If the two thousand-ton hydraulic presses are just an accident, how about these two engine production lines?
Su Yun looked at Zhou Xu and re-examined him. He found that Zhou Xu’s ability was really strong, don’t take Zhou Xu’s words so lightly.
But the actual operation is definitely not easy. Zhou Xu’s efforts in it are probably not as easy as they say. It’s probably not enough to change someone.
“Which school did you graduate from?”
Su Yun asked with a smile, a smile on his face.
“Graduated from Columbia University!”
Zhou Xu said with a smile, he didn’t think so much.
Su Yun nodded after hearing this.
That night, Su Yun invited Zhou Xian, Zhou Xu, and Wang Lian to eat at Shengqing Restaurant. They reserved a big box, and a few people had a good time over drinks. Su Yun also expressed his gratitude to them.
Chapter 110: Take care of everyone, give up the small family
In the evening, Zhou Xu followed Zhou Xian back to Zhou Mansion, both of them drank a lot and their cheeks were blood red.
The two drank some tea. After sobering up, Zhou Xian looked at Zhou Xu and asked, “Why did you come back this time? You need to watch over the business in the United States.”
Zhou Xu’s return this time surprised him.
The two brothers, Zhou Xu was in charge of purchasing these items abroad, and Zhou Xian was in charge of selling them in China, but he had been with Su Yun before and didn’t ask any questions.
Zhou Xu was silent when he heard the words, which made Zhou Xian frown.
After a long time, Zhou Xu took a breath: “Brother, let me tell you the truth, I decided to join Huayin Company!”
“What did you say?”
Zhou Xian’s voice suddenly increased.
Zhou Xu was silent.
“Why? Isn’t it bad to help your brother?”
Zhou Xian looked at Zhou Xu and asked, some heartache and some incomprehensible.
Huayin Company is so good? Even your own brother’s own brother would not hesitate to run over?
He asked himself that his opponents were indeed inferior to Huayin Company, but his own younger brother, he had never treated him poorly.
Zhou Xu shook his head slightly, looked at Zhou Xian and said seriously: “Some things cannot be measured by money.
The country’s strength is not strong, and it can’t lift its head in front of foreigners. Too many people can’t do anything in the face of bullying.
Most domestic businessmen are running for their own interests, but no one is working hard to revitalize the country. ”
I have never experienced this era, and I don’t understand the humility of Chinese people going abroad.
Many times it is useless to be reasonable, because others have big fists.
“Any country is empty, only money is yours, don’t think so much, and feel at ease to make the Zhou family’s property bigger.”
Zhou Xian said, putting his hand on Zhou Xu’s shoulder, he did not have such a big consciousness.
He only wanted to make the Zhou family’s industry bigger, and the money was king when it was in his hands.
“I have a dream, I also graduated from a famous school, and now the country is weak,
After my studies, I should devote myself to the revitalization of national strength and the development of the country, rather than rushing around for the petty profits of my family. ”
Zhou Xu received both the Western education of this era and the domestic Confucian education.
He has his own dreams and understands the difference between everyone and a small family.
Zhou Xian was silent when he heard the words, and there was a little struggle on his face.
Looking at Zhou Xian, Zhou Xu said in a low voice, “Brother, a country, only a country can have a family, President Su will leave his small family and take care of everyone,
The younger brother is also considered to be rich in five cars. Now that the country is hiring people, I should devote myself to the revitalization of national strength. ”
He was a little excited as he spoke, and his heart was beating vigorously.
After Zhou Xian heard this, he was silent for a long time.
Finally, he sighed and said, “Since you have decided, then you can do it!
My eldest brother doesn’t have much culture and knowledge. He wants to make some money and revitalize the Zhou family all day long. I don’t have such lofty ideals as yours, and I don’t understand your thoughts. ”
Zhou Xu looked at Zhou Xian in disbelief after hearing this, and he was ready to have a heated discussion with Zhou Xian tonight.
Didn’t expect such a result.
Zhou Xian raised his head and glanced at Zhou Xu, then continued: “Tomorrow I will personally recommend you to President Su. I think he should also be interested in you.”
He didn’t explain so much, but now he started to feel a little hesitant in his heart.
Zhou Xu was stunned when he heard the words, and after an unknown amount of time, he suddenly knelt in front of Zhou Xian.
“Brother, our father died of illness when our brother was young, and his mother died of depression.
It was the eldest brother who raised me and sent me to study abroad to become a talent. The eldest brother is like a father, and in the heart of the younger brother, the elder brother is the father.
The younger brother was supposed to help the elder brother to revive the family, but the national strength was weak and the family and country were not prosperous.
There are thousands of businessmen in the country, but only Su Yun is willing to ruin his family and revitalize the country. On the occasion of this crisis, my brother wished that he could do the hard work of dogs and horses and realize the great rejuvenation of our country~¨. ”
After Zhou Xu finished speaking, he bowed down.
There were only the two of them in the hall. The hall was very large. After Zhou Xu finished speaking, his words echoed throughout the hall.
Zhou Xian heard tears in his eyes, he stretched out his hand to support Zhou Xu and said, “Although my brother is not talented,
But I also know the ambition of my brother Honghu. I can’t help you for my brother, so just do whatever you want! ”

The next morning, Su Yun got up early. After breakfast, he drove to Xiaguan Wharf.
when he got downAfter the car, I only saw that the Shimonoseki Wharf was crowded with people at the moment, and it was crowded with people.
These people looked around, and the clothes they were wearing were a bit shabby.
These people are naturally the poor people recruited from the southwest area of ​​the city during this period, and there are about 30,000 people.
Now they need to take a ferry to Pukou.
At a glance, you can’t see the head, a dense crowd of people.
After a young man saw Su Yun, he hurried over. Su Yun retracted his gaze and turned to the young man.
This person is Sun Li, and he is responsible for arranging the itinerary of these people.
Sun Li came to Su Yun.
“Is the vehicle ready?”
Su Yun glanced at Sun Li and asked.
“The Department of Logistics and the Department of Military Supplies of the Ministry of Communications have mobilized about 200 military trucks before and after this matter. At present, basically all the trucks that can be mobilized have been mobilized.”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words. More than 30,000 trucks and 200 military trucks are estimated to be busy for two or three days. The carrying capacity of trucks in this era is very general. There are more than 200 trucks. Three thousand people passed by.
If these drivers drive fast, they can run forty kilometers in an hour, and they can run two or three times a day. If they are slower, they may not be able to complete the journey in three days.
But Su Yun didn’t care about these, it was better than letting them walk.
He glanced at Sun Li and asked, “Is the dormitory over there in Lu’an ready?”
“Du Gan sent back a telegram yesterday, but at present only the shed is being prepared, because of the surge in the number of workers,
As a result, the subsequent dormitory buildings have not yet been built. The group of workers who passed by at the beginning of this year are only now living in the dormitory building. ”
Sun Li looked at Su Yun and answered truthfully, that there were too many workers recruited, and it was difficult to build houses there.
“The basic necessities of life for these poor people must be put in place, and there must be no situation where people have no food, no clothes, or even a place to live.”
Su Yun said seriously, since the treatment promised at the time of recruitment must be done in place, he will never allow anyone to be careless.
“Mr. Su, please rest assured, for this matter, the company’s purchasing department has purchased 3 million catties of rice in the entire Jiangnan region.
At present, it is being continuously transported to Lu’an by water.
The Huayin Quilt Factory is currently working three shifts a day to make work clothes for these workers, and the shoe factory is also making shoes and socks. ”
Sun Li looked at Su Yun and said that both the personnel department and the purchasing department were very busy with these matters, after all, there were so many workers.
A large number of materials are being continuously delivered to Lu’an to ensure that these workers can use them quickly.
“Keep an eye on these things.”
After speaking, Su Yun went back to the company headquarters. As soon as he arrived at the top floor, he saw Ding Yan waiting in front of the office.
When Ding Yan saw him coming back, he trotted over quickly.
Su Yun glanced at Ding Yan.
Ding Yan hurried over and said, “Mr. Su, Yang Qing has brought a person and is waiting for you in the living room!”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and pushed the door straight into the living room.
In the living room, Yang Qing was laughing with a twenty-seven or eight-year-old young man.
Seeing Su Yun coming in, Yang Qing quickly stood up, and the young man also stood up.
Looking at Su Yun, Yang Qing said to the young man, “This is President Su of our Huayin Company.”
Then he looked at Su Yun and said, “President Su, this is Ding Fang. He has already agreed to work in Huayin Company.”
Su Yun smiled and looked at Ding Fang, then looked at Yang Qing and nodded.
He was still very satisfied with Yang Qing’s speed, and he had already convinced Ding Fang in such a short time.
“Sit down and talk!”
Su Yun said with a smile.
“Ding Fang, I heard that you joined a folk flying club before?”
Su Yun asked with a smile, looking casual, as if he was just chatting.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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