Zhou Xu looked at Wang Yun’s collapse, and he had some guesses in his heart.
“There are too many talents coming back this time. The military specially sent two regiments of troops to stand guard at the railway station to maintain order.”
Zhou Xu’s cheeks twitched, two groups? He never dared to think about this treatment.
Several people got into the minibus and went to the headquarters of Huayin Company.

At this time, in the meeting room on the seventh floor of the company headquarters, Su Yun was drinking tea with Zhou Xian slowly. After Su Yun took a sip of tea, he put down the teacup.
He glanced at the time, at this point, it should be almost
“Dong dong!”
At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the living room.
“Come in!”
Su Yun raised his head and said.
Ding Yan opened the door and came in and said, “Mr. Su, Manager Sun Li, they are back!”
Su Yun had a smile on his face, thinking that they had finally come back.
Then Sun Li, Wang Ruo, Zhou Xu and others walked in.
Zhou Xu was overjoyed when he saw Zhou Xian, and he hurried up to meet him.
Zhou Xian was also a little excited when he saw his own younger brother come back, and the two hugged each other.
“Brother, I heard that you have opened a few restaurants recently.”
Zhou Xu took Zhou Xian’s hand and smiled heartily.
“It’s all thanks to Mr. Tosu, how about you? Why do you think you’re back?”
Zhou Xian said with a smile, the two hadn’t seen each other for a long time.
“I miss the food at home, hahaha!”
Zhou Xu said with a smile, grabbing Zhou Xian’s arm.
As soon as the two met, they chatted excitedly.
Su Yun sat on the sofa and smiled and watched all this.
After a while, Zhou Xu came to Su Yun and looked at him with a smile.
Zhou Xu stretched out his hand and introduced: “Hello, Mr. Su, my name is Zhou Xu, Zhou Xian’s younger brother, I have been in charge of some things overseas before.”
“Hello, your surname is Su, it’s been a long time!”
Su Yun said with a smile, and shook hands with Zhou Xu, he knew that this time should be Zhou Xu helping him run.
“Mr. Su, please wait a minute, I also brought something!”
Zhou Xu walked to the door with a smile, and took a small suitcase from the employee he brought back.
He took the small suitcase and put it on the coffee table in front of Su Yun, then opened it.
Su Yun saw the small suitcase that was divided into two halves, with a pile of documents densely packed inside.
Half of the documents had pictures of people, which seemed to be personal resumes, and the other half were densely packed, all in English.
At this time, Zhou Xu sat down, looked at Su Yun and said with a smile: “All the information about the talents and industrial machines recruited this time are here.”
Su Yun smiled and nodded when he heard the words. He picked up a piece of mechanical equipment and looked at it.
Zhou Xu glanced at Su Yun, and quickly helped him find a thick document from the pile of materials.
“Mr. Su, this is an overview document of industrial machinery and equipment!”
Zhou Xu handed Su Yun the thick document and said with a smile. these workersHe has done statistics on industrial machinery and equipment
Su Yun took the document and slowly started to read it.
This time, it has acquired machinery and equipment of more than 30 factories.
But there is no way to tell in detail what factories are in the telegram. Only now did Su Yun see it completely.
Su Yun looked at the records in these materials, and he found a surprising record.
These documents record that Zhou Xu actually acquired the machinery and equipment of four machinery factories before and after.
And the surprise doesn’t stop there.
“How did you talk about it? You can buy machinery and equipment from four machinery factories at such a low price.”
Su Yun asked with the information, his face was slightly surprised, the price was too low.
Compared with the price recovered before, it is much cheaper, which makes people a little unbelievable.
“If it was last year, the price would not be able to come down. Last Christmas, when the US presidential election ended,
The new president proposed a new economic policy, which gave the Americans at the time the hope of economic recovery. At that time the price of industrial machines was still up, but it’s been a few months since this year.
The delay in the release of the new economic policy has turned Americans from expectations to disappointment, and the economic situation has further deteriorated.
All kinds of machinery and equipment began to sell frantically, and many medium-sized factories could not bear the pressure brought by the economic crisis, and could only deal with equipment at ultra-low prices to try to recover some losses.
In this case, I went to those factory owners to negotiate the price, and finally got it at a lower price.”
Zhou Xu explained with a smile that he also caught up with the good time, otherwise how could he get such a good price.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words. The new president? The giant in the wheelchair appeared in his mind.
Think about it carefully and remember that it seems to have been said in the history books. The giant in the wheelchair will not complete the formulation of the New Economic Policy with his team until mid-August.
It was released after Congress passed it in early September. It is still half a year before the release of the New Economic Policy.
This is really cheap for him, allowing him to buy back so many mechanical equipment at once.
Su Yun continued to watch, and suddenly his pupils shrank suddenly.
Looking up at Zhou Xu in shock, he asked, “How did you buy the two thousand-ton hydraulic presses?”
These things shouldn’t be here, right? how can that be?
He knew that a thousand-ton hydraulic press seemed insignificant in front of a ten-thousand-ton hydraulic press, but it was an important representative of the heavy industry.
Such as the manufacture of 120, 150 mm caliber heavy artillery, it is necessary to use a thousand-ton hydraulic press.
If there is no thousand-ton hydraulic press, the barrel tempering process of the heavy artillery will not meet the standard, and the heavy artillery produced will explode.
But this kind of thing has always belonged to the embargoed equipment from the West to the East.
Even in the current economic crisis, he didn’t dare to buy a thousand-ton hydraulic press before, because the control of this thing is too strict, and money can’t buy it.
And Su Yun is more aware that the price of a thousand-ton hydraulic press is very expensive, and the price of this one is more than 800,000 US dollars.
The thousand-ton hydraulic press that he could only think about before was unexpectedly bought by Zhou Xu.
“The thousand-ton hydraulic press is a scarce commodity in our country, and there is basically no such hydraulic press.
However, in the United States, it is a common equipment in the factory. In the case of a big sale of equipment, the US customs relaxed the embargo on the equipment.
Give those people some money, just two thousand-ton hydraulic presses, and they won’t care. ”
Zhou Xu said that he was a little regretful after hearing this. He spent a lot of time trying to get these two big things back.
Going up and down everywhere, trying to figure out a way, I got it back. If it is placed at other times, it is impossible to get this thousand-ton hydraulic press back.
Su Yun understood when he heard the words. It turned out that it was because of economic oppression that the United States relaxed the equipment embargo, and Zhou Xu gave customs bribes and shipped them out.
But this is not something ordinary people can get back, this time Zhou Xu can be said to be a huge credit.
And for Su Yun, he was very satisfied that he could get back two thousand-ton hydraulic presses.
“I can’t thank you enough.”
Su Yun said gratefully that the thousand-ton hydraulic press was too important to him.
In the development of heavy industry, whether it is the manufacture of large-scale equipment or the munitions of weapons, thousand-ton hydraulic presses are required.
For example, in the manufacture of warships and large freighters, hydraulic presses of more than 3,000 tons are required.
Needless to say, the 790 battleship does not have a 5,000-ton hydraulic press, and the strength of the steel is not enough.
Zhou Xu smiled and then said: “I originally liked a 5,000-ton hydraulic press.
However, the control of the 5,000-ton U.S. side is very strict, and the factory owner does not dare to sell it, so he did not buy it. ”
He was also very helpless. Compared with the 5,000-ton hydraulic press, the thousand-ton hydraulic press was completely incomparable.
Once the 5,000-ton hydraulic press can be bought back, it is definitely of great significance, and it is a highlight in the history of domestic heavy industry.
It’s a pity that this thing is too strictly controlled, and there is no way to buy it back.
He spent a lot of effort and couldn’t get it done.
Su Yun didn’t speak any more and continued to watch.
He found out that Zhou Xu actually bought two engine production lines later?
His pupils shrank slightly.
Buying two thousand-ton hydraulic presses is enough to shock him, but these two engine production lines are also very complicated.
Zhou Xu actually bought back two production lines of an engine factory.
Zhou Xu glanced slightly at the direction Su Yun was staring at.
He said with a smile: “This engine factory was originally an OEM.Although there is no independent research and development capability, there is no problem in producing the engine.
Not only did I buy back the machinery and equipment, but all the mechanics in this factory were packed and brought back by me.
As long as the machine is installed and the equipment data is debugged, it can be directly produced. ”
He spoke lightly, as if it didn’t take much effort.
You must know that he packed and took away other people’s production lines and technicians.
After listening to Su Yun, he put down the document in his hand, and his face was solemn.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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