Yang Xi grabbed it and handed it to Wang Quan with a smile: “Master Wang, there are 100,000 on it, please laugh more.”
Wang Quan looked at him coldly and did not extend his hand.
Yang Xi’s hand was hanging in the air, and he felt that the situation was not good, and he only felt that the matter was serious.
But still bite the bullet and stuffed the check to the king.
“Yang will bring you the account book later, but I don’t know which noble person the Yang family has offended?”
Yang Xi looked at Wang Quan and sneered, feeling a little flustered in his heart.
Wang Quan glanced at the check from the corner of his eye, but in the end he couldn’t stand the temptation.
After coughing twice, he accepted the check, his face still dignified.
After a while, the county magistrate approached Yang Xi and said solemnly, “The Yang family shouldn’t go to the party some time ago!”
His voice was so small that only two people could hear him.
Yang Xi froze in his heart, and hurriedly asked, “What’s going on?”
What does he seem to have in mind? Is it because of that person?
Wang Quan looked around, making sure there were no other strangers around.
He dared to whisper: “Su Ziwen was assassinated, and this incident aroused the anger of Mr. Huo and all the elders.
You should understand that Huo Lao and those old gentlemen are the existence of students all over the political arena.
Now that we have received the above order, whoever participates in the party and finally survives, must pay the price. ”
Yang Xi opened his mouth when he heard the words, but was speechless.
After Wang Quan finished speaking, he said slowly: “I am also under orders to do things, and I also ask the Yang family not to embarrass me.”
Those are all big men, and he can’t afford to offend a small royal power, but he also doesn’t want to offend the Yang family.
After hearing this, Yang Xi said softly, “No, take Mr. Wang to check the accounts!”
After Wang Quan left with the young man, only Yang Xi was left to sit in the flower hall alone.
He was lost in thought, and the more he thought about it, the more terrified he became.
He did not expect this Su Ziwen to be favored by those elders.
Who are those elders?
Even if the chairman of the committee sees it, he will be called an old gentleman!
How could a young man have so much energy?
Yang Xi was afraid after thinking about it for a while, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.
At this time, a middle-aged man walked in quickly.
This middle-aged man is naturally Yang Lian, the eldest son of Yang Xi.
He came to Yang Xi and said, “Father, I took the ledger I prepared on weekdays to Wang Quan and the others for 4.2 to check the accounts.”
Yang Xi was shocked when he heard the words, and he said anxiously: “Quickly take the real account book to Wang Quan for auditing.”
“But father, wouldn’t our tax evasion and evasion be exposed?”
Yang Lian frowned and said that the Yang family has always had two sets of accounts.
One of the fake ledgers is used to deal with auditing, taxation, etc., so as to reduce costs.
The other is a real ledger, which few people in the Yang family are qualified to see.
“Hurry up, hurry up, cough, cough!”
Yang Xi urged Yang Lian to hurry up and coughed anxiously.
Although Yang Lian was a little puzzled, she could only do as she did, and then turned around to go.
After a while, Yang Lian came back, and he asked, “Father, what happened?”
There was doubt on his face, why was his father suddenly like this?
“I shouldn’t have gone to the party a few days ago as my father. Now that Su Ziwen has been assassinated, Jinling is furious. If the Yang family doesn’t pay the price, they may be wiped out.”
Yang Xi sighed, feeling a little regretful in his heart.
Yang Lian turned pale when he heard the words: “Why is this?”
Just because of one Su Yun, their Yang family has become what it is now. Has the matter gotten so serious?
“Su Yun is far more valued than we thought. As my father heard from Wang Quan’s words, I am afraid that there will be massacres in Taicang and Qingpu in the next few days.”
Yang Xi said slowly, with a little helplessness on his face. Their little Yang family can’t compare to those who hold the seal. If they continue to fight, the consequences will be unimaginable.
After he finished speaking, he looked at Yang Lian and said, “Restrict the children in the family, don’t go out of Kunshan these few days.”.
Chapter 124: Jiangnan under the Undercurrent
In the morning, Su Yun was working on documents in the office. After a while, he picked up the phone at hand.
“Come to my office!”
After getting through to Ding Yan, Su Yun gave the order directly, and then hung up the phone.
Soon there was a knock on the office door, Ding Yan came in and stood in front of him.
“Go and send a telegram to Du Gan, tell him, and let him prepare for the establishment of a medical device manufacturing factory immediately.”
Su Yun glanced at Ding Yan and said.
Ding Yan dealt with it immediately after receiving the order, while Su Yun continued to deal with the documents.
After a while, the door of the office was knocked again, Su Yun looked up and saw Ding Yan come in again.
“Everything is done?”
Su Yun said calmly.
“Mr. Su, he has already sent a telegram to Du Gan, and he also sent a telegram just now saying that the automobile manufacturing plant and the engine manufacturing plant have been established.”
Ding Yan reported truthfully.
Su Yun’s face was happy when he heard this, this is good news.
What Huayin lacks most now is cars, and cars are needed everywhere.
School Town Wants! Construction crew too!
“Okay, you go to work first!”
Su Yun smiled and said to Ding Yan, Ding Yan left the office after hearing the words.
Not long after, the door of the office was knocked again, this time it was Zhao Lin who came in.
“Report to President Su, Zhan Ming, the person in charge of the school city, sent a telegram saying that Mr. Shao Wen wants to invite you to the school.”
Zhao Lin handed the telegram to Su Yunhouhui to report.
“Okay, I got it!”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and then set off for the school city.
After he came to the school city by car, he rushed to Lao Shao’s office.
When I came to the door of the office, I found that Zhao Pu and his son Zhao Zhen were also there, and it was inevitable that I had some doubts in my heart.
However, Su Yun still saluted: “Old Shao, what’s the matter with calling me in such a hurry?”
“Ziwen, come in and sit, we two old men mentioned you just now!”
After Su Yun sat down, Shao Wencai glanced at Zhao Pu.
Then he looked at Su Yun and said, “Ziwen, you are an upright person, you don’t understand conspiracy calculations,
Today, I discussed one or two with Yaozhi, and decided to introduce Zhao Gongda, the son of Yaozhi, to you. He is good at this and will definitely be able to help you. ”
Zhao Zhen’s face was splendid, and he wanted to refute, but he had been ups and downs in the business sea for many years, and he had no confidence to say that he was a gentleman.
Su Yun glanced at Zhao Zhen when he heard the words, his cheeks twitched.
After a while, he thanked Shao Lao Er and said, “Thanks to the care of the two old gentlemen.”
“If Brother Gongda doesn’t dislike it, he can be Su’s assistant.”
Su Yun then looked at Zhao Zhen and said that he knew that Zhao Zhen took care of some of the family’s industries in an orderly manner, and he must have his own means.
Just looking at Zhao Zhen’s unshaven face, he was a little helpless. Although Zhao Zhen was many years older than him, his seniority was here.
Shao Wen and Zhao Pu are of the same generation, and Zhao Zhen is of the same generation as himself, which leads to the age difference, no matter how big the age difference, is the same generation.
“Brother Ziwen, please give me more advice!”
Zhao Zhen said with a smile, this should be done.
Zhao Pu looked at Su Yun at this time and said softly, “Ziwen, I have something to ask of you!”
“Mr. Zhao, please tell me if there is anything else.”
Su Yun smiled lightly, already having some guesses in his heart.
Zhao Pu said with a serious face: “I hope that the Zhao family’s products can use the Huayin company’s trademark, and the old man understands the rules. The Zhao family is willing to make 45% of the profit.”
Hearing this, Su Yun restrained his smile and said sternly: “The quality of the product must pass the test, and the price must be the same as that of Huayin Company, but it can’t use Huayin Company’s signboard. Wu Guangqi is like this.”
“No problem, the old man can guarantee that there is no problem with the Zhao family’s products.”
Zhao Pu said with confidence on his face.
“When I go back, I will send someone to inspect the Zhao family’s products. If there is no problem, the Zhao family can use the Huayin company’s trademark.”
Su Yun nodded and said seriously.
Then Su Yun and Zhao Zhen separated from Shao Lao and returned to the company.
When returning to the company, Su Yun glanced at the time, it was just noon.
“It’s not too early, let’s go to the cafeteria to eat first!”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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