These military vehicles surrounded Su Yun’s convoy in the middle and looked very safe.
Pedestrians frequently looked sideways along the way, and their attention was focused on these convoys.
Su Yun arrived at the company headquarters under the escort of a military vehicle. After arriving at the office, he looked at today’s newspaper on the desk.
Sitting down, he casually picked up a newspaper and read it. There was a message on it, which immediately attracted his attention.
He looked at the message and smiled slightly.
I only saw that it said that at 3 o’clock this afternoon, six death row prisoners will be executed at Caishikou in the center of Jinling City.
The charge is intentional homicide!
“It’s quite fast!”
Su Yun thought to himself, but he knew that the energy of these six people was not so great, I’m afraid…
“Dong dong!”
But at this moment, the door of the office was knocked by “800”.
“Come in!”
Su Yun put down the newspaper in his hand and sat on the boss chair.
He looked up and saw Ding Yan came in with a document.
“Mr. Su, Diao Li sent a telegram saying that the company headquarters should send professionals to Hangzhou to recruit workers to build the school.”
Ding Yan stood in front of Su Yun and reported.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and instructed: “You ask Zhao Qingshan to transfer a hundred key workers to Hangzhou to recruit workers to build the school.”
He counted the time in his mind, Diao Li had been going to Hangzhou for a while.
At the same time, he also asked Zhao Lin to take charge of the construction team.set.
“No problem, Mr. Su, I’ll do it now!”
After Ding Yan took the order, he went to handle it quickly and left the office.
After a while, the door of the office was knocked again, and Zhao Lin came in with a telegram.
“Mr. Su, Manager Wang Qing of the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry sent a telegram saying that farms in Lu’an and Zhenjiang have been established.”
Zhao Lin watched Su Yun report and handed the telegram to Su Yun at the same time.
After taking the telegram, Su Yun looked at it and said, “Call Wang Qing back and let him focus on the farm!”
Wang Qing has been out for a while. Now that the farm has been established, the rest should not be too busy.
The most important thing now is the farm. Buying land and arranging employees is much more busy than a farm.
After Zhao Lin took the order, he left quickly to send a telegram. Su Yun put the telegram in his hand beside the desk.
After giving the order, Su Yun sat on the boss chair and thought about it, picked up the phone beside him, and called Sun Li.
“Sun Li, come to the office!”
Su Yun gave the order and hung up the phone.
Soon the door of the office was knocked again, and Sun Li came closer.
“How’s the farm staff recruitment going?”
Su Yun put his hands on the desk and said slowly, he had asked Sun Li to recruit people before, and now it’s been a while since he counted.
“Report to President Su, we are recruiting, but there are many applicants. We need you to give a number of recruits!”
Sun Li quickly reported.
After thinking for a while, Su Yun said, “First recruit 20,000 people.”
Sun Li took the order and went to handle it immediately.

At 9:30 in the morning, Su Yun was sitting in the boss chair reading documents.
Ding Yan knocked on the door and came in and said, “Mr. Su, Zhang Qinglai is asking to see him. He is currently under the company headquarters building, do you want him to come in?”
“Let him wait for me in the living room!”
After thinking about it, Su Yun said, he still decided to meet Zhang Qinglai.
Ding Yan immediately went to inform after receiving the order.
After a while, Su Yun came to the living room, and he saw Zhang Qinglai sitting on the sofa at a glance, with dark circles under his eyes and a haggard face.
Su Yun walked over, sat on the sofa and said lightly, “What are you doing here?”
In fact, he had already guessed Zhang Qinglai’s purpose in coming here.
“I beg Mr. Su to save the lives of the six people in the Jinling Chamber of Commerce. They are not the ones who came to assassinate you. They hate you, but they don’t dare to give them ten courage! I also ask you to have a lot of help. them.”
Zhang Qinglai saw Su Yun as if he saw a savior, and said anxiously, those six people who were about to be executed were all big businessmen from the Jinling Chamber of Commerce!
Su Yun said lightly, “I know.”
These few people in the Jinling Chamber of Commerce have not yet gathered so many people with such great energy.
Zhang Qinglai was overjoyed when he heard the words.
The whole person leaned forward and pressed the coffee table, “Mr. Su promised to save them?
Please when can we go to rescue them, they will be shot at 3pm! ”
Su Yun leaned back against the sofa and closed his eyes, then slowly spit out two words: “No help!”
Zhang Qinglai felt anxious after hearing this. With sweat on his forehead, he said anxiously, “Mr. Su believe me, they are really innocent.”
Su Yun opened his eyes and sat up, looking at Zhang Qinglai coldly.
He said coldly: “The people were not sent by them, but they provided my information, damn it!”
People are indeed not sent by them, but since they dare to mix in, then die!
After hearing this, Zhang Qinglai quickly explained: “They didn’t know that those people would be so crazy and sent so many gunmen.”
“Su Mou advises you to ignore these things and stop getting involved, or you will be the next one!”
Su Mou stood up and looked coldly at Zhang Qinglai in front of him, and left the living room without looking back after dropping these words.
Only Zhang Qinglai, who was stunned in place, was left in the living room. When he came back to his senses, he only felt that his back was covered in cold sweat.
He recalled what Su Yun said just now, and only felt a lingering fear in his heart.

Dai Yunong’s office.
“Jingle Bell!”
Then the phone rang, and then one hand picked up the phone and listened.
Dai Yunong listened to the voice on the other end of the phone, and his face became solemn. After hanging up the phone, he immediately summoned all the senior officers under his command.
In the conference room, Dai Yunong stood in the middle, looking around the officers below with a serious expression.
Everyone present did not dare to let out the atmosphere, and the atmosphere was very dignified.
“The principal’s military order, the people involved in this matter, secretly do it, it is better to kill the mistake and not let it go, and not leave any clues!”
Dai Yunong then retracted his eyes and said solemnly, his voice echoing throughout the venue.

Kunshan County, Yang’s ancestral home, thirteen entered the courtyard.
The Yang family is an absolute giant in the south of the Yangtze River, and the Yang family’s industries involve light industry, schools, hospitals, catering, and textiles.
At this time, Yang Xi, the grandfather of the Yang family, was walking in the garden, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he always felt uneasy.
At this time, a servant stepped forward quickly and respectfully said: “Master, Wang Quan is here to see you.”
Wang Quan is the county magistrate of Kunshan, and Yang Xi doesn’t quite understand what he is doing here.
Yang Xi had some doubts in his heart, but still said: “Let Wang Quan go to the flower hall for a chat!”
After a while, Yang Xi also came to the flower hall.
After seeing Wang Quan, he smiled and said, “Lord Wang, please sit down!”
Wang Quan shook his head slightly and said lightly, “I came today to inform the Yang family that you have tax evasion.”
After he finished speaking, he looked at Yang Xi and said solemnly, “Take out all the ledgers of the property in your Yang family’s name immediately, and I will start checking the accounts.”
Yang Xi looked shocked. For a while, it was unclear whether Wang Quan was telling the truth or a lie.
He quickly recovered and said solemnly: “The Yang family has always been law-abiding, but they have never done any tax evasion and evasion.
kingLord, please rest assured that the Yang family will not do such a dirty thing.
Moreover, the old man will check the accounts in person every day, the account books are definitely fine, and the county magistrate should not worry. ”
The account book must not be given, but he couldn’t understand why Wang Quan suddenly attacked the Yang family.
You must know that the relationship between the Yang family and Wang Quan has always been very good.
Wang Quan’s face turned even darker after hearing this, and he said solemnly, “Don’t tell me anything useless, I only look at the ledger.”
He did not listen to Yang Xi’s rebuttal and insisted on the ledger.
Seeing that things were not going well, Yang Xi quickly shouted: “Come on!”
He called a servant and whispered in the servant’s ear: “Hurry up and have someone go to the cashier to deliver things.”
After the servant took the order, he ran quickly.
After finishing the instructions, Yang Xi looked at Wang Quan and asked, “Master Wang, why did you attack the Yang family today? The Yang family is a kind family in Kunshan County…”
Yang Xi was still thinking about entanglement and fooling around.
However, Wang Quan did not reply to Yang Xi’s words, and said lightly: “I don’t want to repeat it a third time, I just need the ledger!”
Yang Xi frowned slightly as he looked at Wang Quan’s insistence.
Just then, a young man walked in with a check.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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