Su Yun thought about it in his heart, but shook his head with a wry smile. He just thought about it. After all, there must be an era of pain behind prosperity. Unfortunately, they are!
There was a knock on the office door.
“Mr. Su, Zhang Jinlai, the president of Jinling Chamber of Commerce, is visiting and is waiting in the hall next to you!”
Ding Yan’s voice came from outside the door.
“I see!”
Su Yun said, stood up and set off to the living room.
After he came to the living room, he saw an old man sitting on the sofa.
Su Yun sat down on the sofa and said lightly, “President Zhang, what’s the matter here?”
When I saw Zhang Qinglai, I already knew why Zhang Qinglai was so anxious to find him.
I’m afraid it’s for the medical insurance thing.
Medical insurance and Huayin Hospital have been in the limelight recently, and I am afraid that many people’s cakes have been touched.
“Tonight, some bosses of the Jinling Chamber of Commerce held a banquet at the No. 1 store of Huanghe Road, Shengqing Restaurant, and wanted to invite Mr. Su to the banquet tonight.”
Zhang Qinglai looked at Su Yun and smiled.
Su Yun leaned on the sofa and said lightly, “It’s better to talk about it now, if there is anything, Su has no time to go to the banquet.”
In his opinion, everything is false, and he has no good feelings for these businessmen.
Zhang Qinglai frowned slightly when he heard the words, and said, “I think it’s better for Mr. Su to go for a while,
These people are all big businessmen in Jinling, dealing with medicinal materials and clinics.
This time, you have cut off their financial path. You can go tonight and try to reconcile! ”
In his opinion, Su Yun is just young and energetic, and these things can be mediated from it. As long as you bow your head a little, it will be smooth.
“No need, ifIf they have something to do, they can come here to find me directly, and say things directly, I will not participate in such a meaningless banquet. ”
Su Yun poured himself a cup of tea and said indifferently, dealing with these people was a waste of his time.
Not to mention that these people still want to bow their heads and ask him to seek reconciliation? Just daydreaming.
Then Zhang Qinglai left without saying anything, and his face was black when he left.
Su Yun was a little disdainful of this. He knew very well what these people wanted to do, but some things would not let these businessmen participate.
On the Lu’an side, a group of people was standing in front of Du Gan.
Du Gan glanced at the standing people and said, “The company has now purchased medical insurance for you as a benefit.
In the future, as long as the treatment is performed in Huayin Hospital, the cost of less than 100 yuan will be paid by Huayin Insurance Company, and the cost of more than 100 yuan will be paid by Huayin Company Headquarters! ”
The people he called were all workers who were not working at the moment, so it was natural for them to come to tell them the news.
“Long live President Su.”
As Du Gan’s voice just fell, the audience shouted loudly and cheered loudly. There was excitement on everyone’s faces.
Du Gan looked at the excited expressions on their faces and smiled.
Then after coughing twice, he continued: “I haven’t finished yet, your family members, including children, parents and elderly people can buy it, and one person only needs a dime,”
After Du Gan finished speaking, he left, and many workers jumped up excitedly.
In Huayin’s welfare system, there is a subsidy in case of illness, which is aimed at the workers themselves.
But the family members of the workers do not enjoy this benefit if they do not work in Huayin Company, and now their family members can also enjoy medical insurance.
However, at this moment, a worker in his twenties, who had been recruited recently, made a discordant voice.
“Su is always a fool. If he does such a thing, who will not get sick for a year, he will definitely lose a lot this time.”
Just as he finished speaking, it was black in front of him, only to see a fist the size of a casserole smashed into his face, knocking him to the ground with one punch.
A group of workers immediately surrounded him and punched and kicked the worker.
“Bah, unscrupulous bastard!”
A worker who was also in his twenties scolded when he came up, and then kicked the man on the body.
“Bah! Beasts, pigs and dogs are not as good as dogs, they have all been alive on dogs for so many years!”
Another worker scolded that Bang Bang punched the worker in the face with two punches.
A worker continued to scold: “Did you kick the donkey in the head? Bah! You son of a bitch!”
Another worker then scolded: “The conscience gave the dog something to eat!”
A group of people just scolded him, and his head was bloody. After the scolding was over, these workers felt displeased and came up to beat him again.
There was anger on everyone’s face, their eyes were round, and they wanted to tear him apart.
At this time, Du Gan, who had just left, was stopped by the workers again. After the workers told him the matter, the two rushed over in a hurry.
When Du Gan came over, the young man’s nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his face was like a pig’s head, and he couldn’t stand up.
“I will never work with such a wolf-hearted person, if you don’t expel him from Huayin Company,
All of us will throw him out and not allow him to come back. The big deal is that we will pay the fine at that time. This kind of person looks disgusting. ”
A worker stepped forward with anger on his face, and said anxiously, he wanted to strip the young man alive.
Du Gan looked at the anger on the faces of the workers, and his heart was also a little hot.
He looked at the employee coldly and immediately decided to fire him.
He didn’t even talk to this kind of rubbish, so he called an employee and said coldly, “Pay him this month’s salary and let him get out of here immediately!”
After finishing all this, Du Gan left.
After Du Gan left, the workers spit at the young worker.
There was anger on everyone’s faces, and they left after all this was done.
The young worker was lying on the ground, crying without tears, his hands and legs were all bruised.
How can one live a thousand lives.
Chapter 118: Admiration of the people, the road to the altar
On Su Yun’s side, after he left the company headquarters building, he went home by car, his black sedan was walking on Xuanwu Road.
The people on the road gave way one after another, and the moment everyone saw his black car, their eyes became respectful.
The whole road changed from the original noise to the silence. These ordinary people watched the black car all the way, and some people bowed deeply to him.
Because of Su Yun’s appearance, the sellers of goods in the store and the people who made clothes all stopped their work and walked out.
They also watched Su Yun leave all the way. The originally noisy and prosperous Xuanwu Road suddenly became silent and solemn.
This Xuanwu Road is very smooth. All the pedestrians are standing in the left and right rows, watching the black car driving in front of them. There are children in the queue, and some are watching the black car in front of them without crying or making trouble.
Su Yun sat in the car and looked at the people around him. When he left Xuanwu Road and turned around, some people even spontaneously followed Su Yun behind him.
Su Yun’s black car drove very smoothly all the way, and the people along the way consciously gave way.
Back at home, Su Yun sat down casually in the hall, recalling everything just now, Su Yun understood in his heart.
No matter what the purpose of his introduction of medical insurance is, his status in the minds of the common people has already risen.
Although he is a businessman, at this moment, his prestige is very high, which he knows very well.White.
“Okay, I understand, I will be responsible for passing it on to the master.”
At this time, the phone in the hall rang, Xie An walked over to pick it up and said a few words, then looked at “Seven Nine Three” and turned to Su Yun.
Then Xie An said: “Master, Minister of Transport Chen Mingshu just called to invite you to dinner at Shengqing Restaurant No. 1 Xuanwu Road tonight.”
Su Yun looked at the time, it was half past six, he said, “Tell Minister Chen, Su will be here soon!”
After Xie An finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and Su Yun also got up and took the car to the No. 1 Xuanwu Road store of Shengqing Restaurant.
After arriving at Shengqing Restaurant, the waiter saw Su Yun and hurried over to greet him.
She looked at Su Yun and said, “Mr. Su, Minister Chen is already waiting in the box.”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and then entered the box.
“Minister Chen, long time no see.”
Su Yun said with a smile, just as he was about to salute, Chen Mingshu had already walked over and grabbed Su Yun’s hand.
“Ziwen, don’t be so polite, let’s have a light meal together!”
Chen Mingshu said with a smile, then took Su Yun’s hand and came to the table together.
“Come on, sit down!”
Chen Mingshu said, and the two took their seats.
“Ziwen, everything has been going well recently. If you encounter anything, just say, I can help, and I will try my best!”
Chen Mingshu said with a smile, picked up a pot of wine and poured two glasses.
“Thanks to Minister Chen’s concern, everything has been fine recently.”
Su Yun smiled, picked up the wine glasses, and the two of them drank it.
“The company’s side is also going well, and I haven’t encountered any trouble for the time being.”
Su Yun chatted casually with a faint smile on his face.
Chen Mingshu smiled and looked at him, and the two drank and ate.
After a while, Su Yun looked at Chen Mingshu and asked with a smile, “Why did Minister Chen invite Su here tonight?”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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