Another middle-aged man in a jacket patted the table and said, “I saw his Huayin Hospital, and it’s very good. They are all hired foreign doctors, and their medical skills are very superb.
Who will go to my small hospital if they get sick in the future? They all went to Huayin Hospital, this is not giving us people a way to live! ”
He agreed with the words of the man in green shirt, and felt that Su Yun just wanted to kill them all!
“What kind of medical insurance do you still need? As soon as the medical insurance comes out, all those people will go to Huayin Hospital. Can my small private hospital still open it?”
A middle-aged man in his 40s and 50s frowned and said in a cold voice, he didn’t expect Su Yun to be so absolute that he blocked his way!
“I originally expected those poor people to visit my small clinic more, but now it’s healed, and the treatment is free. These clinics under my nameHow did it go on? ”
The owner of the small clinic stood up angrily, his beard blew away. He came this far with the money of the common people. Now it’s better, and it was all taken away by Huayin Company.
“I think Su Yun is just holding a grudge, and then put it all together.
So many famous foreign doctors and so many medical equipment are required. Isn’t it obvious that they will cut off people’s money? ”
A young man said coldly, his face a little distorted.
“Now Western medicine can’t work, and Su Yun has directly cut off the back road of Western medicine, how can Western medicine be sold?
He hired so many Western doctors and made it clear that he would target those of us who sell Western medicine. ”
The businessman who goes abroad to buy western medicine is the most troublesome right now, and his eyes are bloodshot.
“He made everyone have no money to make. Why don’t we think of a way to destroy his Huayin Hospital. His hospital has just opened, and it is not impossible to destroy it.”
Some people suggested that since everyone has no money to earn, they should just die together.
“I think so too. He won’t give us a way to live and cut our way of making money. Why should we be used to him?”
Another person said that everyone present began to get excited.
“President Zhang, let’s secretly do him, anyway, there are so many of us, it’s definitely no problem to invite some people,
This young man doesn’t know the rules, and we don’t have to abide by the rules. ”
A middle-aged man came up with a vicious idea, there are so many people here, just a few people can easily kill Su Yun.
“There are only five or six nursing homes around him, which is unusual, but there are so many people here, who doesn’t have any resources?”
These people on the table had resentment in their eyes, and they smiled coldly.
Chapter 117: Soaring Prestige
“Selling newspapers! Selling newspapers! Huayin Hospital is the best hospital in the country, with many famous foreign doctors joining in!”
“Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers! Huayin Hospital has the most advanced medical equipment in the country and over 100 doctors!”
“Selling newspapers! Selling newspapers! The most affordable medical insurance is now on sale, the first choice of the common people!”
“Selling newspapers! Selling newspapers! Contemporary sage Su Yun has created medical insurance again, which can provide free medical treatment for a dime!”
“Selling newspapers! Selling newspapers! The best medical insurance in the country is now available for purchase, the ideal of countless people!”
As time passed, the voices of newsboys continued to flow, and medical insurance and Huayin Yiyuan completely resounded around Jinling.
in the teahouse,
An old man said: “How can Mr. Su be so simple as a contemporary sage?
The old man also kept a newspaper about student loans, as well as Mr. Su’s personal stories. The contemporary sages are far from enough to describe! ”
Another old man said loudly: “I’ll wait to talk about what Mr. Su did – I can’t tell for a few days and nights.
Even if his achievements are placed in the previous dynasty, it is difficult for history books to explain clearly in a few words. ”
on the street,
An aunt said: “Su Daguan should be a bodhisattva and a sage of the world, how much he has done for us ordinary people,
The high-ranking officials in Su really thought for the sake of those of us at the bottom. ”
Another uncle opened his mouth and said: “Su Daguan people treat us mud-legged people as human beings, and regard us as flesh-and-blood people,
He doesn’t want us to suffer, he’s using his power to help people like us. ”
around the city,
A farmer said with a smile, “From today onwards, Daguanren Su is the Bodhisattva I worship, and Daguanren Su is a real god!”
Another young man shouted: “Su Daguanren is really a beacon that shines into the lives of our ordinary people, and he is the Bodhisattva who really exists in the lives of our ordinary people!”
A middle-aged woman knelt on the ground and kowtowed towards Jinling City: “Su Daguanren is really a living Bodhisattva,
If my son’s illness does not have the medical insurance of the senior officials in Su, I am afraid it will really be gone! He is only three or four years old! ”

At this time, Su Yun was looking at the documents in the office, and Xu Deli was also in the office.
It’s just that Xu Deli was sitting on the sofa next to him drinking tea with a happy face.
After reading the documents in his hand, Su Yun looked at Xu Deli and asked, “Deputy Director Xu, isn’t the monthly salary of only 300,000 oceans? Why did you recruit more than 200 doctors?”
Su Yun thought about 300,000 oceans, and it is estimated that it would be good to recruit 60 doctors.
As a result, 300,000 oceans have actually received more than 200.
Xu Deli said slowly: “This is not caused by the economic crisis, not to mention that the doctors here are fully covered, and there are all kinds of doctors.
Their salary prices are also different, the average doctor is a hundred or so dollars.
Among these doctors, there are only about 30 people who are really high-tech. These 30 people are highly skilled in medicine and are famous in Europe. One of them has a salary of four or five thousand oceans. ”
The economic crisis has affected all walks of life, and hospitals are no exception. There are actually a lot of 300,000 oceans, and not all the recruits are famous doctors.
After listening to Su Yun, he looked at the detailed documents Xu Deli gave him, and after thinking about it, he said, “The salary of a hundred yuan a month seems to be a bit low. You say they are ordinary doctors, but it is also true based on their academic qualifications. They all graduated from medical school!”
Are all the doctors who graduated from the medical school now in the rank of general doctors? Is the competition for hospital talent so fierce?
Xu Deli put down the tea cup and said, “This is not too low, Huayin Company is covered with food, and there are other benefits.
They are not so famous in Europe, and they are not so skilled. In times of economic crisis, they are worth the price! ”
With the advent of the economic crisis, the general doctors have caught a lot of them, and this salary can be said to be quite generous.
Su Yun heard that what Xu Deli said made sense, and the price was indeed high enough.
Then he looked atAfter seeing Xu Deli, he asked, “Deputy Director Xu, can you help Su to recruit more doctors from Europe or even the United States?”
Su Yun has his own considerations in mind. These doctors are different from industrial talents.
Like Robert, they need to constantly teach workers how to operate and how to use machines, and new workers need to be trained again, so they need more translations.
Western medicine is different. Western medicine does not need so many translators. More than 200 doctors and dozens of translators are enough.
Therefore, he also wanted to take advantage of the fact that he could recruit more doctors and establish the medical system of Jinling City first.
In a few more years, the economy on the European side will also begin to stabilize, and it will be difficult to have such an opportunity.
Xu Deli nodded and said, “Yes, no problem!”
For him, this was just a matter of hand.
Then Xu Deli also left, and Su Yun came to the window at this time. He stood in front of the window and looked down.
At this moment, the first floor has long been crowded with people, a group of people are trying their best to squeeze in, and the company’s employees are also maintaining order.
After Su Yun took a look, he also left the office, and soon after, he came downstairs.
At this time, the company’s employees are busy, helping these people fill in the information.
Su Yun came to the front.
When those ordinary people saw Su Yun, they were stunned for a moment.
Then one by one they all knelt down.
“Mr. Su, you are really a living Bodhisattva to our common people. Without you, we would not be able to care for the disease.”
The aunt’s tears flowed down, crying and shouting.
“Su Daguan people, you are the only one who treats us mud-legged people as human beings. You are the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva.”
The uncle’s eyes were red and he choked.
These ordinary people looked at Su Yun with gratitude in their eyes.
“You all get up, Huayin Company is not doing charity, it’s doing business, this is a transaction, I bet you won’t get any sickness for a year, and you don’t have to be grateful to me!”
Su Yun said calmly.
After these ordinary people heard it, they were even more grateful to Su Yun. They understood it, and they knew it in their hearts.
Someone said directly: “Don’t talk about Su Daguan people, we only believe what we see, who would care about the lives of us mud-legged people in the past?
If you have three illnesses and two pains, you don’t dare to go to the hospital. Now only you care about the lives of us mud-legged people. ”
Looking at them, Su Yun sighed in his heart. He had never experienced this era and did not understand the suffering of ordinary people in this era.
Things we’re used to, but here are the big questions.
If you go to the hospital to see a doctor, in our opinion, you will naturally go to the hospital when you are sick. Rural people have medical insurance, and people who work in cities also have medical insurance.
Many illnesses, after medical insurance reimbursement, we need to pay less expenses.
But in this era, no one mentioned medical insurance before. More than half of the government’s fiscal revenue is military expenditure, and the rest is various expenses.
Think about it, the equipment cost of an infantry division is 2 million, and the monthly salary cost is about 400,000 to 500,000 oceans.
But how much does the Ministry of Education spend a year? It is only 1.8 million oceans, not even an infantry division.
There is not even the VIA Department, and there is a Health Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Have those people paid attention to the medical treatment of the common people?
Obviously, it has not been taken seriously, so the introduction of medical insurance will shock the common people, you can imagine.
Back in the office, sitting on the boss chair with his back to the window, he sighed when he remembered the scene just now.
“They didn’t have the right time. If they were born eight or ninety years later, they would live in an era where the old can depend on them and have little to teach them!”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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