When Su Yun was about to take the car to the southwest of the city, there was a newsboy’s cry from a distance.
“Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers! Huge floods broke out in Hubei, and many places were flooded!”
The cries of newsboys echoed downstairs in the company headquarters, which immediately caught his attention.
“Bring me a newspaper!”
Su Yun said loudly, the newsboy hurried over and handed the newspaper to Su Yun with a smile, while Ding Yan paid for the newspaper.
“Hubei’s catastrophic flood, Jiayu, Xiantao, Jianli and other Jianghan plains have been affected since Qingming.
The torrential rain fell for half a month, and many places were submerged by floods, affecting tens of millions of people. ”
Su Yun looked at the contents of the newspaper and immediately understood.
The Jianghan Plain is a major grain-producing area in the south. The entire Jianghan Plain is very rich, with more than 26 million people.
However, there are also many water systems in the Jianghan Plain. Once the rainstorm is too severe, it will be a flood.
Now there is no help from those water conservancy projects of later generations.
…….. 0 0
It is even more difficult to defend against floods.
“Ding Yan, hurry up and call Wang Qing and ask him where he is now?”
Su Yun folded the newspaper, looked at Ding Yan and ordered to go on, Ding Yan ordered to deal with it immediately.
Although Hubei was hit by the disaster, the place where he burned money came again.
Then Su Yun went to the slum in the southwest of Qiancheng.
“The Huayin Company is recruiting employees, with generous remuneration packages, including food and housing.”
“Huayin Company vigorously recruits employees, and the monthly basic labor plus other benefits can reach twenty-five oceans.”
As soon as Su Yun got out of the car, he heard the recruitment slogan shouted by Huayin employees.
And he glanced at it, and the poor people who came to recruit had already crowded the place, and Huayin Company was surrounded by these people.
Everyone’s face was full of excitement, desperately trying to squeeze in. There are estimated to be tens of thousands of people here.
Su Yun also saw some poor people who seemed to be holding a document in their hands, with smiles on their faces, and did not snatch them from them. It seemed that they had successfully applied for the job.
“Crack Kacha!”
And there are countless flashing lights next to it, and Huayin’s recruitment of employees has attracted not only the poor, but also countless reporters.
These reporters are not just taking pictures, some are interviewing those who have successfully applied for the job.
Su Yun looked from a distance and nodded.
“Officer Su!”
And at this moment, I don’t know who shouted, and all the poor people who were still fighting for it were all stunned.
They also all looked over, whenWhen they saw Su Yun, their eyes were all red.
One by one they fell to their knees on the ground.
They have even forgotten that they are here to apply.
Someone in the comment area said 2 trillion yuan. When I saw the comments, I was a little puzzled. In this period of the Republic of China, when did the fiscal revenue of 2 trillion yuan come before the Anti-Japanese War?
Then go to look at the data, more than two billion, that’s right. Then I collected the documents, searched with one click, and found that there were more than 2 trillion written in my text, and I was confused.
When did you write more than 2 trillion? Then I flipped through the information and saw that my special mother is blind! 45 was regarded as 35, and I wrote it down in a daze at night.
Faceless! Now it has been changed. In 35 years, the fiscal revenue was more than 2 billion yuan, and in 2036, it was 2.9 billion yuan, and the local finances were less than 3 billion yuan. Don’t ask me, I can’t find it, it’s too messy.
By the way, three or five years ago, there was no fiat currency, but there were other banknotes. It was very confusing. I was too lazy to exchange various banknotes. It was too troublesome, so I wrote the fiat currency in advance.
Thanks also to the book friends who raised this question.
As for how many U.S. states you said two trillion bought, this is really impossible.
Say a simple data, B17 bomber, 310,000 US dollars one, bought 12,700.
Known as a billion-dollar game, the US military purchased more than 3,800 planes for $291 million. Guess what an aircraft carrier and other warships cost, not to mention fighter jets and other aircraft.
But I still sincerely thank all the book friends for pointing out the problems, including the dialogue between characters and so on. I sincerely welcome book friends who have raised various questions.
Sometimes I read a lot of information, and sometimes I make mistakes, I don’t know it yet, and I didn’t go back and check it.
Chapter 127: When the Undercurrent Surges Again
“Get up first!”
Su Yun looked at the people kneeling on the ground and said.
Those people looked at Su Yun stubbornly, their eyes were red, and tears flowed down unconsciously.
Instead of getting up, they kowtowed three times and their foreheads turned red before they were willing to get up.
A man in his thirties looked at Su Yun, tears could not stop flowing.
“We have followed so many bosses. Only Huayin Company gave us the first hope of life. You let us children with muddy legs go to school.
So that we can afford to be sick, and now you have to give us food, you are the living Bodhisattva sent by God to save suffering. ”
As soon as the man’s voice fell, countless people knelt down again, and I don’t know how many people were crying.
The howling wind blew on the faces of these people, and the sound of the wind seemed to be a little smaller, as if even the heavens and the earth could not bear to disturb them.
Heaven and Earth empathize with them at this moment.
Sobbing, crying filled the air!
Their eyes were red, and their bodies were shaking slightly.
Looking at the poor man in front of him, he opened his mouth, but was speechless.
Walking slowly in front of them, walking slowly and lightly, he walked slowly in front of them, then turned to look at them.
Take the faces of each of them into memory.
Then he said slowly: “I have a dream, I dream of opening the door early in the morning and no longer seeing a poor man.
Dreaming of walking in the countryside in the morning and not seeing a poor man again.
Dream of living in a powerful and prosperous country.
I dream that everyone I see is full of hope in life, looking forward to the future, never seeing dead eyes again. ”
The thick voice passed through everyone’s ears “800”, and every word fell loudly in everyone’s heart.
tears! It fell from the eyes and flowed down everyone’s cheeks.
The flash became softer at this moment, and the shutter sound was no longer harsh at this moment.
“Do you believe me?”
Su Yun looked at them and asked loudly.
“we believe!”
What greeted Su Yun was the cry of countless people, and their voices traveled far and far.
Su Yun took a deep look at them and had a panoramic view of everyone. He wanted to announce to them, and he wanted to tell them loudly.
“You will not only be able to fill your stomach in the future, but you will also be able to eat meat at every meal.
Your children can go to school, you can go to the hospital for treatment when you are sick, and you can support the elderly when you are old!
I want all of you to lead a life with less education and support for old age, and I want you to no longer be poor!
My countrymen, my brothers and sisters, cheer up!
Tomorrow will no longer be poor, tomorrow will no longer be poor, our tomorrow will be rich and beautiful.
We build our homeland with our own hands and realize the great rejuvenation of China with our efforts! ”
The voice fell, like thunder.
At this moment, everyone’s faces were filled with excitement, countless people stood up, and countless people shouted.
They said loudly, “Follow President Su and build our beautiful home.”
Su Yun’s eyes swept over one poorer after another, and his eyes stopped on one poorer after another.
He looked at them and said: “Don’t be afraid of not having a house!
Because you have worked in Huayin for three years and you have children at home, you will be allocated a house as a benefit.
Don’t be afraid to eat without food, without meat!
As long as you work in Huayin Company, you will not be hungry if you have one bite to eat.
Don’t be afraid of not having money for medical treatment,
As long as Huayin Company exists for one day, as long as Huayin Hospital exists for one day, you will be able to cure diseases.
Don’t be afraid that your child won’t have a place to go to school,
As long as Huayin School City exists for one day, you will have a place to go to school. ”
Word by word, deafening.
There is hope in everyone’s eyes!
heThey raised their heads, looked at Su Yun, and looked into the distance.
This day is not far from them.
Such a life is not far from them.
Su Yun looked at them and said loudly: “My compatriots, go and embrace the future! A beautiful life is beckoning to you!
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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