Xu Deli looked at the empty plain and nodded. At this time, Du Gan led someone to insert a few wooden boards in front.
Xu Deli took a gun and looked at it with a magazine, and found that the structure of the Garand rifle was slightly different from that made by Hanyang.
Du Gan also took a rifle at this time, pressed the magazine into the magazine in front of Xu Deli and the others, then raised the gun in his hand and aimed forward.
“Bang bang bang!”
Du Gan continuously pulled the trigger to shoot.
Seeing this, Xu Deli also pressed the bullet into the magazine of the rifle in his hand, and several Gao Sen also took a rifle and started to press the bullet.
Then they all picked up the rifles in their hands and aimed at the front plank and fought.
Su Yun looked at them without speaking, with a smile on his face.
Gunshots rang out in the plains, and each of them stopped after firing more than ten bullets.
Xu Deli shook the Garand rifle in his hand and said with a smile, “This gun is really good!”
He could feel the difference between this gun and the Hanyang-made rifle just by experiencing it.
Su Yun just smiled when he heard the words. This is a famous gun. After the baptism of war, it is considered to be one of the best battle rifles.
Xu Deli touched the Garand rifle, and then said: “This gun is good or not, but the rate of fire is too fast and it takes too much bullets!”
The Garand rifle is good, but it consumes too much ammunition, and the rate of fire is so fast, it is all money!
After listening to Su Yun, he also brought a Garand rifle.
He weighed it in his hand and said with a smile: “The effective range of this gun is 730 meters, the empty gun weighs about 4.3 kilograms, and uses 7.62 mm bullets.
This gun can be fed from magazines, with a capacity of eight rounds, loaded from top to bottom, or you can choose to use magazines from bottom to top, with a capacity of 20 rounds. ”
After Su Yun finished speaking, he threw the gun to Du Gan, and walked slowly towards the industrial park with Xu Deli.
Su Yun said as he walked: “Although this gun has a fast rate of fire and consumes fast ammunition, its firepower is also fierce.
The rate of fire is at least three times that of the Little Devils 38-style rifle. If our soldiers can be equipped with this weapon, they will definitely be able to beat up little devils on the battlefield. ”
Semi-automatic rifles and bolt-action manual rifles have very clear advantages and disadvantages. The first is the rate of fire of both sides. In terms of rate of fire, the Type 38 rifle is really not good.
Not to mention the semi-automatic rifle, not even the Lee Enfield rifle.
The Lee Enfield rifle has the fastest rate of fire among the manual rifles.
Secondly, in terms of power, the penetrating power of the Type 38 rifle is too strong, resulting in too little power.
But the Type 38 rifle also has a very obvious advantage compared to the Garand rifle, that is, the length of the gun, and the installed bayonet is also a longer type, which has obvious advantages in hand-to-hand combat.
The Garand rifle is more than ten centimeters shorter than the Type 38 rifle, and because of the gun body, it is impossible to install a longer bayonet.
Therefore, in hand-to-hand combat, the Garand rifle suffers more. However, because the Garand rifle is semi-automatic, it can be loaded from the bottom to the top for ammunition, and bullets can be used to solve the enemy in close combat.
Xu Deli didn’t say anything after hearing this, his brows frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.
As a soldier and deputy director of the Logistics Department, Xu Deli has a farther vision than others on some issues.
After he pondered for a while, he could see the advantages and disadvantages.
After he and Su Yun walked side by side and took a few steps forward, he said, “Theoretically, this is the case.
I also wish to equip such a weapon in my heart, but it is not up to me to decide whether to equip it or not. ”
He was really excited just now, but once he changed it, he would face more problems.
Not to mention buying a new type of rifle, this is not something he can decide.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words. He could also understand what Xu Deli was worried about, and changing equipment was a big deal.
At this moment, a Gao Sen came over and looked at Su Yun and said, “Mr. Su, I would like to ask what the price of this weapon is?”
Whether a weapon is purchased or not, the price naturally needs to be referenced.
Isn’t that what the so-called cost-effectiveness comes from?
Su Yun looked at the two of them and said with a smile, “The price of this rifle is 30 yuan.”
At this price, he believes that no one will not be tempted.
Xu Deli and several Gao Shen almost blurted out and shouted, their eyes widened.
Actually only need thirty dollars?
They are all ready for a rifle for two or three hundred oceans. The Garand rifle performs quite well in all aspects and is indeed worth the price.
But now the price of thirty yuan ocean makes several people look at each other and see the surprise in each other’s eyes.
Xu Deli took up his weapon and looked at it again, and finally looked at Su Yun again.
After pondering for a moment, he said: “I will report this matter to the Military and Political Department, and the Military and Political Department will decide what to do.
It’s just this gun, we want to take a few with us when we leave, so that the commander can also see its effect. ”
Su Yun nodded with a smile, and said with a smile, “Yes, no problem.”
Several people then walked towards the industrial park.
On the way, Xu Deli looked at Su Yun and asked, “Can the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs still be able to use these weapons?”
The reason why he asked this was because the 70,000 rifles, 3,000 light machine guns and other bullets under the military and political department were all vain and no money was given.
If the Garand rifle can also hit white bars, it will be a lot less burden on them.
Su Yun looked at Xu Deli and said with a smile: “All the weapons and ammunition of the Ministry of Military Affairs areYou can make a white note and give it later when you have money. ”
That’s what he planned to do, otherwise where would he lose money?
Xu Deli did not speak when he heard the words. He still underestimated Su Yun’s handwriting and Su Yun’s determination.
After a while, he looked at Su Yun and asked, “Ziwen, do you want to buy machinery and equipment from abroad?”
Su Yun said softly.
After hearing this, Xu Deli looked at the already huge industrial park in front of him.
He couldn’t help sighing: “This Lu’an will probably become the largest heavy industry base in China in the future.”
He has a hunch that everything Su Yun said will become reality, and this industrial park in the future may shock everyone.
After hearing this, Su Yun shook his head and said, “The next time the machinery and equipment purchased from abroad will not be installed in Lu’an.”
It is impossible for him to install all the heavy industry factories in one place, not to mention that some of the following plans involve some resources, which Lu’an does not have.
Xu Deli was a little stunned, not in Lu’an? What is Su Yun doing?
He quickly asked, “Ziwen, where do you plan to install it?”
Su Yun spit out a place, the reason for choosing Nanyang, there are also his own considerations.
Nanyang has what he needs.
Xu Deli was thoughtful after hearing this, but he knew Nanyang, but why did Su Yun choose to be there?
Naturally, Su Yun didn’t say anything. In fact, he had already thought about this for a long time. Nanyang was a good place.
The entire Nanyang Basin is rich in mineral resources, rich in water resources, and rich in grain output.
However, these are secondary, and they are not what Su Yun needs most.
The most important point of choosing Nanyang is because there is oil there.
Although the number is not too much, it is not too small.
Next, he wants to build an aircraft factory and a car factory, all of which need oil.
At present, all vehicles under Huayin’s name are purchased from foreign banks in Shanghai.
Although the current amount is not large, the amount in the future will definitely increase.
And once the airline starts operating, how much aviation fuel does it have to burn for a passenger plane to fly?
What’s more, aviation fuel, not gasoline, is expensive in itself.
After Su Yun and the others walked for a while, they came to the industrial park.
“Mr. Su, I have good news to tell you!”
Robert came to Su Yun and smiled.
“What good news?”
Su Yun looked at Robert and smiled.
Looking at Robert’s expression, did he come up with something?
When the two talked, they all talked in English. Xu Deli and a few Gao Shen on the side had helpless expressions on their faces. They didn’t understand English.
Listening to the two of them is like listening to a book from heaven.
“I already telegraphed my teacher on the radio!”
Robert looked at Su Yun and smiled.
Hearing this, Su Yun asked in amazement, “Could it be that your teacher is also unemployed?”
It would be a bit amazing to call Robert’s teacher here. The university teacher is still from the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Robert shook his head slightly and said, “How is it possible? My mentor is a scientist, and it is impossible to lose a job.”
Scientists are not much affected, if not impossible, by an economic crisis.
Because their salaries will not be reduced because of the economic crisis.
If you lower your salary, someone will pay to poach scientists.
Scientists, serious top talents, no country will give up.
Su Yun heard the words and shrugged, scientist, that can’t wait.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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