But the most expensive thing is the cost of weapons and ammunition. The cost of weapons and equipment for each infantry division is about two million yuan, and the monthly training cost is about one million yuan.
In terms of training, we can only train a little, if the training is strongThe speed is slightly higher, and the ammo cost is higher. ”
He Jingzhi said with a wry smile on his face. The biggest consumption of the infantry division is not the military salary, the military salary is only a small head.
The real big deal is weaponry, ammo consumption and these logistics.
These are still the consumption of an infantry division. How much is the consumption of the entire army? I’m afraid they are the only people who know.
So the 10 million yuan given to Su Yun is a drop in the bucket in the face of huge military spending.
Su Yun understood a little when he heard this, but he still didn’t speak.
He Jingzhi continued: “But that was before, and now we have made a decision to fully support your heavy industry development,
All orders from the military are given to you because we believe in you. ”
He Jingzhi said “naphthalene” and said: “In the past, the money for raising an infantry division’s weapons and equipment, now I will give it to you,
We can raise six or seven infantry divisions, in other words, the military expenditure on weapons and ammunition has been reduced to about one-sixth of what it used to be. ”
When Su Yun heard it, he immediately understood that among military expenditures, military salaries were not the main ones.
The expenditure on weapons and ammunition is the most terrifying.
After He Jingzhi finished speaking, he sat down.
Only then did Xu Deli look at Su Yun and sigh: “We didn’t have much sense of the meaning of patriotic businessmen before.
But now from you, our military sees the most sincere patriotism,
You invest tens of millions in heavy industry without batting an eyelid, but your own life is extremely simple. ”
Xu Deli looked at Su Yun and said with a sigh.
He has seen what Su Yun has done these days. He really wants to revitalize the heavy industry and the country.
How could they not support such a patriotic businessman.
Su Yun heard a bit of embarrassment on his face, and quickly explained: “I’m not living a simple life now, not only did I live in a mansion, but I also hired a family nurse, and specially invited a maid to serve me, and now I’m old and nourished. ”
He has already lived in the courtyard house in Xingdao, and he has received so many servants.
He has to take five nursing homes with him every day when he goes out. Isn’t that luxury enough? He was afraid that this simplicity would cause problems.
Chapter 115: Medical Devices Arrive, First Program Launched
“Ha ha!”
As soon as Su Yun finished speaking, He Jingzhi and Xu Deli both leaned back on the backs of their chairs and laughed, tears of laughter coming out.
In the end, Xu Deli patted Su Yun on the shoulder and said, “Don’t hide it, you are too embarrassed to say that it is not simple? Do you know that servants are like clouds, and wives and concubines are in the group?”
Su Yun heard the words, looked at their expressions again, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Could it be that what he said was wrong?
Isn’t it luxury enough for a dozen people to serve him alone?
He Jingzhi wiped the tears from his laughter, looked at Su Yun and said with a smile: “Who of those wealthy families in the south of the Yangtze River doesn’t live in the Qijin Siheyuan?
No matter how bad it is, it’s still a mansion. The servants in their family are all talking about hundreds, and the maids and maids in the family can’t count them with both hands.
There are only fifteen nursing homes in your family, and five of them follow you every day. They are your bodyguards.
There are only two maids, you are too embarrassed to say that you have been luxurious? ”
Xu Deli also smiled and looked at Su Yun. In terms of industrial value, now Su Yun is definitely one of the richest people in China.
But in life, his life is definitely not a luxury.
Even a businessman like Zhou Xian lived more luxuriously than him. Compared with those wealthy families, his life and luxury were simply not related.
Su Yun lowered his head and did not speak, he wanted to curse.
He lives alone in four courtyards, he thinks it’s too big, and every day he speaks, he feels echoes.
What if he left here alone to walk the labyrinth?
Another person with hundreds of servants is outrageous, what is this for?
His fifteen servants all opened their mouths with food, and stretched out their hands with clothes. Shouldn’t these hundreds of them be carried in and out every day?
Not to mention that there are so many wives and concubines, there are too many maids and maids to count, can this kidney bear it?
He Jingzhi patted Su Yun on the shoulder and said, “Ziwen, don’t hide it, it’s only 10 million, but it’s just the military expenses of our three or four infantry divisions.”
Su Yun looked at He Jingzhi speechlessly, who covered it up? I need to cover up?
In his heart, he made up his mind. When he got the $50 million reward from the system, he must enjoy the days of such servants and wives and concubines.
Seeing the look on Su Yun’s face, He Jingzhi smiled, walked to the table, took out another document from above and handed it to Su Yun.
Seeing this, Su Yun had some doubts on his face, but he still took it.
Su Yun began to look up. When he saw the contents of this document, he was inexplicably relieved. It turned out to be an order.
This time the order is for 10,000 Garand rifles.
He Jingzhi looked at Su Yun and said, “We saw this weapon yesterday and used it.
This is indeed a good gun, but the actual combat effect is unclear, so order 10,000 first. ”
After hearing this, Su Yun nodded. As for the Garand rifle, the price he paid for thirty yuan was already very low.
During World War II, the price of this gun itself was as high as 83 dollars, and its cost was about 35 dollars.
For this, Su Yun is not too clear in his heart. He only has approximate data in his heart, but it is enough to prove that the Garand rifle is not cheap.
After it is manufactured here, because the material cost is negligible, only the labor cost is left.
How much is left?
So Su Yun didn’t fix these fakes, and set the price directly from the tentative system.
After some fierce counter-offering, the price was finally set at thirty yuan ocean.
If it is less than 30 yuan, the stupid system will not give consent.
“Director He, Deputy Director Xu, the matter of the order, ZiwenTake it to heart, when you go back, let the arsenal start producing Garand rifles. ”
The two smiled and nodded.
After taking a look at the time, Su Yun stood up and said, “It’s been a long time delay today, so Ziwen will leave first.”
He Jingzhi stood up after hearing the words, walked over to Su Yun and patted him on the shoulder: “Do it with confidence and boldness. If something goes wrong, we will bear it.”
Su Yun smiled and nodded in response, then left the Liuhe compound and returned to the company headquarters.
Back in the office, sitting in the boss chair, looking at the documents and financial appropriation slips in his hands.
After thinking about it, he took out the financial appropriation bill. For the ten million, he is not going to use it for the time being.
He has figured out some flavors now, and this cheating system seems to be messing with him behind his back.
Every time it is almost completed, life and death will not let him complete.
This time, he set aside 10 million to put it here, as the existence of the bottom of the box, so that the system thinks that he has forgotten the money.
At the last moment when the system thinks that it will definitely not be able to complete the task this time and sit back and relax, then spend 10 million yuan, and let the system know the sinister society.
Isn’t the reward of 50 million US dollars appropriate?

“Ding Yan, tell Du Gan to keep an eye on the machinery and equipment, and report to me as soon as it arrives~¨!”
The phone calls in Su Yun’s office basically did not stop, and he gave orders one by one, and Ding Yan was also busy like a small spinning top.
Su Yun was still very interested in the industrial park over Lu’an. After notifying Du Gan about the machinery and equipment, he notified Robert.
“Telegram Robert and tell him to keep an eye on industrial talent.”
Su Yun also instructed the confidential staff to send a telegram.
I just finished my work in Lu’an today.
The foreman did not forget that day.
After he came to the office, he hurriedly called Ding Yan.
“Ding Yan… Forget it, you should just ask Zhao Qingshan to come to the office!”
Su Yun gave the order, and Ding Yan immediately went to handle it.
“Dong dong!”
After a while there was a knock on the office door.
“Come in!”
Su Yun said that he was still processing documents in his hands.
At this time, Zhao Qingshan came in and stood in front of Su Yun.
“How’s it going with those foremen recruiting workers?”
Su Yun didn’t look up and asked.
“It’s still recruiting, but there are enough workers out there to start building!”
Zhao Qingshan quickly reported.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and then Zhao Qingshan left.
After that, I asked Wang Qing to buy land and start a farm.
The time has come to mid-April unknowingly.
After Su Yun finished processing a document in the office, he put the document aside and picked up the phone.
“Ding Yan, you take someone to wait for me on the first floor, and follow me out of the city later.”
After instructing to go down, he hung up the phone. He thought that some time had passed, and the building was almost completed.
Speaking of those construction sites outside the city, the construction time has not been short, and today is almost the same.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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