After hearing the words, the three of them left the office and returned to their respective jobs. Due to the relatively large changes in positions, they also need to be familiar with the work.

Su Yun was busy all morning, got up and walked out of the office to prepare for lunch.
As soon as I came to the first floor, I saw a familiar figure outside the door in the distance. There was some surprise in his eyes, but he still walked outside.
Looking at the person coming, Su Yun asked, “Deputy Director Xu, why are you here?”
Xu Deli patted the military vehicle in front of him and said with a smile, “Ziwen, get on the bus first!”
“What’s wrong with this?”
Su Yun was stunned, get in the car?
“Follow me, you’ll know when you get there!”
Xu Deli said with a smile, and then Su Yun got into the car.
The vehicle drove all the way to Xuanwu Lake, and Su Yun was not surprised. He estimated that it might have something to do with what happened the day before yesterday.
The vehicle went straight through several cordons, with soldiers standing guard on both sides, and some patrols from 09 could be seen passing by from time to time.
Sometimes you can see military vehicles pulling supplies in and out.
Obviously, this may be a material warehouse of the Logistics Division.
After a while, the vehicle stopped in front of a large house.
On the plaque in front of the gate of the mansion are the words “Liuhe Compound”.
Su Yun also got out of the car and looked around. The realm was very strict. This mansion was almost at the level of three steps, one post, five steps and one post.
He turned his head to look at Xu Deli and asked, “Deputy Director Xu, why did you pick me up here?”
“Because I have something important to inform you today.”
Xu Deli smiled lightly, and led Su Yun towards the Liuhe compound.
After entering the Liuhe compound, the compound was also heavily guarded.
Every corner was not spared. Under the guard of these soldiers, there was no dead corner in this Liuhe compound, and not even a fly could come in.
“Let’s go, go first!”
Xu Deli invited Su Yun in with a smile, and the two then came to the main hall.
Walking in, I only saw a large table full of meals on the round table in the hall.
At the table sat a middle-aged man with glasses, who was a little thin. When the middle-aged man saw Su Yun, he had a smile on his face.
When Su Yun saw him, he was stunned. He didn’t seem to have any impression of the person in front of him.
“Ziwen, this is our minister He Jingzhi!”
Xu Deli looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and introduced to Su Yun with a smile.
Su Yun was stunned when he heard the words. He didn’t expect that the person in front of him was actually Xu Deli’s immediate boss, and he wanted to see him today.
“Ziwen has met Minister He.”
Faced with Minister He’s heart, he became more and more puzzled, why did he invite him here?
“Come and sit down.”
He Jingzhi smiled and let Su Yun sit down.
After Su Yun sat down, He Jingzhi reached out and poured a glass of wine for Su Yun himself, and then said with a smile, “Eat first, and then talk about it after eating.”
Su Yun is also welcome. Now that he has seen a lot of big people, he is also a little immune. It is not like when he first came to this era, when he saw everyone raising money, he threw his cheeks away and started eating.
However, it is inevitable to wonder if it is a matter of weapons, but if it is just weapons, it should not be able to do this. The previous weapon orders were all sent by Xu Deli.
During the meal, He Jingzhi poured wine to Su Yun with a smile from time to time.
Su Yun also smiled and had a few drinks with He Jingzhi, and the three of them didn’t mention anything else at the dinner table.
After eating, He Jingzhi looked at Su Yun and said with a smile, “Ziwen, come with me.”
He Jingzhi stood up and walked towards a small room next to him. Su Yun followed with a smile.
He knew that this should be about something, and what it was, it would be revealed soon.
He Jingzhi took out a few documents from the drawer of a desk and handed them to Su Yun.
He didn’t speak, his eyes signaled Su Yun to open it.
Su Yun took the document with a smile and looked at it.
I only saw that the first document above was a land ownership grant document. The government acquired a large amount of land outside Nanyang City and then donated it to Huayin Company.
After Su Yun read it, he looked up at Xu Deli. He remembered that he had indeed mentioned to Xu Deli that the next industrial park would be built in Nanyang.
Xu Deli smiled and said nothing.
He Jingzhi’s smileHe said, “Ziwen, keep reading.”
After Su Yun heard the words, he read it again. The second document was the construction document for the government to build factories and staff quarters.
Seeing this, he already knew in his heart who these factories and staff quarters were for.
And the third document was exactly as Su Yun had guessed.
The third document is a donation document. The government built factories and staff dormitories and donated them to Huayin Company for free.
After reading it, he raised his head to look at Xu Deli and He Jingzhi, but they just smiled at him and motioned him to continue watching.
Open the fourth document again, this document is different from the others.
This is a financial disbursement slip!
Su Yun took it and looked at it carefully, only to see that the amount of this financial appropriation bill actually reached a terrifying ten million yuan!
And the place where the appropriation was made was nowhere else, it was the Finance Department of Huayin Corporation!
Su Yun looked at He Jingzhi in surprise and asked, “Minister He, why do you want to give Huayin Company 10 million yuan?
In addition, he also bought a large amount of land outside Nanyang City, and even had to build factories and staff dormitories as a gift to me for free. ”
If the factory and the staff dormitory were given to him for free, he could accept it a little, but the 10 million yuan was beyond his expectations.
After hearing this, Xu Deli smiled and said, “This is just a trifle!”
“That’s too much!”
Su Yun shook his head, 10 million is a huge sum of money at any time.
Of course, let’s not mention the devaluation of the French currency later. At that time, if you pull a sack of French currency, you can only buy a bucket of rice, and it is not easy to use bamboo chips to wipe your buttocks.
At this moment, He Jingzhi opened his mouth and said, “Take it, Ziwen! It’s just 10 million in cash and some factories and staff quarters.
This amount of money is an astronomical sum for ordinary people, but it is not worth mentioning in the face of the huge military expenditure, and it is not even a drop in the bucket. ”
Su Yun’s brows furrowed slightly when he heard this, but he still didn’t quite understand.
It stands to reason that 10 million can be armed with a lot of weapons and bullets, right? The Garand rifles he sells are only 30 oceans. How many can you buy for 10 million oceans?
Seeing Su Yun’s appearance, He Jingzhi asked, “Ziwen, do you know how much our annual military expenditure is?”
Su Yun shook his head dazedly, does he know what to do with this stuff?
Do you go around to find out how much the military spends a year?
Didn’t someone else catch him as a spy and beat him up?
Seeing Su Yun’s appearance, He Jingzhi shook his head slightly and said, “Military spending accounts for more than half of fiscal revenue! But now the country’s annual fiscal revenue is less than one billion!”
Su Yun was not surprised by this, although he seemed to be in peaceful times now.
But this is actually only relative to the Jiangnan region, where warlords are fighting, how many places do you think are peaceful?
The Jiangnan area is the only peaceful place in the country. Otherwise, in the golden decade, the Jiangnan area will not develop rapidly, right?
As for the financial income of less than one billion, he knew that, but he estimated that even if it was less than one billion, it would not be much worse.
He remembered that the peak financial revenue of more than 2 billion was not now, but 35 years later. It has only been 33 years, and the golden decade has not yet reached its peak.
And it has not yet signed a silver agreement with the United States to increase trade efforts.
It seems that trade with the Germanic country will not reach its peak until next year.
Therefore, the economy began to recover rapidly later, and it should be still in contact at present.
He Jingzhi thought for a while, and he felt that the explanation for Su Yun was a little too general.
So he looked at Su Yun and asked, “What was the amount of the white note for the order placed by the military earlier?”
Su Yun heard the words and said, “There are only 1.75 million.”
Su Yun remembers this very clearly. For twenty yuan each, seventy thousand, one million and four hundred thousand, Czech light machine guns cost fifty yuan, three thousand, and one hundred and fifty thousand.
These two add up to 1.55 million, and the remaining 200,000 is the cost of buying bullets and grenades.
In his opinion, 10 million is really a lot, and he can buy nearly 61.75 million equipment.
He thinks that even if these are armed to the army, I am afraid it is not a small amount, right?
After hearing this, He Jingzhi looked at Su Yun and asked, “Do you know how many troops can be equipped with 70,000 Hanyang light machine guns and 3,000 Czech light machine guns?”
Su Yun still shook his head when he heard the words, whether in future generations or now, he is not a soldier.
Later generations were a mechanical engineer in a factory, a wage earner, and now a big boss in name, but these things in the military are too far away.
It belongs to the unreachable land, where does he know where to go?
At this moment, Xu Deli looked at Su Yun and shook his head slightly: “These weapons can be equipped with six to seven infantry divisions.”
Su Yun heard the words and just nodded, but did not speak. In this way, the number of a division is about 10,000 people, and there should be a lot of equipment for six or seven divisions.
“Do you know how much money an infantry division of ours costs?”
When Su Yun heard He Jingzhi’s words, he was even more confused.
Looking at He Jingzhi innocently, what kind of question is he asking!
Apart from Xu Deli and the others in the military, how many people know about these questions?
Seeing Su Yun’s expression, He Jingzhi sighed and said, “For an infantry division of the direct line, the monthly military salary is between 400,000 and 500,000.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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