Li Fei called the captain of the guard and ordered: “Send a platoon of troops to escort Ziwen back, and wait for the idle people to approach, kill Wushe!”
The captain of the guard heard the words and immediately went to do it.
Su Yun stood there for a while and sighed.
“Bang! Bang!”
At this time, the sound of gunshots was heard again in the distance, and Su Yun took a slight look and then ignored it.
Immediately after, two military vehicles came galloping, and stopped not far away.
After Dai Yunong got out of the car, he walked towards Su Yun.
Seeing that Su Yun was safe and sound, he breathed a sigh of relief.
If there is something wrong with Su Yun, he really doesn’t know how to explain it.
At that time, someone may want to tear him up.
Dai Yunong looked at Li F and said, “Dai came a step late. Fortunately, Mr. Li rescued him, otherwise Dai would be to blame.”
“It’s okay, this is because of me!”
Li �F waved his hand and said, if he hadn’t invited Su Yun to Huayin Hospital, but went to find him in person, I’m afraid this kind of thing would not have happened.
When Xie An heard Dai Yunong’s voice, he quietly hid behind Su Yun and lowered his head, trying not to let him see it.
After listening to Dai Yunong’s words, Su Yun said, “It’s no wonder Director Dai, those people are too arrogant.”
To openly shoot him outside Jinling City is simply not taking Jinling City as the capital of the country.
“Don’t worry, my people have caught up, I will take it back for interrogation and I will know who is planning behind it!”
Dai Yunong looked at Su Yun and said solemnly, he will definitely investigate this matter.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, he didn’t question Dai Yunong’s ability.It is necessary to be suspicious, and there are no simple characters who can leave a deep impression on history.
In fact, Su Yun already had some guesses in his heart.
After Dai Yunong finished speaking, he stretched his head to look at Xie An behind Su Yun and said, “Xie An, why are you standing behind?”
“I’m just a small person, I’ve never seen a big person like you.”
Xie An said in a low voice, a little embarrassed, his eyes were a little dodged and he dared not look at Dai Yunong.
Dai Yunong pouted when he heard this.
Su Yun glanced at the scene in the distance, watching what had just happened.
His face was a little tired, and he looked at Dai Yunong and said, “Director Dai, it should be fine, right? Su must go back first!”
Su Yun had personally experienced this shooting and had an indescribable feeling in his heart. He just felt physically and mentally exhausted.
Dai Yunong nodded and said, “Okay, take my car, I’ll take you back!”
Dai Yunong and Su Yun were sitting in a car, and the military car drove in the direction of Jinling City.
On the road, the atmosphere in the car was a little depressing.
Dai Yunong looked at Su Yun at this time.
“Boss Su, you can, the person I have worked so hard to cultivate. How long have you been here? You bought it all from me, and now you don’t bring anything to report to me.”
Dai Yunong said, his voice slightly raised.
“Cough cough!”
Su Yun coughed twice and said innocently, “Who is it? I don’t know!”
Looking at the look on Su Yun’s face, if he didn’t know, he really thought he didn’t know anything.
It’s just that Dai Yunong is not stupid. The people sent out have not reported to him for a while.
Glancing at Su Yun, he pouted and said, “I don’t care, I’ll take someone to your Shengqing Restaurant for a big meal after a while. If you don’t have any money, you can do it.”.
Chapter 122: Calm on the bright side, turbulent waves in the dark
Su Yun didn’t expect that Dai Yunong, the dignified director, was also helpless.
He casually glanced at the military vehicles outside, glanced at the soldiers, and raised his brows. These soldiers seemed to be able to fight.
“Director Dai, the subordinates who came out with you today look very elite!
Brother now has three less people in his hands, and this time he was assassinated again. You must not send some bodyguards to me? ”
Su Yun said with a smile, he only has a few nursing homes in total, it would be better if he added a few more, the more bodyguards, the better.
If these things happen again in the future, we can deal with it even if there are too many people, like today there are only a few people – the pressure is really high.
Dai Yunong laughed and scolded: “Insatiable greed!”
Then he took a deep look at Su Yun and asked, “How do you know those people were sent by me to protect you?”
Although these people are not professional spies, they are not so easy to find, right?
“I’m not a fool, these people said that they were born in martial arts, and they all wore calluses with guns on their hands.
He is so agile, and he has a stern look when he walks. This is not something that martial arts can cultivate. After a little thought, you will know that it was sent by you.
At first I thought they were sent to spy on me, but later I found out that these people never listened to the company’s secrets, nor my secrets,
Even when I was out, I was more nervous than I was, and I knew at a glance that it was sent to protect me! ”
Su Yun said casually, these people’s acting skills are a bit poor, and he felt that something was wrong when he recruited them.
But the intention was good, they just wanted to protect him, and he naturally didn’t treat them badly.
Dai Yunong said helplessly when he heard the words: “I thought about it when I sent people, I can’t let you know about it.
But if they send professional spies, their skills will be a little worse.
After thinking about it, I had to send people from the Secret Service. These people are the ones who arrest people by action. They are good at it, but they are much worse at disguise. ”
He couldn’t do anything about it, he couldn’t have both, but it was enough to protect Su Yun’s safety.
Su Yun shrugged and did not speak.
Then Dai Yunong looked at Su Yun and asked, “Then how do you know Xie An is too? He is an elite under my command, and he is very good at disguising.”
The only thing he didn’t expect was that Xie An was also seen through.
Su Yun glanced at Dai Yunong and said, “I guess!”
He had some guesses before.
The final determination of Xie An’s identity is still based on salary.
He asked the system if it was feasible to give Xie An two hundred oceans?
The system did not object.
Is an ordinary newspaper clerk really worth two hundred yuan these days?
Of course not worth it!
So Su Yun concluded Xie An’s identity.
Later, Xie An’s attitude on some matters also euphemistically expressed to him that he was willing to follow him.
Naturally, he was also very happy, and immediately made a decision, and at the same time did some things.
After that, Xie An was no longer Dai Yunong’s.
Dai Yunong looked at Su Yun speechlessly and said, “Su Ziwen, do you think I’m a fool?”
At least make up a plausible reason?
“It’s not like, so I can’t deceive you!”
Su Yun said casually, leaning on the back of the chair.
He knew that Dai Yunong wouldn’t believe what he said, so he didn’t explain it at all.
Anyway, Dai Yunong had to believe it if he didn’t believe it, and it was impossible for him to tell Dai Yunong about the system.
Dai Yunong looked at Su Yun’s appearance, a little helpless.
Then he asked again: “Then why did you bribe Xie An? He is an old man who has followed me for many years.”
One of his elites ran away with him, and he still felt a little distressed.
“People are so old, and you still let them be spies and walk a tightrope. At his age, he also has to consider his wife and children.
Coincidentally, the Huayin School City opened, and the system inside could well conceal the identities of his three sons.
What’s even more unfortunate is the school’s girls’ dormitory building, there is a lack of a dormitory aunt who works in shifts, but my salary is a bit higher, 30 yuan a month, and that’s it. ”
Su Yun shrugged and said casually, he not onlyJust for my own consideration, but also for Xie An.
Xie An is in his thirties, so he should really consider family.
Moreover, since Xie An was arranged by his side, he has not rested for a moment, and he has seen all these.
Such a person, he has to stay by his side no matter what he says.
It just so happened that he could also operate it so that his family could stay in Huayin School City safely, so Xie An didn’t have to worry about the safety of his family all day long.
Xie An can live a life of licking blood with a knife, but what about his family?
This is reasonable and reasonable, and Xie An has nothing against it, and it finally became what it is now.
Dai Yunong smiled bitterly and said, “How did you know so carefully about his family?”
It’s just that Xie An’s identity is well hidden from the family. Where did Su Yun know about it?
“It’s nothing, just gave him a hundred oceans before, and asked him to go back and give the money to his wife and children, and let his family buy something to eat,
As a result, he was very careless on the way back, and he bumped into the workers of my construction team everywhere along the way. ”
Su Yun pouted and said that he did not admit to investigating Xie An’s family background.
He used Dai Yunong’s personality to swear that one day when Xie An went back, he was a little careless and always bumped into his employees. What is this called?
It’s called fate! God’s will!
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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