Every scientist is a strategic talent of every country, how could they be dismissed so easily.
“However, my teacher helped me contact the alumni of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and found that many people are unemployed.
Others are doing odd jobs, earning just over ten dollars a month to feed their stomachs. ”
Robert continued, there were memories on his face, and when he remembered his experience at that time, he was full of sighs.
If he hadn’t met his old classmate Yang Qing, he would still be worrying about his next meal now!
“All your mechanical alumni are mechanical engineers?”
Su Yun looked at Robert and asked, it would be a bit too exaggerated if all of them were mechanical engineers.
That is an alumni, not a professional class. A university has many majors, even in the mechanical department, there are many people.
Robert shrugged. “Only one part isn’t. The rest, what do you think?”
Su Yun knew what was going on as soon as he heard it. Graduates of the Department of Mechanical Engineering are all talents in industry, part of it is, and the rest are absolute talents in industry even if they are not mechanical engineers.
Looking at Robert and asking, “They are all high-level talents. How could they be so unemployed?”
This is too exaggerated. How many people are there? He worked hard in the United States to recruit dozens of them for the first time.
As a result, now Robert tells himself much more than that?
After hearing the words, Robert was silent for a long time before he said: “It is because of the unpopular education in your country that you think we are high-level talents.”
Su Yun only reacted when he heard this sentence, his face was a little bitter, and he shook his head with a wry smile and did not speak.
What Robert said is not false, and there is one thing that Robert does not know, that is, there is no place in the country to recruit industrial talents.
…………………. 0
targetHow many former domestic college graduates are there each year? Only 7,000 people graduate each year.
So how many people in the country are currently in college?
There are not even 40,000 people going to college at the same time, that is, in the early 30,000s.
Specifically, there are more than 20,000 college students enrolled in Huayin School City.
Of course, as for the record that more than 20,000 people graduated every year during the Republic of China, that was after the outbreak of the war.
After the outbreak of the war, all kinds of talents were scarce, and the government finally took action and began to invest heavily in education, and education funding became second only to military spending.
At this time, there are more than 20,000 college graduates every year. But 40 years ago, there were only more than 7,000 college graduates each year, and there were only more than 100 colleges and universities in the country.
Looking at the United States at the same time, there are more than 5,000 colleges and universities, and the annual college graduates are about one million.
Robert glanced at the helpless look on Su Yun’s face before continuing: “There are more than 5,000 universities in the United States, and more than 200,000 people graduate from mechanical universities every year. Students who graduate from the mechanical departments of famous science and engineering schools, More than fifty thousand people.”
There are more than 5,000 universities in the United States, and there are many graduates, and there is no shortage of people at all.
Last year alone, more than 200,000 mechanical students graduated, plus more than 200,000 mechanical college students who are about to graduate this year.
There are more than 400,000 fresh graduates of the mechanical department. In fact, when it comes to this, Su Yun also smiled bitterly.
Among the 50 mechanical engineers recruited earlier, more than 10 only have certificates and no experience, but they are actually fresh graduates.
It’s just that they were lucky and found a job that was super-paying for them half a year after graduation.
It has only been two years, but the economic crisis has been spreading for four or five years. It is conceivable to imagine how many fresh graduates are unemployed after graduation.
After Robert finished speaking, he looked at Su Yun and asked, “Do you think there are more than 50,000 mechanical graduates from prestigious schools every year?
Are mechanical graduates really senior talents? ”
Su Yun heard the words and shook his head with a wry smile.
The number that Robert said is truly astonishing.
But it also said the biggest helplessness and the most helpless point at present, that is education!
There are scarce industrial talents in the country, but as a result, there are countless more in the United States.
And this does not count the industrial talents of other universities, but there are already many in the famous universities.
It reminded him of the afterlife, with more than seven million college graduates every year.
And as education levels improve, so does the number of college graduates.
Every year there are college students looking for jobs in the city, and anyone who walks out says he is a college student.
There are also many college students from famous domestic universities in later generations.
Now the education in the United States is developed, and in the eyes of the American people, mechanical students are either high-level talents or ordinary university graduates.
There are more than 50,000 graduates from prestigious schools every year, even if only one-fifth of them become mechanical engineers, that is 10,000, and there are 10,000 people every year.
This situation is the same as in later generations, throwing a brick can hit several college students.
It is no wonder that so many mechanical engineers are unemployed, the pressure of competition is too great, and it is usually hard to find jobs.
After the economic crisis hit, let alone finding a job.
There is quite a feeling of thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge.
Chapter 113: Only a fool chooses, I want it all
Su Yun looked at Robert and asked, “Are all your alumni willing to work in Huaxia?”
This is an opportunity. What he lacks most now is these industrial talents. With so many alumni from Robert, he cannot let it go.
“If you don’t come to Lu’an today, Mr. Su, I will send you a telegram tomorrow.
Because my teacher has sent me several telegrams during this period, and has been asking how many people Huaxia wants to recruit,
The alumni who got the news over there are now striving for the opportunity to work in Huaxia.
Especially when they heard that experienced mechanical engineers could make $2,000 a month, they were going crazy,
They said they don’t need $2,000 a month at all, just pay them $800 a month, and they’re willing to come. ”
Hearing this, Robert smiled bitterly and said that he could understand the feelings of these alumni.
It was really hard to live without income, and it was the same when he begged Yang Qing at the time, only hoping to have a job.
Su Yun looked at Robert’s expression with mixed feelings.
In the end, he opened his mouth and was speechless. He thought it would be difficult to recruit this thing. He recruited two batches of industrial talents before and after, which took a lot of time.
And the two mechanical engineers still did not find a few, but the second batch of low-level technicians found a lot.
As a result, who knows that they are the best recruits to ask.
At this time, Su Yun suddenly reacted. These people are people who have received higher education. In the environment of unemployment, these people have become the existence of difficult to find jobs.
Unemployment is impossible unless they are top scientists.
This is the same reason that later generations of college students graduate to work on the construction site.
The subcontractor looked at the two “790” people in front of him, one was a college student, the other was a young man who had worked on the construction site for several years, but he was uneducated, so he definitely chose the uneducated.
This is called professional matching. It does not require any culture to work on the construction site. It is enough if you have the strength. College students go to school all day long, and their physical strength is far worse than those who have worked on the construction site for a few years.
The people who have received higher education in the United States are actually such a truth now.
“No wonder Zhou Xu and the Industrial Department have such difficulty recruiting mechanical engineers.”
Su Yun thought to himself that he had come to terms with it. These industrial talents are not absent in the United States, but very many.It’s just because Zhou Xu and the others are recruiting the wrong talents in the wrong place and targeting the wrong target. This is the result of difficulty in recruiting.
It also made Su Yun really think for a while that these industrial talents are very difficult to recruit. Now that he has figured it out, it will be easy to handle.
Su Yun looked at Robert and said seriously: “I am in great need of talents now, especially mechanical engineers.
You tell your teacher, how many people tell me directly, even if there are a thousand people, I want them all. ”
He is really short of people right now. The equipment for the second batch of machinery manufacturing plants is coming soon, which is full of equipment for four machinery manufacturing plants.
However, there are only 50 mechanical engineers in the industrial park, and more than 30 experienced ones. How is this distributed?
There are so many factories, such as Lu Feng from the Ordnance Department, those who are pure and special are not considered talents.
He knows how to use the machinery and equipment of the arsenal, that’s all! You ask him to adjust the parameters of the equipment, etc., and he is a Muggle.
Robert heard the words and said, “Mr. Su, why don’t you just wait here for a while?”
Su Yun looked at the sky, it was almost evening, and the setting sun pulled their backs very long. According to the time difference, it should be almost morning in the United States.
After a while, Robert felt almost the same, so he said, “Mr. Su, please come with me!”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, but Xu Deli and the others did not understand, and looked at Robert and the others blankly.
“Deputy Director Xu, let’s follow!”
Su Yun looked at Xu Deli and the others, and said with a smile.
Xu Deli can only look at me, I look at you, and finally followed Su Yun and Robert, feeling a little helpless.
At this time, the machinery factory was still in operation. Su Yun saw only the machines that were not running at a glance. After taking his eyes back, he saw a small house next to the machinery factory.
This small house is quite simple, and it can be seen that it should be built at will. Robert opened the door of the house, Su Yun fixed his eyes, and a high-power radio was revealed inside.
Su Yun was a little surprised, how could such a high-power radio station appear here?
Su Yun pointed to the radio, looked at Robert and asked, “Why do you have such a thing?”
It stands to reason that there is only a low-power radio station installed on Lu’an’s side, but he has never heard them mention this high-power radio station.
“Among my colleagues here, there is one person who is proficient in electricity. Using the machinery and equipment in the industrial park, it took a week to build a high-power radio by hand. Otherwise, Du Gan’s low-power radio would not be able to transmit signals across the ocean. .”
Robert explained that although they didn’t buy it, they could make it.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, so he did overlook one point. If he wanted to transmit signals across the ocean, he had to use a high-power radio station.
After Robert finished, he glanced at his watch and said, “My teacher will get up on time at around 6:10 every morning, just wait another half an hour.”
Afterwards, several people waited for another half an hour. After half an hour, Robert directly sent a telegram to the United States on a high-power radio.
“Now we just have to wait for my teacher to answer!”
Robert smiled and said that the telegrams between him and his teacher, except for the first telegram, which was in plaintext, were all encrypted.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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