He had some doubts in his heart, the purpose of Chen Mingshu’s invitation to him today.
“Ziwen, you now have a very high prestige among the common people. I will get closer to you now, and I will be able to follow you in the future.”
Chen Mingshu said with a smile, picked up the jug in his hand and poured another glass of wine for Su Yun.
“Minister Chen praised it, Su Mou is just doing some business, not as noble as the common people think!”
After listening to Su Yun, he said with a smile, but he also knew in his heart that things tonight might not be so simple.
Chen Mingshu had admiration in his eyes, and said with a smile, “You are a contemporary sage now.”
Su Yun smiled and waved his hand: “The people are just showing love!”
After listening to Chen Mingshu, he smiled and asked, “Have you ever thought about entering politics? With your current prestige in the hearts of the common people, once you enter politics, you will definitely achieve great things.”
“Su does not understand officialdom, nor does he know anything about national development, and has never thought about politics.”
Su Yun said sternly, and also restrained his smile, but his heart was stunned, and there was already a guess in his heart.
“Have you ever thought about getting into a military academy or joining the army? With your current prestige, whether you are in politics or in the army, it is certain that you will be successful in the future.”
After hearing this, Chen Mingshu nodded and looked at Su Yun again.
“It’s even more impossible to join the army. I’m a businessman, and I can’t bear hardships or burdens. I never thought of joining the army.”
Su Yun waved his hand and said that he already understood something in his heart. Chen Mingshu invited him today, I am afraid he wanted to test his thoughts.
After Chen Mingshu nodded, there was a lot of smiles on his face, and he picked up the jug and poured wine for Su Yun.
“Come on, Ziwen, let’s have a drink!”
Chen Mingshu didn’t talk about these things anymore, but smiled and had a drink with Su Yun. The two exchanged cups.
After eating, Su Yun went back to sleep in the house in Xingdaoli.
The next morning, Su Yun was about to go out after breakfast, but found that there were many people around the mansion.
As if overnight, his mansion became the busiest market, and some people sat on the benches by the road and read newspapers.
After the bench on the side of the road lost its place, there were still people squatting beside the bench, their eyes looking at Su Yun from time to time, with a casual look on their faces.
Others were cleaning the streets with brooms.
However, Su Yun saw that there was no rubbish on the street. These people are still working hard to clean, and they can’t help but laugh in their hearts.
Su Yun also saw some people walking slowly on the road, holding a breakfast in their hands and eating slowly.
From time to time, passers-by would look at their mansion secretly.
There were also one or two blind men with crutches and sunglasses, groping slowly by the side of the road.
There are even young people with bandages on their feet who are struggling to move forward one step at a time, just looking at this street like an ordinary street, with people coming and going.
There are leisure people sitting on the bench, squatting on the ground and reading the newspaper, chatting softly.
If you are busy, you can eat breakfast while walking, staring at your watch from time to time, and hurriedly running with documents in hand.
Su Yun stared at them slowly, with a smile on his face. At this time, Xie An saw that Su Yun had been staying at the door for so long, and couldn’t help walking forward.
Xie An said softly, “Master, is there something wrong?”
Su Yun ignored Xie An next to him. Instead, he reached out and waved at those people, and said loudly: “Hey! Brothers, have you had breakfast yet? My mansion has breakfast, do you want to come in and have some?”
Those people were stunned for a while when they heard the words, and the next moment they turned around and slipped away. At this moment, everyone on the street started to move.
Some young people who just had a newspaper and had breakfast, but now they don’t even want to have breakfast and newspapers, and they don’t want to run away.
a few more that look likeThe old man’s running was like flying, and even the wig on his head flew up when he was running.
This is not the most outrageous, the most outrageous is the two pretending to be blind.
One second he was pretending to be blind, and the next second he ran with the pole on his back, and he ran so fast that the dogs couldn’t catch him.
Several of Su Yun’s bodyguards looked at those people speechlessly.
Xie An looked at Su Yun in surprise and asked, “Master, how do you know that they were sent by the military commander to protect you?”
Su Yun had already seen it, he felt that these people were all acting normal, and he didn’t understand what went wrong.
Su Yun looked at Xie An speechlessly and said, “This is Xingdao Village, people who live here are either rich or expensive, who would sit on a roadside bench to eat?
Even if there are people who walk to work, they won’t eat while walking, and they won’t lose money. Going out for breakfast and being late for a while doesn’t matter to them. ”
Su Yun felt that the acting skills of these people were okay, but they didn’t investigate beforehand, and they seemed very abrupt in Xingdao.
Xie An’s mouth twitched after hearing this, but he didn’t speak.
Su Yun went on to say: “Even if there are blind people, who lives here, who has no one? How could it be possible to walk alone on the road?”
After he finished speaking, Su Yun got into the car, Xie An and the bodyguards looked at each other, and the bodyguards shrugged helplessly, and they did nothing.
After Su Yun came to the office, the phone rang immediately before he started to deal with things.
Su Yun was a little puzzled, who called so early in the morning, then walked over and took the call.  …
“I’m Xu Deli, Ziwen, go to the hospital now, there are old acquaintances there.”
Xu Deli said with a smile that he also notified Su Yun when he called. Then he hung up the phone without saying who it was.
Only Su Yun looked puzzled in the office.
“Old acquaintance?”
Su Yun thought to himself, who would choose to meet in the hospital?
Then he left the office and headed to Huayin Hospital in a black car.
However, before he got to the hospital, he saw military vehicles driving towards the hospital.
The speed of these military vehicles is not fast, and they are very stable. It seems that every military vehicle is carrying important people. These vehicles are very oppressive when driving on the road.
Row after row opened side by side, mighty.
“These military vehicles…”
Su Yun looked at the military vehicle outside the window, his eyes narrowed slightly, he seemed to have guessed who that person was.
Su Yun came to the front of the hospital in a short time. When he got out of the car, he saw that the military vehicles were also parked at the entrance of the hospital, and there were many military vehicles lined up beside the hospital.
Some of the soldiers who got off the military vehicles are already carrying wounded soldiers on stretchers to the hospital, and some are still busy with stretchers and various items.
The soldiers were orderly and there was no mess.
Su Yun glanced at it and felt complicated. The wounded soldiers on these stretchers were already seriously injured.
Some of their faces were already white with pain, but they still insisted on clenching their teeth.
Then he walked into the hospital and came to the lobby on the first floor of the outpatient department. He looked at it for a while, and now many people came here to see a doctor with insurance policies from Huayin Company.
Some people were shaking, sneezing from time to time, and some people’s faces were a little red.
It is estimated that many of these people have a cold and fever. They are usually reluctant to go to the hospital. Now that they have medical insurance, they rush over.
Of course, there are also many people covering their stomachs or something, and everyone’s symptoms are different.
At this moment, an officer quickly came to Su Yun.
“Hello, Mr. Su, someone is waiting for you in Building 1 of the inpatient department!”
After the officer gave Su Yun a salute, he said in a low voice, this is a hospital after all, so it shouldn’t be noisy.
Su Yun nodded in response when he heard the words, and then walked towards Building 1 of the inpatient department.
When he came to Building 1 of the inpatient department, he saw from a distance that Li F was sitting on a seat in the hall with a military cap in his hand.
He walked towards Li F, and when he approached, he realized that he had not seen him for so many days.
Li �F seems to have changed a lot, his cheeks are sunken, and the circles under his eyes are a little dark.
Li �F also seemed to hear the approaching footsteps, and when he raised his head, he saw Su Yun 4.2 approaching.
“Master Li, long time no see!”
Su Yun said with a smile, he looked at the bloodshot in Li F’s eyes, and then thought of the wounded soldiers he saw.
I already understood in my heart that Li Fei should have withdrawn from the front line. Judging from the situation, his Ninth Division suffered a lot of casualties.
Li F stood up to meet him, his face a little unnatural.
Su Yun looked at the expression on Li F’s face and guessed a few more points.
With a stiff smile on Li F’s face, he asked, “Ziwen, brother, this time, I want to ask if it is feasible to buy medical insurance for my subordinates now?”
Su Yun looked at the wounded soldiers who were continuously being carried into the ward, and saw the soldiers who were seriously injured and endured in pain on the stretcher.
It seems that the scene of these wounded soldiers charging at the front line, resisting the enemy’s advance with their flesh and blood, is slightly ecstatic.
He turned to look at Ding Yan who was following behind him and said, “Ding Yan, come here!”
He called Ding Yan over, and Ding Yan quickly trotted to Su Yun’s side.
Su Yun said: “Immediately ask the company headquarters to send someone to fill out insurance policies for all the soldiers who come in!”
For him, this is just an order, and it doesn’t take a few minutes.
“No problem, Mr. Su, I’ll go right away!”
Ding Yan immediately went to ask for a phone number and called the company headquarters.
Su Yun and Li F were walking slowly outside Building No. 1 of the Inpatient Department. Su Yun looked at the wounded in the military vehicles and shook his head slightly.
Then he looked atLi �F, asked softly: “How is the war in the north?”.
Chapter 119: The tragedy of the world, the joys and sorrows of the world
Hearing this, Li F sighed: “We fought badly, we lost a lot in this battle!”
After listening to Su Yun, he didn’t speak, but remained silent. The weapons and equipment were much worse than others.
Isn’t that so? Not to mention that others are bombed by artillery and planes, can the casualties be low?
Li F took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms, handed one to Su Yun, took one for himself, and took a deep breath.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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