun originally planned to raise the medical compensation of 100 yuan to 1,000 yuan.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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