The voice of the newsboy made countless people puzzled.
A middle-aged man stopped the newsboy and said, “Bring me a newspaper.”
Then he started watching.
in a teahouse,
Some old men read newspapers and current affairs after breakfast.
A newsboy rushed into the teahouse and shouted loudly, “Sell the newspaper! Sell the newspaper! Huayin Company has launched the first medical insurance for the common people.”
“Give me one!”
These old men have bought a newspaper.
After a while, there was a burst of exclamations from the teahouse.
An old man in plain robe looked at the newspaper in disbelief and exclaimed, “Medical insurance, Mr. Su is really a contemporary saint,
It is truly admirable for the people of the world to have such a mind! ”
“With a dime of insurance and a hundred dollars in ocean compensation, is Mr. Su trying to save the world from fire and water by himself?”
An old man directly held the teacup in his hand, and his wrench almost shattered.
“Although Mr. Su has a wealthy family, but there are so many people in China, how easy is it to say?”
Some people don’t quite believe it, how is it possible to rescue the people of the country?
The old man in the black robe stood up, took the newspaper, and said seriously, “Have you already forgotten Mr. Su’s student loan?
You may wish to take a closer look at the photo above with Huayin Hospital. ”
After a group of old men heard about it, they took a deep breath.
in a restaurant,
“Sell the newspaper! Sell the newspaper! Huayin Company…”
Before the newsboy could finish shouting, a middle-aged man interrupted him!
The middle-aged man in a brocade robe said loudly, “Bring me a newspaper!”
He took the newspaper and read it, frowning deeper and deeper as he looked, and finally took in a breath of cold air.
“Everyone, come and have a look. The contemporary sage, Mr. Su, wants to save the people of the world from being born in water and soil, everyone!”
The middle-aged man shouted in the restaurant without thinking about it, and the guests in the restaurant were attracted by him.
Even the waiter couldn’t help but look at the middle-aged man.
“Kid, give me one too!”
Many people in the restaurant started to buy newspapers, all wanting to see what happened.
Then the 60-year-old man in the light-colored robe sighed: “Mr. Su is really a good person in the world, and he spent his wealth only for the common people. Such a person cannot be described as a saint.”
“What Mr. Su has done, the saints are not enough, and the history books are not enough to record his achievements,
Mr. Su’s mind seems to be able to accommodate the entire China, and Mr. Su’s heart seems to be able to embrace the whole world. ”
Another old man said, impassioned.
“I have never seen someone who thinks so much about the people, and I have never thought that one day I will meet someone like Mr. Su. Mr. Su is really the best gift to China.”
Many of them could not help but start to sigh.
“Mr. Su is really a great man, unparalleled in the world, the only one in the world.”
After saying this sentence, the restaurant began to get restless.
on a certain street,
“Third, have you heard? We poor people will be able to afford medical treatment in the future. I just heard that Huayin Company has launched that medical treatment or something, and it can be compensated within a hundred oceans!”
An uncle who was shopping for vegetables said that his voice was so loud that people half a street could hear him.
“Li Si, who did you listen to? How could there be such a good thing? It costs so much to see a doctor, and how could it be treated for free for us? I think you are dreaming during the day?”
The tailor who was called the third child widened his eyes and exclaimed.
“Zhou (ajec) the third child is true, Li Si didn’t lie to you, that’s what Su Daguan said, some of our dolls are still studying in Huayin School City, don’t you remember? And it was written in black and white on the newspaper. of.”
An aunt who was selling breakfast started dangling in the street with a newspaper.
“Let’s see if it’s true or not. I don’t believe it. If I can’t read newspapers or read, I’ll buy a copy and find someone who can read.”
Others also came over, and some illiterate people came directly to their friends who could read.
“In the past, how could we idiots afford to be sick, but now the senior officials in Su are kind-hearted,
One cent buys medical insurance, and if you are sick, you can go to Huayin Hospital to see a doctor, and Huayin Company will pay for the expenses within 100 yuan. ”
A young man pushing a cart came over and said with a stooped body, there was a newspaper in front of his cart.
“Su Daguanren is really a good person in the world, we mud legs are really saved!”
The others couldn’t help sighing with emotion on their faces.
In the slums of the shanty towns in the southwest of the city
“Diao Li and the others are gone, let’s go to Huayin Company to try our luck? I heard that DiaoIt’s good to eat now. ”
A young man in his twenties and thirties said while packing his luggage.
“The Huayin Company is now said to have returned the money to us poor people for medical treatment. Boss Su will definitely not treat us ordinary people badly.
As long as we work hard, Mr. Su should be able to see our strength! ”
Another young man stood at the door and said aloud.
The surrounding poor people also gathered around.
“I don’t have anything anyway, but I can work hard. If Mr. Su doesn’t dislike it, I can naturally.”
Several people seem to know each other, and one of the young people said loudly with a serious face.
In Jinling City, the old man in the teahouse and the restaurant were discussing, and the people in the streets and alleys were discussing.
Outside Jinling City, the rural people are discussing, and the poor are discussing.
Outside Jinling City, a farmer ploughs the fields.
“Iron egg, do you still remember Su Daguan?”
A young man ran back from the direction of Jinling City, his face was a little excited, and he shouted at another farmer who was cultivating the land.
“Remember, Su Daguanren is very good to us ordinary people. My baby is not studying in Huayin School City. What happened to Su Daguanren?”
The farmer called Tie Dan wiped his face with a rag and smiled honestly.
“Su Daguanren, he is okay. And he is okay with our common people, first of all, the school town,
Those of us with muddy legs can also go to school with IOUs, and pay them back slowly after graduation.
Now come to medical insurance again, so that we poor people can also see a doctor.
You don’t have to be like before, you all depend on resistance to get sick. In the past, you will die. If you can’t fight it, you will die.”
The young man laughed and said with a smile.
“Really or not, we poor people can also see a doctor?”
Another farmer passed by carrying the burden, and when he heard them say Su Yun, he didn’t believe it.
“I don’t believe what other people say, but what Su Daguanren said is definitely not wrong. When Su Daguanren founded the school city, did your baby ever receive money in the past?”
A dark-skinned farmer in his thirties and forties shouted, and the other farmers agreed!
“Su Daguanren is really the savior of us ordinary people. When we go back, we must put Su Daguanren’s Bodhisattva in front of the statue at home and worship him day and night.”
Several other people also nodded, said loudly, and immediately put down their work and went home.
In the slums on both sides of the Qinhuai River
“I heard that Huayin’s welfare benefits are getting old, food, clothing, housing and transportation are all covered. Even if you get sick, the company will reimburse you.”
The aunt who was washing clothes beside the boat said.
“I heard that there are a few families next door, they are poor, they send their baby to school with IOUs, thinking about waiting for the baby to finish school,
You can also send a scholar to make the family flourish.
As a result, his baby just went to school, and Huayin Company introduced a policy. Parents who go to school with IOUs apply to Huayin Company. As long as there is a suitable position,
Priority was given to admission. As a result, the man worked as a warehouse manager in Huayin Company. He took ten yuan a month and covered it with food.
I heard that the food is good. I have meat every day. I came back for vacation some time ago, and everyone has gained weight. ”
Another aunt who came to wash vegetables by the river also came over and said.
The middle-aged man who called himself Li San looked at his tattered clothes, stepped out of the boat, and shouted:
“I also heard about Huayin Company. Several of my friends have never come back to live here since they went there. I, Li San, can’t stand it for a long time. I have to go to Huayin Company to apply for a job tomorrow!”
“Su Daguanren is the savior of us poor people. I will quit tomorrow. I will go to Huayin Company to apply for a job.”
Others also began to echo, they were oppressed too much, and for the first time they wanted to resist.
“I’ve been wandering in Jinling for so many years, not to mention saving money every month, it’s good to be able to eat a full stomach, I can’t stand it for a long time.
Huayin Company is so good, I also want to apply for the job, I don’t want to give me ten or so dollars, and Su Daguan people can give me enough food. ”
Another poor man on the boat held Su Yun’s flag high and said loudly.
“When I register in the second half of the year, I will send my baby to school, and I will also apply to Huayin Company”
An aunt looked at her hand and made up her mind.

In Jinling City, in Zhang Qinglai’s mansion, in the hall.
There were a lot of people gathered in the room, everyone looked different, and their faces were different. There were newspapers on the table in front of them.
These people are all big businessmen in Jinling City, and Zhang Jinlai is sitting on the main seat, he is looking at a newspaper in his hand.
A middle-aged man in a green shirt had a dark face, and said solemnly, “If this Su Yun keeps doing this, we, the herbal medicine dealers, will have no way out.”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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