Dai Yunong’s face was very bright after hearing this, and he said after a long silence, “This guy Xie An is actually planted under your hands.
That’s all, he’s so old too, if he wants to take care of his life, just let him go! It’s just other people, you have to pay me back! ”
Xie An is an elite and he will recognize it. The key is that he has placed a lot of people under Su Yun’s hands.
“What else? They are employees of my company, what do they have to do with you?”
Su Yun shrugged and said casually, these people are all under the name of Huayin Company, so they must be employees of Huayin Company.
He was not hired as a servant at private expense. There are definitely no VIPs.
And if anyone wants to go to Huayin Company, Huayin Company is Su Yun’s business, what does it have to do with him Su Ziwen?
Dai Yunong stared, and after a while, he said helplessly: “Okay, anyway, since they didn’t report to me,
I knew that would be the result, just treat them well. In fact, it’s fine for them to follow you, and you don’t have to live a life of licking blood with a knife. ”
After all, these people have been in his hands for so many years.
Su Yun just smiled and did not speak.
Soon the car arrived downstairs at the company headquarters.
Su Yun got out of the car and looked at Dai Yunong and asked, “Where are my people? How many are my bodyguards now?”
He can forget everything else, but the bodyguards can’t be forgotten.
Thinking back to the two assassinations that took place, each was more daring than the other.
The last time I was a little more restrained, the assassination was carried out in the middle of the night, this time it was more daring to do it outside Jinling City during the day.
These people are already crazy, and he is not afraid of these people in business competition, but the assassination is just as hard to prevent if it is someone else.
Dai Yunong was a little speechless when he heard the words, and got out of the car and went to the military vehicle behind.
The soldiers in the military vehicle had already got out of the vehicle early and stood beside the military vehicle, waiting for Dai Yunong’s order.
Dai Yunong looked at his subordinates and said, “If you want to be Mr. Su’s bodyguard, go with him now, register with Huayin Company, enjoy the benefits of Huayin Company, and be his person in the future.”
As soon as I finished speaking, I saw a group of people trotting over.
There was excitement on their faces, and they ran faster and faster, for fear that there would be no chance if they hesitated for a while.
They have all heard how good the remuneration and benefits of Huayin Company are, and naturally do not want to let it go.
And they also have their own little Jiujiu in their hearts.
There was no one left beside the car for a moment.
All want to stay!
Dai Yunong watched all his soldiers run past, his face darkened and said: “The first five people stay, the others go back!”
The others reluctantly returned to the car, and they dared not resist the order.
A few of them didn’t forget to look back at the five people when they got into the car, looking envious and hating themselves for not running faster.
Su Yun shrugged and said, “Boss Dai, your words are nothing!”
These soldiers obviously wanted to come, and he probably glanced at a hundred people.
So many people are enough.
These people are all serious soldiers, and even if they encounter the previous things, they can easily deal with them.
With so many people protecting him, he doesn’t have to worry about it every day.
“You little deflated calf, don’t look for me in the future, every time I encounter you, I will run a few men!”
Dai Yunong got in the car, glared at him and said.
If he hadn’t stopped him just now, all the hundreds of people would have to go away for Su Yun.
After he finished speaking, he closed the door and the car drove away.
“Thank you boss Dai!”
Su Yun waved his hand and said with a smile.
Although only five people were taken back, it was enough. There were still several nursing homes in his family.
Then he looked at the five people who stayed behind and said with a smile: “You can join the company in a while, and follow me later,
If you have a baby at home, send it to Huayin School City to go to school. If you are not married, you will have a three-month honeymoon vacation when you are married, and the benefits will follow the company. ”
Su Yun has arranged everything for them, even the family members.
Since it’s all in his hands, just stay at easeThat’s fine. It’s impossible to return it to Dai Yunong at that time.
When the five of them heard it, they immediately raised their eyebrows and shouted in unison.
They took another look at the Huayin Corporation headquarters behind them, feeling a little excited. They didn’t expect that they would join it one day.
“Mr. Su, let’s go to work now!”
Then the five of them ran to the company headquarters to join the company.
Su Yun heard the words and nodded.
Then he looked to the side of Xie An who said nothing and was very worried.
From just now, he noticed that Xie An’s mood was not quite right.
He looked at Xie An and said, “Let’s go, what are you thinking about now? Didn’t Boss Dai agree?”
Dai Yunong didn’t say anything before, let alone grabbing it back. It should be the best result for Xie An.
Xie An felt a little complicated after hearing this, and sighed, “I didn’t expect that I would retire in this way.”
“Don’t think so much!”
Su Yun patted Xie An on the shoulder and said.
And those soldiers went to the headquarters building with smiles on their faces.
As for the two bodyguards who survived, they had a wry smile on their faces after looking at each other.
They can understand the mood of these soldiers, after all, they also came here.
In fact, since they followed Su Yun, they didn’t want to go back.
Everyone wants to live a good life, who wants to lick blood on the knife head all day?

There are two people sitting in a spacious office.
One of them was He Jingzhi, who had anger on his face at this time.
He slapped the table and scolded: “These people are really lawless. Even Su Ziwen dares to assassinate them. This is not taking me seriously.”
“Su Ziwen is now very important to our military and the whole country, he must not make any mistakes,
But now, because of his implementation of credit loans, medical insurance, and heavy industry, those giants can’t help but start. ”
Xu Deli, who was sitting on the sofa, stood up and said with a serious face.
What Su Yun is doing now is of great significance to the development of the entire country.
But doing so moved too many people’s cakes.
Those giants couldn’t help but start.
The power hidden by the giants is not small!
He Jingzhi thought for a while after hearing the words and said, “Those people are all rich and powerful, with great power in their hands.
And the relationship is intertwined, if there is no solid evidence, I can’t touch them. ”
He knew who these people were, but there were a lot of them involved.
“Can you warn them? For example, by mobilizing nearby troops to conduct an exercise to encircle and suppress bandits?”
Xu Deli frowned slightly and asked, it would be more troublesome to not be able to do it directly.
He Jingzhi didn’t say anything, and after thinking for a while, he said, “There is no result from the commissioned seat now.
Whether it is to deter them or not, or to warn them, this matter still needs to be decided by a seat! ”
As soon as he finished speaking, the phone on the table rang.
He Jingzhi hung up the phone after listening for a while.
“The commissioner just called and asked me to mobilize a battalion of troops to protect Su Ziwen.”
He Jingzhi said, his eyebrows stretched a thousand times.
Chapter 123: The big boss is angry, Jiangnan is in turmoil
The next morning, Su Yun went out after having breakfast.
When he opened the door, all he saw was a group of soldiers standing at the door.
The soldiers were neat and straight in front of him.
They were fully equipped and looked forward sharply.
The leading major saw Su Yun, trotted over to stand in front of him, and gave him a salute.
Su Yun glanced at the soldiers and nodded. He knew what they meant. I’m afraid these people were all sent to protect him.
After sitting in the black car in front of him, two military vehicles whizzed from behind and drove in front of Su Yun’s black car.
The black car Su Yun was sitting in followed and drove towards the company headquarters.
There are other military vehicles in the back of the black sedan, and two military vehicles in front are responsible for clearing the way.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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