Su Yun said with a smile.
Zhao Zhen smiled and nodded, he also wanted to see the environment of Huayin Company.
Su Yun brought Zhao Zhen to the cafeteria, and the two took the plate and went to the dining window.
When Zhao Zhen saw a wide variety of dishes from the dining window, Rao was well-informed and he was a little confused.
“Mr. Su, it’s really a big deal!”
Zhao Zhen couldn’t help but sighed that he knew that Huayin’s employee benefits are good, but seeing it is better than seeing it.
“Employees have the strength to work when they eat well and eat well, don’t they?”
Su Yun said with a smile.
The two of them found a spot and sat down.
“Mr. Shao Wen, they are upright and gentlemen, and they don’t know how to go around.
There is also a lack of someone who is proficient in conspiracy and tricks around Su, and Brother Gongda came at the right time. ”
Su Yun said casually after eating two bites.
Zhao Zhen’s face was wonderful when he heard the words, and he was speechless for a while.
Although he is reluctant to admit it, he also knows that he is not a decent man.
Zhao Zhen eats with his head down, which is a default.
After eating, Su Yun and Zhao Zhen came to the office, and Zhao Zhen found a sofa and sat down at random.
Su Yun sat on the boss chair, looked at the Jinling Afternoon News on the desk, and picked it up.
After Zhao Zhen sat down, he poured himself a cup of tea and savored it carefully.
Su Yun looked at the newspaper and read: “The newspaper said that the Liu family massacre in Taicang happened, and the Liu family’s 163 relatives were all dead.
More than 30 servants were also killed in the mansion. After preliminary investigation, it is not known who did it. The investigation is still in progress. ”
After he finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Zhen. He also knew something about the Taicang Liu family. This time, he didn’t need to think about the reason for the massacre.
After hearing this, Zhao Zhen took a sip of tea and said:”The Liu family is a wealthy family in the southern region of the Yangtze River. The family mainly deals in medicinal materials. Among the people who were shot yesterday, there was a medicinal materials dealer who took goods from the Liu family.”
Zhao Zhen seemed to be at ease with this information, with a natural expression on his face.
Hearing this, Su Yun did not speak, but picked up another afternoon newspaper and read: “Qingpu Wang’s family, 98 members of the family were killed in the massacre, all of them were killed overnight. It is still under further investigation.”
Zhao Zhen put down the tea cup and said slowly: “The Wang family is also a wealthy family in the south of the Yangtze River.
There are children in the family who study Western medicine, and after returning to China, he recruited talents to open hospitals. Two hospitals in Jinling were opened by his family. ”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and Shao Lao recommended Zhao Zhen is indeed right. Zhao Zhen has been immersed in the business sea for so many years, and he probably has far more information than that.
Continuing to look down, there are several underground gangs, all of which were killed in the fire yesterday, and even the family of the gang boss was slaughtered overnight by mysterious people.
Su Yun already had some guesses about these gangs.
Putting the newspaper on the desk, he looked at Zhao Zhen and asked, “Do you think there are only two people involved in the assassination of me this time?”
The two companies published in the newspaper are both wealthy families in Jiangnan, and they still have some energy.
Zhao Zhen said sternly: “It shouldn’t be wrong!”
“Do you think I will be assassinated in the future?”
Su Yun then asked, when he asked this sentence, he actually already had the answer.
“do not know!”
Zhao Zhen shook his head and said that he was not sure about this issue.
“I think those people will find someone to kill me.”
Su Yun said calmly, his enemies are far more than these two families, and I am afraid there are many families waiting for opportunities behind the scenes.
It’s just that now that the gun is the first bird, these families will probably not trouble him again in a short time.
But as his industry gets bigger and bigger, they still can’t sit still.
“Not necessarily, now you are traveling with a battalion of troops escorting them, and those people are not the opponents of the regular army.”
Zhao Zhen said with envy on his face.
At this moment, the phone on the desk rang, and Su Yun walked over and answered the phone.
There was an old voice on the other end of the phone.
Mr. Huo said slowly: “Ziwen, I heard that you are going to start a farm recently?”
“Yes, Mr. Huo!”
Su Yun said with a smile. He was slightly startled, he didn’t expect Mr. Huo to contact him in person.
“Have you chosen the address? Where are you going to do it?”
Huo Lao smiled lightly.
“I plan to build farms in the Jianghan Plain in Hubei, the Chengdu Plain in Sichuan, the Nanyang Basin and the banks of the Huai River, but I haven’t bought any land yet.”
Su Yun said with a smile that he had planned the address before and had already started recruiting farm employees.
It’s just that Wang Qing was working on a farm some time ago, and the purchase of land has not progressed.
“It’s simple, the old man asked someone to buy the land for you.”
Huo Lao said after listening.
Su Yun heard the words and said, “You don’t need to bother Mr. Huo about this matter, Ziwen can just let him do it.”
Buying land is not difficult for him, it just takes time.
This matter has to be handed over to Mr. Huo to help, he feels a little bad.
“Hands up.”
Mr. Huo smiled lightly.
“That being the case, Ziwen is honored by Mr. Huo’s love.”
Since Mr. Huo said so, he didn’t bother.
Mr. Huo smiled and hung up the phone.
Su Yun put down the phone, it’s a good thing that things on the farm have taken shape.
“Dong dong!”
Just then there was a knock on the office door.
Ding Yan walked in with a telegram. He handed the telegram to Su Yun and said, “Report to President Su, Ding Fang just sent a telegram saying that he has arrived in the United States and contacted several airlines.”
Su Yun was a little puzzled when he heard the words, how could it be so fast? It’s only been a few days.
“He should go to Nanyang by boat first. Nanyang has a flight to Hawaii, and Hawaii has a flight to the United States, so the speed is much faster!”
Zhao Zhen looked at Su Yun’s puzzled appearance and explained.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and then looked at the telegram in his hand.
The telegram stated that Ding Fang had contacted three airlines, Boeing, Curtis and Douglas.
The ones identified so far are Boeing and Douglas Airlines, both of which have their own passenger planes.
Douglas’s is a dc-1 airliner, which costs $35,000 apiece.
The Boeing Company is Boeing 247 30,000 US dollars a.
Su Yun glanced at it roughly. The price of these planes is not expensive for him, but even if they are cheap, there is still a problem.
He continued to look down. At the end of the telegram, he asked how many planes he needed. Su Yun put the telegram down and glanced at time 800.
It was about 1:30 noon now, and he thought about it in the United States at about 1:00 in the morning.
“You put back a telegram to Ding and ask him which company can deliver twenty planes by June.”
Su Yun looked at Ding Yan and said that if these planes could not be delivered to him in June, it would be meaningless to be cheap.
Ding Yan took the order to leave and deal with it immediately.
Zhao Zhen heard the words and asked, “Mr. Su, why are you buying so many planes?”
I have to buy 20 at once, and it has to be delivered in June. What kind of big move is this?
“Prepare for an airline!”
Su Yun said, picked up the phone on the desk again, and called Zhao Lin.
“Zhao Lin, come to my office.”
After Su Yun ordered to go down, he hung up the phone.
Soon the door of the office rang, and Zhao Lin came in and stood in front of Su Yun.
Su Yun looked at Zhao Lin and said, “Arrange people in Jinling, Lu’an, Bengfu, Xuzhou, Jinan, Wuhan, and Nanyang.These places build Huayin’s airports. ”
Su Yun has already made plans in his heart. When all the planes are delivered, the airport will be almost completed.
Isn’t the airline going to open in situ by then?
“No problem, Mr. Su, I’ll do it right away!”
Zhao Lin left after taking the order, and went to handle it immediately.
At this moment, the office phone rang again.
After Su Yun answered the phone, Mr. Huo’s voice rang again.
“Ziwen, things are almost over, the Lianghuai, the Nanyang Basin, the Jianghan Plain, and the Chengdu Plain,
I got you a lot of land, and in two days, the documents will come down. ”
Huo Lao said with a smile.
“Ziwen has thanked Mr. Huo for this!”
When Su Yun heard the words, he quickly thanked him, and after hanging up the phone, he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart that someone is quick to do things.
It’s only been a while, and things are almost done.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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