Don’t despair, don’t give up, don’t cry because I won’t allow it! ”
The scorching sun came out from the clouds, and the sun shone on the earth.
“Our life is sold to President Su.”
Countless people shouted beside Su Yun.
Watching countless poor people have renewed hope in life.
There was a little smile in his eyes.
“I’m just a businessman, I can’t change everyone, but I can change the people in front of me!”
Su Yun said this to himself, looking at their cheering expressions, there was a little smile in his eyes.
“Everyone is gone.”
He checked the time and was ready to go back.
However, they didn’t leave. They stood together and looked at Su Yun with reverence in their eyes.
Their bodies stood upright and watched Su Yun leave. At this moment, they only had Su Yun in their eyes and could not tolerate anyone.
Su Yun shines brighter than the sun in their eyes.
“Sun Li, come here!”
At this time, Su Yun called Sun Li over, and he had more important things to do.
Hearing this, Sun Li hurried over and stood in front of Su Yun and looked at him.
“The flood disaster in Hubei, where there are countless victims, immediately arranged for people from the personnel department to go there to recruit victims, and the farms in the Jianghan Plain were recruited from Hubei.”
Su Yun gave instructions. Many of these victims are ordinary people, and many are authentic farmers.
They are also familiar with Jianghan Plain, so they can also be included in Huayin Company.
And now that the land in the Jianghan Plain has also been approved, his farm still lacks a lot of people, and these disaster victims can also be filled.
“No problem, Mr. Su, I’ll send someone to Hubei right away!”
Sun Li took the order to leave and deal with this matter immediately.
Su Yun then got into the black car and returned to the company headquarters.
When he returned to the office, he remembered the 50,000 catties of rice seeds and 50,000 catties of wheat seeds sent by the system.
After he called out the system, he immediately prepared to receive it, and at this time, the pop-up window of the system lit up.
“Please prepare the warehouse for the host, and the fleet will take a whole day to deliver tomorrow.”
The system’s mechanical prompt sounded.

Diao Li was walking on the construction site wearing coarse clothes. In front of him were several teaching buildings under construction.
I stood in front of the teaching building and looked at the other buildings.
The dormitory building, canteen, etc. have only started construction.
Schools in these places in Hangzhou are mainly primary schools, junior high schools and high schools, but no universities.
If you want to go to university, you need to pass the exam, and only after passing the exam will Huayin Company take you to Jinling to go to university.
“It looks like it will take some time to build!”
Diao Li looked at the unloaded building materials in front of him and thought to himself.
Just then, a worker ran over.
The worker came to him and said, “Boss, there is a man in a gown outside looking for you, saying that he is a servant of the Gao Mansion.”
“Okay, I see, I’ll go!”
When Diao Li heard the words, he said something strange in his heart, the Gao family? What do you want me to do?
When I left the construction site and came to the outside, I saw a man in a long gown.
“Master Gaofu wants to see Brother Diao Li, when can you go to Gaofu?”
The servant looked at Diao Li and said.
Diao Li heard the words and said, “I’ll come when I go back and change clothes.”
After that, he went back to the temporary residence to change into a suit of clothes, and as soon as he went out, a car was waiting for him at the door.
Diao Li was a little surprised. The Gao family was so polite even as a small employee of Huayin Company, and picked him up by car.
After getting in the car, the car drove towards the Gaofu in the city of Hangzhou.
After a while, Diao Li was brought into a mansion.
When I got off the car and took a look at this mansion, I felt very imposing.
Through the iron fence, you can see that behind the gate of the mansion is a flowerbed and grass, and some flowers and plants are planted in the flowerbed.
The breeze was blowing, and the faint fragrance of flowers permeated the air.
Ding Yan looked at the stone pillars on both sides of the gate again. The mansion is very big, but the decoration is not extravagant at all, but has a simple and elegant feeling.
Ding Yan was led by the servants to a side room, and the door of the side room was quickly opened after the person informed him.
Ding Yan saw a young man inside with a book in his hand.
When he heard the movement outside, he put away the book in his hand with a light smile and looked at Diao Li.
“Master Gao, I don’t know what to do with me?”
Diao Li looked at the young master of the Gao family in front of him and asked.
“I hope you can help me bring it to Su Ziwen. My grandfather Gao Qin wants to meet him.”
The young master of the Gao family looked at Diao Li and smiled lightly.
“Okay, I’ll pass it on to President Su.”
Diao Li nodded and said, and then he left the Gao family.

In Jinling City, the company headquarters, in the conference hall.
All the employees of Huayin Company sat and looked at Su Yun who was standing in the middle.
Su Yun held the document in his hand.
He glanced at the employees in the conference room and said, “I called everyone here today because I have a few things to announce 0……”
The staff of Huayin Company sat up straight after hearing this, and listened carefully to Su Yun’s next arrangement.
“First of all, there are 50,000 rice seeds and 50,000 wheat seeds in the warehouse next to the company headquarters, which need to be transported to each farm as soon as possible, ready to be cultivated at any time.
The second is the current flood in Hubei, and the affected peopleRecruit as many farm workers as possible from among the disaster victims.
Finally, there is the issue of materials, which must be purchased from the Jiangnan region in time and shipped to Hubei. ”
Su Yun said loudly with a serious face, and after finishing speaking, he glanced at everyone.
All the employees listened carefully to every point Su Yun said, and they did not dare to express their anger.
The meeting ended soon, and Su Yun returned to the office.
As soon as Su Yun sat down, he heard a knock on the door of the office, and then Ding Yan walked in with a telegram.
“Report to President Su, Diao Li has sent a telegram!”
Ding Yan handed the telegram to Su Yunhouhui to report.
Hearing that, Su Yun received the telegram, and he was a little puzzled.
Then he picked it up and took a look.
“Okay, I see, you go to work first!”
Su Yun put the telegram on the desk and looked up at Ding Yan.
Ding Yan then left the office.
After a while, Su Yun left the office with the telegram. He looked at a small office next to the living room, and then walked straight over.
This small office was newly opened for Zhao Zhen. Since Zhao Zhen became Su Yun’s staff, he often read and read newspapers in it.
After Su Yun went in, he saw that Zhao Zhen was holding a newspaper and looked at it. After hearing the movement, he looked up and saw Su Yun.
Zhao Zhen put down the newspaper in his hand and stood up, stepping forward to meet him.
“Sit down!”
Su Yun said, and then he also found a seat and sat down, and gave the telegram to Zhao Zhen.
Zhao Zhen took the telegram and looked at it.
After reading it, he raised his head to look at Su Yun and said seriously: “President Su, although there is no dispute of interest between Gao Fu and you, this time I invite you to go.”
“Isn’t Gaofu a wealthy family in the south of the Yangtze River?”
Hearing this, Su Yun looked at Zhao Zhen with some doubts, shouldn’t Hangzhou Gaofu be a giant in the south of the Yangtze River?
The hatred between the giants in Jiangnan and him is not small, and Gao Fu didn’t come to the last dinner party. Isn’t he and Gao Fu a hostile relationship?
“Hangzhou Gaofu does not belong to the Jiangnan giants, their family is abroad.
The Gao family members in China are responsible for transporting rubber and oil from the Nanyang region back to China for sale. ”
Zhao Zhen explained that although Gao Fu is in Hangzhou, it is more engaged in foreign trade.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words. In this way, Gao Fu did not have any conflict of interest with himself.
“But then, Mr. Su, you have to be more careful, you have to recruit victims in Hubei,
This incident is likely to arouse the dissatisfaction of the 4.2 merchants in Hubei, and I am afraid it will be detrimental to you. ”
Zhao Zhen said with a serious look on his face, Su Yun is undoubtedly doing this against the businessmen in Hubei.
Su Yun heard the words and said: “I know about this, but don’t worry! I don’t plan to go to Hubei for the time being.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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