Su Yun took Zhao Zhen to the high mansion in the car.
After they got out of the car, Su Yun first glanced at Gao Fu, and a scent of a scholarly family came to his face.
Zhao Zhen stepped forward and said to the servant of the Gao Mansion at the door: “At the invitation of Mr. Gao Qin.”
“The two of you, please!”
The servant at the door smiled and then led the two to the flower hall of the high mansion.
At this time, Su Yun saw a young man of twenty-four or five years old sitting in the flower hall drinking tea.
“Master, Mr. Su and the others are here!”
The servant said respectfully after seeing the young man, the young man glanced at the servant and nodded, then looked at Su Yun and the others.
“It turned out to be the eldest young master, disrespectful.”
Su Yun said lightly, his face calm.
When he saw the attitude of the young man, he had already guessed in his heart,
It seems that this trip to Gaofu may not be so simple.
“Is this the way the high mansion treats guests?”
Zhao Zhen frowned slightly.
He could see that the young people were making things difficult for them.
“Grandpa is old, wait a moment and there will be time to see you!”
The young man put down the tea cup and explained, his eyes dodged a little.
“In that case, why don’t you ask the eldest young master to leave temporarily and let me rest.”
Su Yun heard the words and sat down and said casually.
He has been observing the young man in front of him, the eldest young master of the Gao family may have something to hide from them.
But since Gao Fu is not in a hurry, then he is not in a hurry.
After he poured himself a cup of tea, he started drinking on his own.
Zhao Zhen also sat down casually.
When the young man saw the attitude of the two, his cheeks twitched, and he had to exit the flower hall first.
Su Yun sipped the tea slowly, and occasionally looked at the scene of the flower hall, feeling at ease.
The young man looked left and right, and stood outside the flower hall for nearly half an hour.
He saw that Su Yun still did not move at all.
After thinking about it, I went to the inner courtyard.
When the young man came to the inner courtyard, he only saw an old man in his seventies with a gray beard. The old man was reading a book at this time.
The young man walked over in a hurry, stood beside the old man and said, “Grandpa, they have been sitting there for half an hour.”
The old man did not speak, and was still slowly flipping through the books.
The young man looked at the old man’s appearance and did not dare to speak, but stood and continued to wait.
After another half an hour or so, the old man slowly opened his mouth and said, “Let’s take a look.”
The young man quickly left the inner courtyard and came to the flower hall again.
After seven or eight minutes, the young man hurried back.
The young man said, “Grandpa, they are still drinking tea slowly there.”
Hearing this, the old man put down the book in his hand, stood up slowly, and said slowly, “Call them to the living room!”
Then he walked towards the living room alone.
“I’m going to call them!”
The young man breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to the flower hall.
At this time, Su Yun and Zhao 800 Zhen had been sitting in the flower hall for an hour, and the tea was almost finished, but neither of them was in a hurry.
Su Yun played with the tea cup in his hand, and already knew what Gao Fu intended to do.
Zhao Zhen frowned slightly, thinking about what Gaofu had done today.
Neither of them spoke.
At this moment, the young man came to them, looked at them and said, “My grandfather invited me.”
Su Yun and Zhao Zhen looked at each other and smiled, Su Yun had a faint smile on his face.
Then, under the guidance of the young man, the two came to the living room.
After coming to the living room, Su Yun saw an old man sitting with a newspaper by his hand. There was no one else in the living room except him.
After the young man sent the two to him, he didn’t keep it and left.
Only Su Yun, Zhao Zhen and the old man were left in the living room.
“It’s a sin for the old man to neglect the distinguished guests today!”
Elder Gao glanced at Su Yun and smiled lightly.
“It’s okay, old man, don’t worry about it.”
Su Yun said with a smile.
He was curious about why Elder Gao invited him here?
“Come and sit!”
When Elder Gao heard the words, he smiled lightly, and Su Yun took the opportunity to take his seat.
Mr. Gao took out a newspaper and put it in front of Su Yun, and said with a light smile, “How is the industrial base in Lu’an?”
“It’s still done!”
Su Yun said with a smile, he casually glanced at the contents of the newspaper, and was a little unsure of what Mr. Gao was going to do.
However, he thought of the Gao family’s industry and had some guesses in his heart.
“The rubber you bought earlier was sent by the Gao family.”
Elder Gao looked at Su Yun and said with a smile.
Su Yun raised his brows. The car factory made tires and needed rubber, but he didn’t expect to buy it from Gao’s family.
Now, Mr. Gao suddenly mentioned this matter.
He thought of what Zhao Zhen said before. Could it be that Mr. Gao wants to seek cooperation or something?
“Why did Elder Gao invite the younger generation to visit the manor for a chat?”
Su Yun asked, he felt that things were not so simple.
If it is really about cooperation, there is no need to invite him, and it is Mr. Gao who meets him in person.
It is enough for the Gao Fu to find a random person to come over and discuss cooperation.
Mr. Gao did not answer him directly, but instead asked: “Do you really want to develop heavy industry?? ”
“That’s natural!”
Su Yun looked at Mr. Gao and affirmed with a serious face. He has invested so much in heavy industry, and bought so many mechanical equipment and industrial talents.
Elder Gao nodded, and then said: “The old man has prepared a table of banquets.”.
Chapter 129: Gao Lao’s kindness, amazing technology
Su Yun and Zhao Zhen took their seats and smiled as they watched the sumptuous banquet.
At the wine table, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was a bit dull. Elder Gao ate very little, and he didn’t use chopsticks for many dishes.
The servants of Gao Fu helped Su Yun pour the wine, but Su Yun did not drink either.
After a while, Mr. Gao put down the chopsticks in his hand and said slowly, “Gao Chi, you stay here, the old man is not in good health, so go back and rest for a while.”
“Grandpa, don’t worry! Grandson understands!”
Gao Ming smiled lightly.
Gao Ming was naturally the one who met Su Yun before.
After Elder Gao left, Su Yun and Zhao Zhen looked at each other.
Su Yun’s expression did not change, but he already understood something in his heart.
After Su Yun ate something casually, he put down his chopsticks, as did Zhao Zhen.
“Have you two already eaten?”
Gao Ming looked up at the two of them and said casually.
Su Yun nodded.
Gao Jing didn’t say much, but beckoned a servant.
“Set up two wing rooms for Mr. Su and the others to take a break for a while!”
Gao Chi said loudly, his expression unchanged.
“Mr. Su, this way please!”
The servant walked over to Su Yun and the others and made a “please” gesture.
Su Yun nodded and said nothing.
The two got up and followed the servant to the wing, and the servant took the door behind him when he left.
After a while, Zhao Zhen came to the wing where Su Yun was, and closed the door.
Zhao Zhen came to Su Yun with a serious look on his face.
“President Su, Mr. Gao is probably testing you this time.”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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