“You don’t need to run the business, you only need to be responsible for training the company’s security guards. Someone is in charge of the company’s specific operations.”
Su Yun shook his head and said that he didn’t set up Huayin Security Company for the sake of making money. Besides, he had already anticipated all these things, so there was no need for Wang Hanchun to worry so much.
Wang Hanchun was relieved when he heard the words, as long as he was not asked to manage the company.
He is not good at dancing with words, but he is still very good at dancing with knives and guns.
As for the manager, teaching people, he used to be obedient to those cubs in minutes when he was in the company.
“Would you like to go to the school town?”
Su Yun thought about it for a while and suggested that it just so happened that he still had some things to explain to Wang Hanchun, and the school city was very important.
Li F said with a smile. He had always wanted to see what Su Yun’s school town looked like, and today he finally had the chance.
After the three walked out of the hospital, Li Fei’s guards also followed. They guarded behind several people, followed quietly, did not speak, and did not disturb them.
On the way to the school town, Li Fei looked up and sighed into the distance: “I brought my brothers to the battlefield, but in the end I failed to bring them all back. As a teacher, I was remiss.”
As a commander, taking these young lives to the battlefield, but failing to bring them back in the end, this is a pain for the commander.
The fresh life in the past is now just a spirit card and an urn, that’s all!
After listening to Su Yun, he was silent for a while before saying, “They died for the country, and they died well, not to mention you have done your best.”
He looked at Li F, and then looked ahead.
Li F shook his head, did not continue talking, but said: “Ziwen, I will again thank Brother Jiu Shi for everything you have done.”
No matter what the current result is, he sees everything Su Yun has done for his Ninth Division brothers.
Su Yun shook his head and did not speak.
The group finally came to the school town, Su Yun took a deep breath.When they walk on the streets of the school town, they will encounter students chatting and laughing after class, and they will also see teachers hurrying on their way. The school town is full of youthful atmosphere.
Su Yun looked at these young figures, his face softened, and his mood improved a lot.
He looked at Wang Hanchun and said, “At present, Huayin Security Company has been established.
Mainly responsible for the security of the company’s school city, company headquarters, staff dormitories, and restaurants in the city. ”
Wang Hanchun nodded in response when he heard the words, his face became serious, and he did his best to remember these.
“The security issues in the company headquarters and the staff dormitory are mainly to check the identity of people entering and leaving. If they are not company personnel, they cannot be easily let in.
If anyone wants to come into the company building looking for me, let me know first, and I’ll let them in after I agree. ”
Wang Hanchun nodded when he heard the words, but did not speak.
Su Yun turned his head and continued: “The security work at the restaurant is mainly to prevent people from making trouble, or even if there are guests who deliberately find fault. For such people, just throw them out and ignore them.”
After saying that, Su Yun glanced at him before continuing: “The most important thing at present is the school city, there are about 3,000 security guards in the school city.
But this number is a bit small compared to the huge number of people in the school city. The order of the entire school city currently needs these 3,000 security guards to maintain.
The security guards in the school city should be tougher in their methods. No matter whether the students who cause trouble are the children of the powerful or the wealthy, they will be treated equally and cannot be treated differently. ”
After the opening of Huayin School City, he participated in many school rules in the school.
Equal treatment is also his strict requirement. If a school does not treat students equally, it will be differentiated based on wealth and family background.
He dared to conclude that this was a failed school, and if the same was true of the school he built, he would rather destroy it than let him bring disaster to the world.
“‘ ‖ Mr. Su, don’t worry, I will not forget these!”
Wang Hanchun said to Su Yun with a serious face.
“En! These are just a few, and those who enter and leave the school city must strictly check their identities.
Teachers in Huayin School City, they have teacher ID cards and students have student ID cards. When entering and leaving the school city, not only must these certificates be required, but also the photos and appearances above.
People outside the school city are not allowed to enter. Even if he is the student’s parent, he must notify the student to come, and only after the student says yes will he be allowed to enter.
Otherwise, no one is allowed to enter the school city without permission. Identity verification is also required for canteen employees and cleaning workers who enter and leave the school city every day.
In addition, when students return from outings, security checks are required. Students are not allowed to bring weapons and firearms into the school city. ”
Su Yun looked at Wang Hanchun’s face very seriously, no matter what his original intention of establishing the school city was.
It is now established that those parents who put their children into his hands are responsible for the safety of those students.
Security is not just sitting and drinking tea, let alone a leisurely job.
As for recruiting some old men in their 50s and 60s, with five security guards and three teeth, that’s even worse.
If something happens to the school town, will these old masters protect the students, or will the students protect the old man?
Therefore, the security guards of the company are all young people, and the rules and regulations are also clearly written.
If there is a fight between students in the school, it is not handed over to the teacher to deal with, but to the security guard.
Punishment should be punished as it should be. As for preaching, there is no such argument.
The security guards in Huayin School City didn’t preach much.
After Su Yun finished speaking, Wei Wei said: “In the school city, there are currently about 442,000 students, teachers, security guards, and employees from various places.
More than half of the country’s college students are gathered here. Safety is very important, and no mistakes can be made. ”
Finally, Su Yun looked at (Zhao Nuozhao) Wang Hanchun and said seriously.
“Mr. Su, don’t worry, I know what to do.”
Wang Hanchun said to Su Yun with a serious face, he knew how much responsibility he had to bear in this position.
The group wandered around the school town for a while and then came out.
After leaving the school city, a soldier in the distance was running towards them with something.
When he approached, Su Yun saw that it was a telegram.
The soldier stood in front of several people, and after saluting, he said, “Sir, telegraph to the peak.”
Li F took the telegram and read it, then looked at Su Yun and said with a smile: “Ziwen, good news!”
“Oh? Where does the joy come from?”
Su Yun didn’t understand what his joy was.
Li F said with a smile: “Shangfeng sent a telegram saying that additional troops have been prepared for me, and in a few days, the new recruits and some officers will be in my hands.
After Shangfeng asked the soldiers to be replenished in place, they should be stationed in Lu’an immediately, and the weapons and equipment should be replenished on the spot. After that, the task of my ninth division was to protect the industrial park in Lu’an. ”
Su Yun had a happy expression on his face after hearing this, and said with a smile, “In the future, I will ask Master Li to take care of Su’s industrial park one or two.”
He was very happy. Li F and him had a deep friendship. If Li F’s nine divisions guarded the industrial park, I believe no one would feel like making trouble.
After the two talked for a while, Su Yun looked at the time and smiled: “Master Li, let’s say goodbye today, Su must go back to the company headquarters.”
“Wait! Ziwen!”
Just when Su Yun was about to leave, Li F stopped him.
He stretched out his hand and took out the pistol on his waist, looked at the pistol in his hand and said, “I joined the army after graduating from the lecture hall.
This gun has been with me for nineteen years now, and now I give it to you. ”
There was a hint of recollection on Li F’s face.
Hearing that, Su Yun gave Li F a deep look, took the pistol with a smile, waved his hand and said, “See you at Lu’an.”
Of courseAfter that, I got in the car and rushed back to Jinling City.
Chapter 121: Embarrassed Xie An
Sitting in the car, Su Yun recalled what had happened, and was filled with emotion. He looked at the pistol in his hand and smiled, then put it in his trousers pocket.
Halfway through the car, the convoy in front suddenly stopped, and the car stopped with a sudden brake.
Su Yun leaned forward abruptly, and after slowing down, he frowned and asked, “What’s going on?”
“do not know!”
The driver shook his head and said that he could not see the road and was blocked by the vehicle in front.
After getting off the car, Xie An also got off the vehicle in front.
He trotted in front of Su Yun, stood firm and said, “Mr. Su, there are several large rocks in the middle blocking the way.”
Xie An just finished speaking, and two bullets shot directly from the grass next to him.
“Ping pong!”
The bullet hit the car directly and sparked.
“Protect President Su!”
Xie An shouted almost subconsciously, and at the same time stood behind him to protect Su Yun.
Several bodyguards suddenly took out from their waists, their eyes became sharp, and they surrounded Su Yun.
“Back in the direction of the school town!”
Xie An immediately made a judgment and roared, and the group started to retreat while protecting Su Yun.
They tried their best to surround Su Yun in the middle and used their bodies to block the bullets.
A bodyguard took out a flare gun from his body and shot it directly into the sky.
A red signal bomb suddenly soared up and exploded in the sky, and a red mist rose up.
“Bang! Bang! Bang!”
Li F had just walked to the hospital when he heard intense gunshots coming from the direction of Jinling City, and even faint explosions.
He froze for a moment, and immediately knew what was going on when he thought about it.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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