In the year of famine, when those merchants were hoarding and hoarding, doing so by themselves undoubtedly moved their cheese!
These merchants can’t afford to pay early. When the people are affected by the disaster, they can take the opportunity to hoard goods, raise the price, and make a fortune from the hands of the people.
“Over the past few years, Huayin has made too many big moves, promulgated so many projects that benefit the country and the people, and now recruit victims of disasters,
This time, I am afraid that those newspapers will promote you again, and even belittle those wealthy families,
The reels will push them to the top of the wave again, and these things together, I’m afraid some people will take the risk to kill you again. ”
Zhao Zhen’s face became more and more solemn, he looked at Su Yun seriously.
Those mercenary businessmen don’t care how good Su Yun’s actions are for the country and the people.
If it hurts their interests, they will really go crazy.
“I know, but since I chose to do this, some things have to be faced!”
Su Yun looked at Zhao Zhen seriously and said that he had expected such a result from the time he ordered the recruitment of the victims.
But since he had done so, he was ready to face these lunatics.
At this moment, Ding Yan knocked on the door with a telegram and walked in.
“Du Gan sent a telegram saying that Robert and his alumni had been in touch by telegram and that they would arrive in Shanghai tomorrow morning.”
Ding Yan handed the telegram to Su Yunhouhui to report.
Chapter 128: Mysterious and Unpredictable Old Master Gao
“Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers! President Su said that to make everyone no longer poor, Huayin will lead the people to become rich.”
“Sell the newspaper! Sell the newspaper! President Su wants to realize the great rejuvenation of Huaxia, and Huayin Company will lead the people to the future together.”
“Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers! The floods in Hubei, the merciless natural disasters, and the human beings. Huayin has launched a disaster relief plan and brought many supplies.”
“Sell the newspaper! Sell the newspaper! The flood disaster in Hubei, Huayin Company plans to recruit victims to work on the farm, with good pay.”
“Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers! Hubei flood disaster, another feat after medical insurance! President Su will provide thousands of victims with a stable job!”
In Jinling City, the cries of newsboys resounded again, and the childish voices of newsboys spread throughout the streets.
“Give me one!”
When several middle-aged people heard the newsboy’s voice, they hurriedly stopped him and bought a few newspapers.
The moment they saw the newspaper, they gasped.
on the street
Several aunts and uncles were holding newspapers with excitement on their faces, and they didn’t even care about the work in their hands.
An aunt was still stained with vegetable leaves on her apron, so she stood up excitedly and shouted: “Su Daguan said that he wants to bring us mud-legged people to make a fortune together, and he wants to revitalize the entire China.”
After hearing this, an uncle who was passing by also joined in and said, “I believe that the senior officials in Su are willing toIt can be done. He said that we want our baby to be able to read. As a result, our baby can afford to read.
He said let us not worry about getting sick,
As a result, a dime medical insurance was introduced. I believe in the senior officials of Su. ”
The tailor didn’t even sew his clothes, and said sullenly: “What kind of Bodhisattva is Su Daguanren, that is the savior, the god who saves the world by hanging a pot!
He helps us poor people, and he wants to help the disaster victims. Su Daguan Ren is the savior who came down from China. ”
“There are so many refugees in the disaster, can they really be saved?”
Some people don’t believe it, he stopped the work in his hand and said.
An aunt had just washed the dishes and dried her hands and said, “I don’t believe other people, but what Mr. Su said,
I believe that Mr. Su has never lied to us, I believe Mr. Su. ”
A middle-aged man raised the newspaper in his hand and said, “I also believe in the senior officials of Su. He can definitely do it, and it’s a newspaper. They don’t have to lie to us, and Mr. Su has no need to lie to us poor people.”
within a company
A woman in a long skirt took a newspaper and read it, and she exclaimed when she saw half of it: “Huayin Company not only donated materials, but also recruited victims? Find work for them?”
The others were instantly attracted by her voice.
A young man in uniform asked, “It’s fake, right? There are so many people displaced by the flood, how can he save them?”
“If it’s Mr. Su, I believe he can do it, didn’t we also believe him when we got the student loan?
In the end, Mr. Su told us with his actions that he did not lie. This time I am willing to believe Mr. Su. I do not believe that there are gods in the world, but if there is, then it must be Mr. Su. ”
Another woman in a plain long skirt said.
“Look here, there are pictures, materials delivered by Huayin Company, and land purchased by Huayin Company in Jianghan Plain,
There are photos of these, it is true, Mr. Su really wants to rescue these victims, Mr. Su is simply a living Bodhisattva, a great sage. ”
A man in a black uniform pointed with a newspaper in his hand.
“Mr. Su’s heart can be learned from the world, and the name of Mr. Su should be preserved in the world.
Mr. Su is flesh and blood, but he is a god! ”
Others also gathered around, and they chatted.
“Mr. Su is really amazing, so many disaster victims, and he also went to the slum to recruit the poor.
Even the gods may not be able to do this, not to mention that Mr. Su is only flesh and blood, and Mr. Su’s love has already exceeded the sky. ”
One person looked at the newspaper and said with a sigh of relief.
“Why is it so simple for Mr. Su to rescue the victims. He wants to rescue the common people. He wants to free the common people from this sea of ​​misery. Mr. Su is really a sage in the world, a contemporary Bodhisattva.”
One person said loudly, the whole office was chanting the name of Saint Su, and soon the whole office building also spread the name of Su Bodhisattva.

Xingdaoli, Sufu
Su Yun was packing his luggage. He didn’t have much to bring. A few changes of clothes were actually enough.
At this moment, Xie An knocked on the door and walked in.
“The more than 400 mechanical engineers who were recruited brought their families, more than 1,000 before and after,
Arrived in Shanghai at 8:00am yesterday, and then got on the train arranged by the government,
Arrived at Jinling Railway Station at 4:30 in the afternoon, then took the ferry to Pukou, and arrived at Lu’an by truck at 11:30 last night.
They need to rest today and tomorrow, adjust the time difference, and it is expected that they can start working normally after these few days. ”
Xie An stood in front of Su Yun and reported.
Su Yun nodded and said: “It’s not easy for them to travel a long distance, let them rest.”
At this moment, a major battalion commander walked in and said, “Mr. Su, the train is ready for you.”
This major battalion commander is dedicated to guarding Su Yun’s safety.
“okay, I get it!”
Su Yun heard the words and said, I have to say that the government is still very considerate. The government knew that it was going to Hangzhou, and considering his safety issues, it even arranged a special train for him directly.
Then he can take the entire guard to protect his own safety. Of course, he also has to take Zhao Zhen. After all, Zhao Zhen needs to be more familiar with Gao Mansion.
Su Yun came to the train station by car. The special train had been waiting for a long time. When he boarded the special class, he could see that there was no one else in the whole train, only him and his guards and men.
At the same time, there are heavy guards around this special train, protecting Su Yun’s safety, and no one else can approach this train.
As the train started, the train also slowly drove out of Jinling Railway Station.
At around 5 o’clock in the afternoon, Su Yun and the others finally arrived in Hangzhou.
After Su Yun and his party left the train station, Su Yun saw a familiar figure and greeted him.
“Mr. Su, you’re finally here. There’s a car I prepared for you here.”
Diao Li stood in front of Su Yun and said that he had prepared all of these for Su Yun, and he had more than just prepared a car.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and followed Diao Li into the car he prepared.
Inside the car, Su Yun looked at Diao Li and asked, “How is the school built now?”
“The schools in Hangzhou include primary schools, junior high schools and high schools. There are five teaching buildings, nine dormitory buildings, as well as supporting buildings such as libraries, canteens, and laboratory buildings. It is expected to be completed before July.”
Diao Li thought about it and said to Su Yun.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and then the car came to the hotel arranged by Diao Li.
After Su Yun stayed at the hotel, he went to rest after eating.
The next morning, after Su Yun had breakfast, Zhao Zhen came to his room.
“Mr. Su, are you ready?”
Zhao Zhen looked at Su Yun and asked.
Su Yun asked: “Do I need to bring a gift when I go to Gaofu?”
Since it is not an enemy, then it is possible to be a friend, and basic etiquette is still required.
“Better not!”
Zhao Zhen shook his head slightly.
“Why is this?”
Su Yun looked at Zhao Zhen in confusion and asked.
“Master Gao Qu’s invitation to you is by no means a purely business transaction. It’s best not to bring gifts.”
Zhao Zhen said seriously.
Su Yun nodded thoughtfully after hearing this.

Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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