Su Yun looked at Li F, and only felt that he was a little lonely now. Su Yun looked at the scenery not far away.
Li F slowly exhaled a ring of smoke, and said in a low voice, “Brother’s ninth division is a direct line of troops, fully equipped and well-organized,
The whole division has more than 12,000 people. In the two months since the north, more than 6,000 people were killed before and after. There are currently more than 2,000 wounded soldiers in this hospital. Now the whole division is intact, less than 3,000 people. ”
Li �F said with a heartache and a bit of loneliness on his face. His nine divisions were defeated in the first battle.
Although Su Yun did not understand the military, he also knew that an infantry division, in addition to the combat personnel, the rest were logistics and other personnel.
There are less than 3,000 people. I am afraid that most of the remaining people are logistics troops. The field troops on the front line are either killed or injured.
He still remembered the fighting spirit of the brothers in the ninth division before the expedition, but in the end…
Su Yun listened slowly, without speaking, the war is so cruel.
He looked forward and looked very far, as if to see through the whole world, and saw the soldiers charging the front line.
After a long time, Su Yun looked back, looked at Li F, and said softly: “When I came here just now, I saw many wounded soldiers who were not treated. They even dripped blood after moving a little. Why didn’t they get treatment in the north?”
When the troops are fighting, field hospitals will be established in the rear, and there are hospitals in the north.
From the north to Jinling, the straight-line distance is 1,000 kilometers.
For wounded soldiers, it is the right choice to receive treatment as soon as possible, and it is not good to come back with thousands of kilometers.
Li F shook his head after hearing this, and the two came to the bench under Building No. 1 of the inpatient department and sat down.
Li Fei raised his head, looked forward, and said in a low voice, “The battle is fierce, and many soldiers were killed.
There are more wounded soldiers. Hospitals not far from the battlefield, whether they are field hospitals or hospitals in cities, are crowded with wounded soldiers. The doctors there are too busy to do anything! ”
Li �F’s face was not very good-looking, and he was a little uncomfortable.
He didn’t want to take it so far, but the number of doctors was limited, and the doctors were too busy. It was better to bring them back instead of dragging them there.
At least in Huayin Hospital, the situation will not be so bad. There are the most complete medical equipment in the country and the best doctors in the country.
You know, in order to buy these medical equipment, Su Yun paid out six million oceans. What is this figure?
After hearing this, Su Yun couldn’t help sighing, and lightly patted Li F’s shoulder with his hand, without speaking, he also looked forward.
Li F took a light breath, and said with strength, “I just heard that your hospital is being built, brother.
I also invited the world’s famous doctors. After receiving the order to evacuate to the rear, I wrapped the wounded soldiers and boarded the train. I didn’t stop at a transfer station on the way.
Hurry up and hurry. It took more than a day to arrive at Pukou in the early hours of last night, and then take a ferry to quickly cross the river to send the wounded soldiers to the hospital for treatment. ”
He didn’t dare to stop for a moment, for fear that the brothers would not be able to hold it up.
From the north to Pukou, how far is it by train? over a thousand kilometers.
It took more than a day to arrive at Pukou, enough to imagine how fast Li F asked the train captain to go.
The speed of trains in this era, in theory, can be found at 60 kilometers per hour.
But this is only in theory. Because it is a steam train, coal and water must be added to the train station on the way.
If the speed is too fast, it is very likely that coal will face a shortage before it reaches the railway station.
Therefore, the general speed is controlled between 30 kilometers and 40 kilometers per hour.
They arrived at Pukou in more than a day, including the time for the train to add water and coal, which is enough to imagine how tight the time will be on the way.
And the reason why they ran so fast was because there were thousands of wounded soldiers on the train, and they could not get medical treatment in the north.
Su Yun could imagine how tragic the battle in the north was.
The two felt the breeze blowing, and Su Yun slowly stood up.
He looked at Li F and said softly, “Master Li, take me to see them!”
Li Xun nodded when he heard the words, stood up and walked side by side with Su Yun.
They walked slowly along the way, without saying a word, their faces were heavy.
Li F took Su Yun to the ward.
As soon as he walked into the ward, he saw a wounded soldier lying on the bed, his right leg was amputated, and the wound was wrapped in gauze.
Su Yun could see blood seeping from the gauze, and his arm was also hung up with the gauze wrapped around it.
“He shattered his right leg on the battlefield by the little devil’s cannonball!”
Li F said softly, a little choked up, these are all his soldiers under Li F!
They were alive and well a few days ago, but now they can only sit on the hospital bed.
The wounded soldier seemed to have heard the movement beside him, and he turned his head from looking at the scenery outside the window.
When he saw Li F, he smiled warmly and said, “Sir, you are here!”
When he was about to salute, he found that his right hand was wrapped with gauze, and his eyesA little gloomy, he looked at Li F again.
“Okay, have a good rest!”
Li F looked at him with red eyes and choked up.
Su Yun listened to their words beside Li F. He opened his mouth but couldn’t speak.
Glancing at the wounded soldier on the hospital bed next to him, a nurse was wrapping his right eye with gauze.
The wounded soldier’s left palm was wrapped with gauze, and his face was a little pale.
He sniffed lightly, but said nothing.
Li Fei stood beside the wounded soldier and said softly, “His right eye was scratched by shrapnel, and his left palm was blown away by shrapnel.”
Su Yun listened without saying a word, he took a deep look at the soldier.
Looking at the wounded soldiers in front of him, Li Fei’s eyes were a little wet, and he said softly: “My soldiers are all good, and none of them escaped.
But the little devil’s artillery fire was too strong, and my troops launched a counterattack, but there was no artillery cover.
The only bit of artillery was discovered by the scout planes of the little devils at the beginning of the battle, and the bombers destroyed the only bit of artillery.
The soldiers could only launch a counterattack with their rifles. When the little devil’s howitzer exploded, my soldiers were killed in large pieces. ”
Li �F said, his voice was a little choked, his soldiers were all direct line troops, and the soldiers’ combat literacy was not low, but the weapons and equipment were too poor.
They have no advanced artillery, no powerful heavy artillery, only rifles.
You can only charge with a rifle against the little devil’s artillery and bombers.
They are also human, they are only flesh and blood, and even their bodies of steel cannot withstand the bombardment of artillery and bombers.
But none of the soldiers were deserters, and the bullets were all shot in the front.
Every whistle of the bomber was like the scythe of death falling.
“They are all good, protecting 40,000,000 people!”
He reached out and patted Li F’s shoulder, but didn’t say anything more, no amount of words could save those soldiers who had died in battle.
He could imagine how difficult it was to hold a rifle and charge against the little devil’s artillery fire.
At this moment, he thought of a sentence: one inch of mountains and rivers, one inch of blood, one hundred thousand young men and one hundred thousand troops.
With a sigh in his heart, his eyes swept aside, a wounded soldier was lying on the hospital bed.
His entire right arm, nose, is gone!
There was gauze wrapped around the wound, and the nurse was feeding him bite by bite, and everything seemed calm.
The ward was filled with the smell of potion, and there was also the smell of blood.
Li F looked at the soldier, his eyes were red, and he choked: “This is my guard soldier, when the little devil launched a charge.
A shell exploded beside me and he knocked me down.
I was fine, but he lost his right arm and nose forever. ”
After Li �F finished speaking, he stood there for a long time, his eyes were full of tears, and his body trembled slightly.
Su Yun didn’t speak, and his heart was filled with panic.
The soldiers in the ward did not speak, and some soldiers sobbed after hearing it.
He didn’t speak, and Li F didn’t speak any more.
The two walked through one ward after another.
Some wounded soldiers were wailing in pain, and the cart pushed out by the nurse was full of gauze soaked in blood.
The nurse changed the medicine for the wounded soldiers and came out with basins of blood.
The hands of some soldiers were blown, and the wounds looked shocking.
Looking at one ward after another, Su Yun had seen too many wounded soldiers with broken arms and legs.
They were lying on the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling with dull eyes, as if they were worried about the future, as if they were desperate for the bleakness of life.
The most beautiful years have experienced the most cruel things.
Some soldiers were only injured by the blast, neither broken legs nor broken hands, they were lucky, and occasionally they could see a little smile on their faces, and they looked out the window bored.
Some people are flipping through a book in their hands, maybe they are illiterate and just want to enjoy the rare peace after the war.
Some wounded soldiers lay on the hospital bed and hummed softly. As for what they were humming, Su Yun didn’t know, and maybe he didn’t even know.
Glancing at these wounded soldiers, Su Yun’s mood was a little complicated, he didn’t know what to say.
“For those of us in the military, life and death are normal things, and the head is on the belt of the trousers.
If it wasn’t for my guards to protect me, I’m afraid the kid’s bomber would have killed me too! ”
Looking at the expression on Su Yun’s face, Li F said in a low tone.
He remembered that when he was ordered to retreat to the rear to rest, the troops were covering the retreat.
Who would have thought that the little devil’s bomber came, and by that time he had left the underground bunker headquarters.
Su Yun’s gaze swept over the wounded soldiers, and he could not help but bow down ninety degrees to pay tribute to them.
“On behalf of all Huayin employees, I salute you.
It was your bloody fighting on the northern battlefield that brought us a stable life in the rear.
It is you who traded your own lives for me to be able to do business in the rear with peace of mind.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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