“Pass my order, the guards will gather immediately, the target – Jinling City, run forward!”
Li �F shouted fiercely, the blue veins on his neck burst out.
Jinling City, Dai Yunong Office
Dai Yunong was sitting on a chair in the office, enjoying the tea, the aroma of tea slowly rising.
At this moment, a young man in a black long shirt hurriedly ran into the office and said anxiously: “Su… Mr. Su was attacked, our people sent out a distress signal! 797”
Dai Yunong abruptly stood up and shot a ray of light in his eyes.
“What’s going on? Isn’t there someone protecting you all the time? Why is it still being attacked?”
Dai Yunong asked sharply.
“Mr. Su went to the hospital outside the city to catch up with Master Li this morning, so most of us didn’t follow him to the hospital,
Mr. Su was attacked on his way back to the city after leaving the hospital, and the number of the enemy is not yet known. ”
Because Su Yun was going to look for Li F, their people didn’t follow. After all, who would dare to attack a division commander? What’s more, there are also the division commanders of the guards around.
Dai Yunong got angry and slammed his fist on the desk.
He stopped and immediately walked out of the office and into the hall.
“Immediately bring the men and horses to follow me!”
Dai Yunong gave the order and got into the military vehicle without looking back. The bureau quickly gathered 200 people into the military vehicle and headed out of the city.
One after another military vehicles came out of Jinling City in a mighty manner. The speed of these vehicles was so fast that the pedestrians and vehicles on the road did not dare to block the road at all.
Unimpeded all the way, galloped out of the city.
outside the city
“Bang! Bang! Bang!”
Su Yun was retreating in the direction of the school city under the cover of the bodyguards, and the gunshots kept ringing in his ears.
Su Yun glanced at it roughly, and there were dense crowds of people, and they were still retreating.
Countless gunshots rang out again, and a bodyguard fell directly to the ground, blood flowing out.
Since the attack, three of the five bodyguards around Su Yun have died so far, and only two bodyguards and Xie An are left, standing beside Su Yun.
Their eyes were extremely sharp, looking around, pulling the trigger from time to time to fight back.
Su Yun and the others were still retreating until they reached a small mountain.
They leaned against the mountain and tried their best to use the terrain to block the bullets.
However, there were more and more people around.
They are already surrounded!
There are people all over the place!
Su Yun could still hear the slight footsteps around, they were still approaching.
Su Yun stuck his head out slightly and glanced vigilantly.
Unexpectedly, there are more than 100 people around.
The clothes they were wearing were different, some were wearing black gowns, some were wearing cyan jackets, and some were wearing grey gowns.
But they all had guns in their hands, vicious expressions on their faces, and each looked like they had several lives in their hands.
One of them came out. He looked fierce and seemed to be the leader of these people.
He said loudly in the direction of Su Yun: “Hurry up and surrender, as long as you Su Yun surrender, we promise not to kill you!”
He was not worried at all that Su Yun and the others would run away, knowing that they had prepared for so long to kill Su Yun.
This time, there were hundreds of people coming from front and back, but there were only four people on Su Yun’s side, and the more than 100 people beat four people, and they were all consumed to death.
But obviously, a living Su Yun means more to them, and a living Su Yun is more valuable.
Of course, if Su Yun didn’t surrender, then they wouldn’t mind killing him.
Su Yun ignored them, but looked at Xie An.
He asked in a low voice, “When will the reinforcements arrive?”
There are only four of them now.
Although he also has the gun that Li F gave him, but with so many people, they count as one gun per shot.Man, there are not enough bullets.
Can only hope for reinforcements.
Xie An frowned slightly and said in a low voice, “It is estimated that there is still half an hour.”
He looked at these people, his eyes narrowed slightly, the current situation is really a bit grim.
Su Yun felt a little bored in his heart, not sure if they could last for ten minutes now, the day lily was cold for half an hour.
He glanced outside slightly, only to see that people outside were bringing people close to them.
Seeing that Su Yun didn’t answer, these people came straight to it.
“Kill Su Yun and reward you with twenty dollars!”
The man shouted just now.
The people outside rushed over excitedly, their eyes glowing.
That’s a full twenty dollars.
In addition to the other party, there are only four people.
The huge temptation is enough to make them charge for this desperately.
The shouts outside got louder and closer, and the gunshots got louder.
“I’m worth twenty dollars per head?”
Su Yun scolded secretly after hearing this.
Have these people never seen money?
Going to Huayin Company to apply for cleaning is not the same number!
He now has more than ten oceans that he takes out casually!
But he was still a little helpless.
“Kill Su Yun, twenty dollars of ocean is mine!”
Just when these people rushed up desperately and were about to rush to Su Yun’s face, there was a sound of machine gun fire from outside.
“Da! Da! Da! Da!”
Su Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the sound of the machine gun across the hill.
Li F finally rushed over with his guards at this time.
“Kill me, I want to see who dares to move my brother under my nose.”
Li F roared, and took a group of people and killed it.
“Bang bang bang! (ajec)”
The gunshots rang again, and these people fell ten or twenty in an instant, and blood splattered on the mountain.
How could these people be the opponents of the regular army? It’s almost like a child challenging an adult.
I don’t know who called out first, and these people hurriedly fled.
“Want to run? Hurry up and chase me, and the rest come with me!”
Looking at the people who were fleeing in all directions, Li Fei said coldly to the captain of the guard.
He brought a part of the troops to Su Yun’s side quickly.
Seeing Li F rushing over, Su Yun knew in his heart that he was saved.
Li F rushed to Su Yun, and after seeing him, he hurriedly pulled him over.
Li �F looked up and down and was relieved to find that Su Yun was not injured.
“Fortunately it came in time!”
If he took one step further, the consequences would be unimaginable.
“That’s not it! If you come a little later, I will be killed by that group of people. This time, more than 100 people came.”
Su Yun also had lingering fears, but this time, fortunately, Li F was nearby, and the feeling that his life was being manipulated made him feel very uncomfortable.
After hearing this, Li F said: “Nowadays, there are many people who want your life!”
Su Yun heard the words and shook his head. He didn’t continue talking, he actually understood in his heart, but when he really faced it, that feeling…
Then he and Li F walked in the direction of Jinling City.
After they walked for a while, Su Yun sighed when he saw the three bodyguards lying on the ground.
Not long ago, these people were still standing in front of him alive and well, and they were still protecting his safety.
It’s only been a long time, and people are already separated.
“Where are these three from?”
Su Yun looked at Xie An and asked softly, after all, these three died for him.
Xie An glanced at them and said, “They are all from the area of ​​Liyang and Lishui.”
Su Yun nodded and said: “After returning to the city, I will draw 1,500 oceans from Qian Tong as a pension for their deaths in the public service!”
This is the only thing he can do for now, at least to make their families less difficult.
Hearing this, Li F came forward and patted Su Yun on the shoulder.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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