Wang Qing heard the words and said that he was full of confidence, and then he led the order to leave.
Su Yun watched Wang Qing leave, thought for a while, picked up the phone on the desk, and called Zhao Lin.
Zhao Lin answered the phone and asked, “Mr. Su, what can I do for you?”
“Liang Hui, have Dong Cheng and the others returned?”
Su Yun asked, he still has some important things to hand over to them.
“Report to President Su, they are still busy building factories outside, and it will take a while before they come back.”
Zhao Lin answered truthfully, Liang Hui and the others have been out for a while.
“Okay, I got it!”
Su Yunwei said after hearing the words, then hung up the phone, put his hands on the desk, and began to think about something in his mind.
Just as he was thinking, there was a knock on the office door.
“Mr. Su, Mr. Yang Qing is visiting.”
Ding Yan’s voice came from outside the door.
Chapter 108: Heavy Industry! set sail!
“Please come in!”
Su Yun said, then raised his head, he saw the door of the office opened, and Yang Qing walked in.
Yang Qing stood in front of Su Yun, looked at him, and said, “Mr. Su, Yang has one thing to be sure of this time!”
Su Yun heard the words with a light smile: “Please speak!”
Yang Qing then took a seat and said seriously: “Is it true that Yang is the manager of the R&D department and is responsible for the R&D direction?”
When he came, he was struggling, what he needed was a positive attitude from Su Yun.
“This position is absolutely necessary for you, it is reserved for you!”
Su Yun looked at Yang Qing and said seriously, the position of the manager of the R&D department is very important, and Yang Qing is indeed the most suitable candidate at present.
“If this is the case, I am willing to work in Huayin Company!”
Yang Qing couldn’t help laughing when he heard the words, what he wanted was Su Yun’s affirmative attitude, and that was enough.
After Su Yun heard this, a smile appeared on his face. He got up and pulled Yang Qing to sit down.
“Welcome to Huayin Company. Starting today, your monthly salary will be set at four hundred oceans.”
Su Yun said with a smile, being able to bring Yang Qing to Huayin Company, 400 Ocean is definitely worth the money.
Yang Qing was a little surprised when he heard the words, he knew the salary system of Huayin Company.
The average manager’s monthly salary is 60 yuan to 100 yuan, which is a rare high salary in Jinling City.
Now Su Yun actually gave a full 400 yuan in the ocean.
Yang Qing looked at Su Yun and asked, “President Su, isn’t the salary a little too high?”
“You’re worth the salary.”
“Seven eight seven”Su Yun said with a smile.
He patted Yang Qing on the shoulder and smiled: “And the next task to you will be very heavy.”
“Don’t worry, Mr. Su, I’m here for my dream, so I will naturally work hard.”
Yang Qing looked at Su Yundao with a solemn expression.
Su Yun smiled and nodded.
After thinking for a while, Su Yun stood up and said with a smile, “Let’s go down and walk with me!”
Yang Qing quickly got up and followed Su Yun downstairs.
The two walked slowly around the buildings around the company headquarters, and no one said a word.
“Do you know anyone, a mechanical engineer?”
After a while, Su Yun asked softly.
Heavy industry is different from light industry. Heavy industry needs not a few industrial talents, not just a few people.
“Those who can be recruited were recruited last time, but there are currently none.”
Yang Qing shook his head slightly.
Su Yun was also helpless when he heard that.
Although Zhou Xian is helping recruit, they are basically a group of mechanics, and he needs high-level talents like mechanical engineers now.
After thinking about it, he looked at Yang Qing and said, “You should be in charge of research and development, but the company’s research capabilities are still very weak.
The industrial base has not been established, so you need to pay more attention to the industrial park in Lu’an. ”
Now the industrial talents of Huayin Company are all located in the industrial park of Lu’an.
But despite this, there are only a few dozen mechanical engineers, a pitifully small number. The industrial park is not enough, not to mention the headquarters of Huayin Corporation.
Thinking of this, Su Yun couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: “Originally, this matter should have been handed over to the manager of the production department,
But now the position of the production manager is still vacant, so it can only be done by you, a professional. ”
“No problem, Mr. Su, don’t worry, leave it to me. I’ll come to work tomorrow and start focusing on things in Lu’an.”
Yang Qingqing quickly agreed and smiled.
Su Yun and Yang Qing walked for a while at random, passed the cafeteria, and continued to walk forward.
Su Yun glanced at Yang Qing before asking, “Do you know anything about foreign aircraft manufacturing companies? How much do you know?”
After hearing this, Yang Qing asked thoughtfully, “Isn’t Su always planning to engage in aviation technology?”
“Aviation technology is temporarily suspended, and aviation manufacturing requires very sophisticated instruments and equipment.
The educational level of workers is also very high. At present, the industry has only been established, and even the industrial foundation has not been reached, and it is impossible to do the aviation industry. ”
Hearing this, Su Yun shook his head and said that aviation manufacturing has very high requirements for instruments and equipment.
At the same time, there are strict requirements for each production part, and the requirements for the materials required for production are absolutely not low.
Aero-engines are also known as the flower of industry due to the difficulty of design and the complexity of the process.
Su Yun continued: “I am going to set up Huayin Airlines to carry out passenger aircraft operations.
Civil airports have been built outside many cities across the country for airline operations. ”
Su Yun has already thought about it, not to mention that buying a plane is not cheap, fuel alone is a huge expense.
You must know that there are only military airports in this era, and there is no so-called civilian airport.
One of them is of course that buying an airplane is not cheap, and even if you can afford it, you may not be able to afford it, plus there is another very important reason.
That is airport maintenance, and maintaining the airport is also a lot of money.
And Su Yun not only wants to build a civilian airport, but wants to build civilian airports in many cities across the country.
“At present, foreign aircraft companies that design and manufacture civil aviation mainly include Boeing, Curtis,
Douglas, etc., they all currently design and manufacture civilian passenger aircraft. ”
After hearing this, Yang Qing thought about it and told what he knew.
Su Yun heard the words and asked, “Do you know anyone who understands this and can go abroad and negotiate the price of planes with the United States?”
Yang Qing didn’t speak, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he was thinking, the two of them thought while walking.
“I thought of someone.”
After thinking for a while, Yang Qingcai suddenly said that he really remembered such a person.
“who is it?”
Su Yun was overjoyed and asked hurriedly.
“There is a person in the Postal Savings Bank named Ding Fang, who once studied in Britain and the United States, studied in the Department of Economics and Management,
Because of his wealthy family, he liked various Western vehicles and aircraft since he was a child. When he was in the United States, he also joined a civilian flying club in the United States, and he knew a lot about various aircraft and aircraft manufacturing companies. ”
Yang Qing said, with memories on his face, he and Ding Fang had a little overlap.
“Can you try to recruit him?”
After hearing this, Su Yun looked at Yang Qing and asked.
“I’m going to Shanghai to try it tomorrow.”
After thinking about it, Yang Qing said that this matter is still a bit difficult for him, and he may not be able to persuade him.
Then Yang Qing went back, Su Yun went back to the company headquarters building, he was about to go back to the office.
As a result, he came to the lobby on the first floor, and Ding Yan rushed over in a hurry.
Ding Yan looked at Su Yun and said, “Mr. Su, when you were not around, Boss Zhou Xianzhou called you!”
“Okay, I get it, go get busy!”
Hearing that, Su Yun nodded and said, got on the elevator and went back to the office.
He picked up the office phone and called Zhou Xian.
“Boss Zhou, stay safe, call Su in such a hurry, is the machinery and equipment all right?”
After answering the phone, Su Yun said with a smile, he had guessed that the mechanical equipment should be done properly.
“Mr. Su is right, just tomorrow afternoon, the freighter will arrive in Shanghai,
However, Zhou also wanted to ask whether those industrial machinery and equipment should be shipped directly to Lu’an or Jinling by Jiangchuan after unloading? ”
Zhou Xian asked with a smile. He called naturally to ask Su Yun what he wanted to do with these machines.device.
“All the machinery and equipment should be shipped to Lu’an. As for those industrial talents, they will all be shipped to Jinling!”
Su Yun said with a smile. At present, the industrial park in Lu’an is not enough. We are going to build a basic set of industries in Lu’an first.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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