But the system doesn’t allow it, unless health insurance is sold for twenty dollars.
Although the medical insurance of twenty yuan can pay a thousand yuan, it seems quite appropriate.
But the price of 20 yuan ocean is not something that anyone can come up with.
Twenty bucks could be some people’s entire salary for months.
After months of not eating or drinking, it was possible to make up the cost without any expenses.
Who can go months without food or drink? Robots have to consume electricity, and cars have to drink gasoline.
So Su Yun chose to set the price of medical insurance at a dime, which anyone can afford.
Healing is always a difficult problem at any time.
The cost of treatment is too high for ordinary people to afford.
For many people, the treatment cost of dozens or hundreds of dollars is almost bankrupt.
Think about Xie An, who sold himself for thirty dollars, even though he gave fifty.
Even in later generations, with improved medical care, some serious illnesses are still beyond the reach of ordinary families.
For some serious diseases, it will cost hundreds of thousands at a time. For example, rectal cancer, the daily cost must be in thousands.
Su Yun wrote while thinking about it, and finished writing after a morning. After he finished writing, he picked it up and took a closer look.
Su Yun nodded with satisfaction and put the document aside. He did not plan to sell medical insurance now.
Because the system still has rules, that is, insurance is only useful for treatment in Huayin Hospital, and treatment in other hospitals is not included.
So he is waiting!
The insurance will not be sold until the Huayin Hospital outside the city is officially launched.
At ten in the afternoon, Su Yun was sitting in the boss chair looking at the list of newly recruited employees.
“Dong dong!”
Just then, there was a knock on the office door.
“Come in!”
Su Yun put the list aside and said, then raised his head to look at the past.
Only to see Zhao Lin came in with a telegram.
“Mr. Su, Du Gan sent back a telegram, please take a look!”
As Zhao Lin spoke, he handed the telegram to Su Yun.
Su Yun nodded, took the telegram, and read the telegram.
Su Yun looked at the telegram and raised his brows. It turned out that the arsenal in Lu’an had produced Garand rifles, but the output was not high.
At present, the arsenal mainly produces orders made by Hanyang.
As for the Suomi submachine gun and the MG34 general-purpose machine gun, they cannot be produced for the time being, and the level of craftsmanship has not yet reached.
After Su Yun read it, he put down the telegram and pondered.
As a top student who graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, he was very clear in his heart.
It is impossible to build an industrial base by itself, or even an industrial system, without a few decades.
Even in the presence of big men like Robert, it also takes a lot of time.
What is lacking is not only mechanical equipment, but also more industrial talents.
But now there is a chance placed in front of him!
That is the economic crisis!
The U.S. industrial manufacturing capacity has dropped by 40%, and he can purchase other equipment in the U.S. in addition to the weapons production line, as well as recruit talents.
Su Yun knew in his heart that although the United States was in an economic crisis, they would not sell weapons production lines.
Because of isolationism, they are very tight on the weapons production line.
He wants to buy weapons production lines from abroad, it is not a matter of money, but impossible.
“If I remember correctly, the United States will have to issue a new economic policy this year, right?”
Su Yun thought in his heart that the U.S. will not start implementing the Industrial Revitalization Law until around September this year.
At that time, it is impossible for industrial machines to have this kind of cabbage price anymore.
If only you could invest some more money now. Then introduce a large number of talents and equipment, costing tens of millions.
He doesn’t need to spend decades building an industrial base.
After all, the U.S. industrial base and system are perfect, and it is enough to buy back all the machinery, equipment, and talents, that is, copy it back.
Since there are ready-made ones, he naturally doesn’t have to spend time to accumulate them by himself.
“The purchase of machinery and equipment this time is three million dollars, or seven and a half million oceans, and the purchase of medical equipment has cost six million oceans.”
Su Yun calculated in his heart that the sum of the money for the purchase of machinery and equipment alone was already 13.5 million.
In addition, there are salaries for employees, which have paid out a total of about 3.5 million in the past few months.
There are several reasons why the salary is only 3.5 million!
First, there were not so many employees at the beginning of the year.
Second, all employees are fully implemented the benefits of the company headquarters, which will not start until a certain period of time after the year.
This also led to the fact that the salary payment in these months was not very much.
Su Yun continued to count in his heart, the net profit of the eleven restaurants in Jinling City after paying taxes every month was about 3.5 million or so, and the net profit in three months was 9.45 million.
Then there is the Shengqing Restaurant branch in Shanghai that cooperates with Zhou Xian. Although there are only three branches there, there are too many rich people over there.
Profits increased all of a sudden. Although he only accounted for 70% of the shares, he also received a lot of money every month.
The money distributed every month is about 1.2 million oceans, and it is 3.6 million oceans in three months, which should not be underestimated.
“And light industrial factories!”
Su Yun thought in his heart that the light industrial factories he had acquired had already reached the stage of development, and the profits of the light industrial factories last month were about 2.1 million.
【blank】⑥⒐⑧9⒉5⑧5OThat adds up to 25.1 million.
But it’s not over yet!
There is also an education charity dinner held not long ago, and the donations raised are also a lot of money.
The education charity dinner received a total of 6.5 million for a total of 31.6 million.
“The cost of purchasing light industry and buying land are all included in the cost of light industry factories. There is no need to count them.”
Su Yun began to calculate again in his heart, not counting these, there are other expenses.
For example, buying a passenger car, buying a truck, and paying about one million yuan in road repair costs after the year.
After these costs and expenses have been deducted, there should be around 13.5 million in the company’s account now.
Even if it’s not accurate, the difference won’t be that big.
“13.5 million should be enough!”
Su Yun thought to himself, tapped the table with his fingers, and he had already made a decision.
It just so happened that he could wait for this batch of industrial equipment and talents to come back, and take advantage of the last wave of east wind, and then buy a large amount of machinery and equipment from the United States to recruit talents.
Burning a sum of money fiercely, it is estimated that the money in the account is almost exhausted.
And if you don’t buy it now, you will not be able to buy some mechanical equipment even with money in the future.
That’s the most important thing.
“Dong dong!”
Just then, there was a knock on the office door.
“Come in!”
Su Yun said, picked up a pen and started playing.
Wang Qing walked in quickly, and he stood in front of Su Yun.
“Mr. Su, I’m back from Meishan!”
Wang Qing said with a smile, his voice sounded a little tired.
Then he added: “Thank you for the promotion, President Su, and I will work harder in the future.”
Wang Qing said with a simple and honest smile.
Su Yun nodded in response when he heard the words. He looked at Wang Qing and said slowly, “Sit down first!”
He could see that Wang Qing rushed back in such a hurry, his eyes were still dark, and he must be tired.
Wang Qing then went to sit on the sofa.
“Do you know the purpose of this promotion?”
Su Yun asked, his face remained the same, and he was playing with a pen.
“I know, Mr. Su, I will definitely focus on farms next.”
Wang Qing scratched his head and smiled honestly. Su Yun was so anxious to let him go to the farm, he guessed that there should be a big move.
After Su Yun heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and he put down the pen in his hand. He was very satisfied with Wang Qing’s ingenuity, and he really did not see the wrong person.
He raised his head and looked at Wang Qingdao: “What you need to do now is not only to coordinate the establishment of farms in various places,
We also plan to buy more land in places like Lianghuai, Jianghan Plain, and Chengdu Plain, and recruit ordinary people to cultivate the fields.
I will ask the planning department to prepare a specific plan. What you need to do now is to recruit people and build a farm where Huayin has a factory. ”
Farms do it, and farms do it too.
“Mr. Su, no problem, just leave it to me!”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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