After listening to Zhou Xian, he readily agreed: “Okay, I will make arrangements for you!”
This is not a big problem for him, he is already familiar with it.
“Then there is Boss Lao Zhou!”
After that, he hung up the phone.
Su Yungang put down the phone and thought about it, there is one more thing that has not been resolved.
So I picked up the phone again.
This time he called Ding Yan.
“Ding Yan, come to the office!”
Su Yun gave the order, and then hung up the phone.
After a while, the door of the office was knocked on. After permission, Ding Yan walked in and stood in front of Su Yun.
Su Yun took the pen and paper, then wrote some words on it and handed it to Ding Yan, Ding Yan quickly went up to catch the note 0 ……
“Send a few people to these two factories to see how their product quality is?”
Su Yun looked at Ding Yan and said.
“No problem, boss, I’ll handle it right away.”
After Ding Yan finished speaking, he left the office to run errands.
After Ding Yan left, Su Yun was also about to leave when the phone rang again.
Su Yun was a little puzzled, and then answered the phone.
“Mr. Su, long time no see, I’m Chen Mingshu, Minister of Communications.”
A male voice rang out.
“It turned out to be Minister Chen, stay safe.”
After listening to Su Yun, he said with a smile.
Chen Mingshu said with a smile: “I called you this time to tell you that the road from Pukou to Lu’an will be officially completed tomorrow.”
“So that’s the case, but didn’t it say that it would be completed in June? Why is this a month and a half earlier?”
Su Yun asked with some doubts on his face. Even if the cement factory in Lu’an is built and can supply cement, it shouldn’t be so much ahead of schedule, right?
“After the establishment of the cement plant in Lu’an, the supply of cement was sufficient. Later, some people in Shanghai bought road construction equipment abroad.
The Ministry of Communications just bought two, so the speed has been improved later. ”
Chen Mingshu explained that when there was sufficient cement, it was impossible to advance so much even if it was fast, but with road repair equipment, it would be more effective.
“I see!”
After talking and chatting with Chen Mingshu, he hung up the phone.
“After the road is repaired, it will be much more convenient for Pukou to Lu’an.”
Su Yun began to make plans in his heart.
Vehicles of this era can run 30 to 40 kilometers per hour, but the road is not good and they cannot run.
The road distance from Pukou to Lu’an is just over 200 kilometers, and it can be reached in half a day now.
Not like before, even by car, it would take two or three days.

The next day, while Su Yun was still reading documents in the office, there was a knock on the door of the office.
“President Su, Boss Zhou Xianzhou is visiting.”
Ding Yan’s voice came from outside the door.
“Boss Zhou, please come in!”
As Su Yun spoke, he stood up.
The door of the office was opened, and Zhou Xian walked in.
After the two greeted each other, Zhou Xian said, “Tomorrow morning, those industrial talents will arrive at Jinling by train.
There are more than 5,000 industrial talents in this group, and the lowest are low-level technicians.
In addition, Chinese translators were recruited all over the United States, and two or three thousand people were recruited before and after.
In addition, they also brought their family members, this time there were about 30,000 people. ”
These 4.2 problems are almost solved, and basically all the ones that can be recruited have been recruited.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and was very satisfied with Zhou Xian’s work efficiency.
Have to say the value of this partnership.
Su Yun asked, “Boss Zhou, what is the salary of the low-level technicians?”
“The salaries of low-level technicians are not high, between $200 and $300 a month. Those translators are paid around $100 a month.”
Zhou Xian replied that his people talked about it when they were talking, and the salary was definitely the most fair one for Su Yun.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and said, “There is boss Lao Zhou, and Su probably understands it.”
The reason these low-level mechanics are so low and the two thousand dollars they pay Robert is so different is because the two are different.
Robert, who are they? Mechanical engineer, the Ministry of Industry helped recruit 50 people for so long.
Among them, only more than 30 people have rich experience and are real mechanical engineers, and the remaining more than 10 people are inexperienced.
Senior mechanic, it took a long time to recruit 100 people, and they paid 800 US dollars a month.
Low-level and mid-level mechanics are not as hard to find as high-level mechanics and mechanical engineers.
It can be said that most of the technicians are low-level or middle-level technicians. Senior mechanic is a rare existence.
As for the salary of a hundred dollars a month for translators, is that low?
Not low though!
Su Yun knew that the average American soldier in this period was only paid thirty dollars a month, and it would take 42 years for it to rise to fifty.
Chapter 109: Heavy Industry Representative – Thousand-ton Hydraulic Press
In the morning, Jinling City, railway station.
A green leather car whizzed over, and after entering the station, it slowly stopped beside the platform.
The moment the doors of each carriage opened, a bunch of people got off the train hummingly.
Most of them are blond, blue-eyed, fluent English-speaking foreigners who talk and laugh.
And beside these foreigners, there are some people who sometimes speak fluently.Chinese who speak English and sometimes communicate in Chinese.
After they got off the train, they stood aside as if they were waiting for someone.
At this moment, Sun Li brought a group of employees wearing Huayin Company uniforms to the platform, all with smiles on their faces.
The group of Huayin employees who followed Sun Li had the nameplate of the Personnel Department pinned to their chests.
A group of people followed Sun Li, headed by a young man. He and Sun Li occasionally exchanged a word or two with a smile on their faces.
This young man is called Wang Rong, Zhou Xian’s cousin, and the two teams were sent by Su Yun and Zhou Xian to receive these people.
At this time, two people got off the train, one of them a middle-aged man in his forties, walking behind.
A young man in his twenties walked in front wearing a long robe. His appearance was somewhat similar to Zhou Xian.
The young man greeted the young man with a smile after the donkey blew the straw.
“Cousin, why are you back?”
Wang ‘s repeated herdsmen serve which nephews fiercely support the recruitment of scorpion stalls.
“There were too many people sent back this time, so I came back.”
Zhou Xu said with a smile on his face.
Zhou Xu is actually Zhou Xian’s younger brother, and has been in charge of purchasing goods overseas.
After Zhou Xu finished speaking, he looked at Wang Zang up and down and smiled, “How come I haven’t seen my cousin after a few years?”
Wang Luanψpan file collapsed ammonia Miaoyun support, I want to say, if I don’t have enough to eat, I will go to your house. ”
The two couldn’t help laughing.
After saying a few words at home, Zhou Xu asked with a smile, “Is the pick-up vehicle ready?”
The king revolted and said that the scorpion had broken eight trillion and stabbed the roast duck, causing a large number of trucks in the city to transport,
Most of them were sent to the 09 staff dormitory of Huayin Company to settle down, and the remaining few settled in hotels and inns in the city.
At present, many hotels and inns have been contracted in the city. ”
Zhou Xu nodded with a smile, then looked at Sun Li next to him.
“Who is this?”
Zhou Xu said with a smile, he noticed the nameplate on Sun Li’s chest.
When Wang Li was about to introduce, Sun Li stepped forward and said with a smile, “Hello, Mr. Zhou, I’m Sun Li, the manager of the personnel department of Huayin Company.”
“What a talent to be a manager at such an age. Amazing.”
Zhou Xu smiled and stretched out his hand, and the two shook hands.
Then several people walked outside, preparing to go to the headquarters of Huayin Company.
Along the way, Zhou Xu saw that there were many soldiers standing guard at the train station to maintain order, standing in a row on the left and right.
Zhou Xu glanced at it, and sent these soldiers to stand at the exit of the train, his face a little stunned.
“Cousin, why are there so many soldiers around?”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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