Zhao Zhen said seriously, this trip to the high mansion was more difficult than expected, and they were tempted again and again from the moment they entered.
Even Elder Gao left halfway through the banquet, which is enough to explain the problem.
After hearing this, Su Yun shook his head slightly and said softly, “This is just one of them.”
As he said that, he looked at Zhao Zhen with a thoughtful look in his eyes.
This trip to Gaofu is not as simple as imagined.
Zhao Zhen thought for a while and didn’t speak.
After a while, Zhao Zhen said, “It’s best to take a nap now.”
Su Yun nodded in agreement.
After Zhao Zhen left, Su Yun lay on the bed and fell asleep without thinking about those questions.
It was not until 2:30 in the afternoon that Su Yun woke up, and then the servants of Gao Mansion knocked on the door to enter.
They walked in with hot water and towels and placed them in front of Su Yun.
After a brief grooming, he walked out of the wing.
At this time, Gao Ren also came to the location of the wing room.
He looked at Su Yun and smiled and said, “Mr. Su, my grandfather invited you to the garden for a chat.”
“Okay, Su Mou will go over here!”
Hearing this, Su Yun said with a smile, he was already certain in his heart, I’m afraid this time is the real invitation from Mr. Gao.
When Zhao Zhen saw this, he wanted to follow, but who knew that Gao Jing had stopped Zhao Zhen.
“My grandfather only invited Mr. Su alone.”
Gao Yan said lightly.
Hearing that, Zhao Zhen frowned slightly, and finally had to give up.
Su Yun looked at Gao Ren’s attitude towards Zhao Zhen, his face was calm, but he knew in his heart that his previous guess was right.
Then he led by Gao Ren to the garden.
“My grandfather is waiting for you inside, and I’ll take you here.”
Gao Ren stood outside the garden and looked at Su Yun and said with a smile.
Su Yun nodded with a smile, he took a breath and entered the garden.
At this time, Elder Gao was wearing a jacket and walking slowly in the garden with a cane. After he heard the movement in the garden, he raised his head and looked over.
“Ziwen, come and accompany this old man for a walk!”
When Elder Gao saw Su Yun coming over, he smiled lightly.
“This is Ziwen’s honor.”
Su Yun said with a smile, and walked to Elder Gao’s side.
Su Yun and Elder Gao walked side by side in the garden.
The surrounding birds and flowers are fragrant, which makes people feel relaxed a lot.
“Why does Mr. Gao hate seeing Zhao Zhen so much~¨?”
Su Yun looked at Elder Gao and asked.
Elder Gao’s reaction in the banquet was a bit wrong. He just thought about it a little to see which part of the problem was wrong.
Elder Gao walked slowly and asked lightly, “Where did you see that the old man didn’t want to see him?”
“Leaving halfway, this is not the way to entertain guests. If it is aimed at the younger generation, there is no need to invite me from the beginning.”
Su Yun said with a smile, if he wanted to hold a grand banquet, he wouldn’t test them at the beginning.
And the banquet was so well prepared, it could be seen that Mr. Gao really wanted to invite him.
Hearing this, Mr. Gao shook his head slightly and said, “The Zhao family in Suzhou wants to make money as well as fame. This old man is not used to it!”
Su Yun smiled and did not speak, and did not intend to entangle this matter.
Then Mr. Gao looked at Su Yun and said, “If you want to revitalize heavy industry, you cannot do without national defense.”
“So the Lu’an Industrial Park has been building an arsenal since its establishment.”
As soon as Old Gao’s voice fell, Su Yun answered.
After hearing the words, Mr. Gao was silent for a while, and then slowly said: “The Gao family has also engaged in heavy industry in China before, but later gave up.”
Su Yun heard a little curiosity on his face, looked at Elder Gao and asked, “Why?”
It stands to reason that the domestic heavy industry is almost blank, and there are basically not many competitors to invest in heavy industry factories.
The Gao family is a wealthy family, and they have a lot of resources in their hands, and most importantly, they also have overseas resources..
Speaking of money, according to what Zhao Zhen told him, Gao Fu was not short of money at all.
The entire Gao family operated orchards, rubber, grain and other businesses in the last century.
After entering this century, the status of oil has become more and more serious.
Over the years, the entire Gao family is extremely wealthy, and no one knows how much assets they have. They are the real big tyrants.
Like the wealth of the Zhao family in Suzhou, in front of the Gao family, it is simply not worth mentioning.
With such unique conditions, Su Yun didn’t quite understand why they didn’t operate.
Heavy industry is a big investment in the early stage, but the benefits are also huge. Like myself, Pure Crusher is there to lose money, otherwise, even selling weapons, you can make money.
Hearing the words, Mr. Gao said softly: “The factory was seized by the warlords, and in the end, some people sold all the equipment to make money, and the Gao family stopped doing it.”
Su Yun heard the words silently, the country was really turbulent at the time, and the machinery and equipment of the heavy industry were indeed sold by many people at that time.
It is not surprising to these Su Yun, they can do anything in order to expand their troops.
In this way, he is indeed lucky. At this time, the country is relatively peaceful compared to before.
“Forget it, let’s not talk about the past.”
Elder Gao shook his head slightly and didn’t mention these anymore.
Su Yun didn’t speak, it didn’t matter if he didn’t want to mention it.
Elder Gao looked at Su Yun and said with a smile: “Rubber is a strategic resource internationally and needs to be used in many places. You are engaged in heavy industry, have you ever thought about the source of rubber?”
Su Yun understood the meaning of his words as soon as he heard it.
Rubber plays a vital role in the development of heavy industry. Many precision machinery and equipment use rubber seals for sealing.
To say that these dosages are small, what about cars and planes? These things are inseparable from rubber.
At present, there is no artificial rubber in the world, only natural rubber.
He remembered that when Germany was engaged in economic and trade with China, one of the most important items was to buy rubber from the country.
But it will take a few more years. If he remembers correctly, at that time, many businessmen in China started rubber plantations in areas such as Guangdong and Hainan in order to do rubber business.
Su Yun thought and gradually began to ponder.
Elder Gao saw Su Yun’s thoughtful expression and didn’t bother to speak, but smiled and looked at the scenery like the garden.
Su Yun clarified his thoughts and finally figured it out.
Now there are also rubbers in China, mainly in Hainan and Guangdong, but there are not many at present.
The rubber traded with the Germanic country was specially planted by the merchants behind it. At present, it is also available in Hainan and Guangdong, but the quantity is not large enough to supply the development of the industry.
Once the heavy industry develops, the amount of rubber needed will be very large, and the current domestic rubber is simply not enough. He had to start somewhere else.
As for the rubber in the Nanyang region, it is even worse, let alone expect it!
At the critical moment, those little devils cut off the shipping, and it is useless if the rubber is not shipped back.
Su Yun came back to his senses, and he figured it out a little.
Elder Gao looked at him and asked with a smile, “Do you have any ideas?”
Su Yun said softly, “Plant rubber.”
No matter what you rely on, after all, you only rely on others. Only when you master the source can you solve the most fundamental problems.
But planting rubber is not an easy task. Although he has thought of a way, there is a difficulty here.
Elder Gao asked slowly, “Do you understand the technique of planting rubber?”
Hearing this, Su Yun shook his head. He thought that he needed to grow rubber by himself, but as Mr. Gao said, he did not have this planting technology.
This is also the most critical. He thought of a solution, but now there is a new problem, and he has fallen into a dead end.
Old Gao looked at Su Yun and said with a smile, “I have it, I can give it to you!”
Su Yun’s pupils shrank sharply when he heard this. He looked at Elder Gao with a look of astonishment and asked, “Why? Rubber planting technology represents wealth.”
He didn’t doubt what Elder Gao said, but in his opinion, it was undoubtedly giving up a golden mountain of his own.
Moreover, it is such an important strategic resource as rubber, which he did not understand.
Hearing this, Mr. Gao shook his head slightly and said, “The old man is not short of money, and the Gao family is not short of money. Although we are in business, we are also from China, and we also hope that the motherland will be strong.”
Su Yun opened his mouth, but did not speak. He was wrong about Gao Fu, not all businessmen in the country are mercenary.
Mr. Gao is willing to give up the rubber planting technology that has been making a living for the country. It is conceivable how determined Gao’s government is.
Elder Gao glanced at Su Yun again before sighing: “‘The motherland is not strong enough, the Chinese have no status abroad, they are bullied, they need the support of the motherland, but the motherland must be strong.”
Su Yun just followed Elder Gao silently, without speaking, he lightly clenched his fists.
He knew from the beginning to the end, but now his own strength is far from enough.
After Gao Lao glanced at Su Yun, he continued: “Since this year, you have become famous in the country,
I’ve been watching you, and I didn’t make a decision until recently when you introduced health insurance. ”
“I just hope that the motherland is strong and the people are not struggling in the quagmire.”
Su Yun said solemnly, he had seen too many desperate eyes.
He also hopes that the motherland can become stronger, and he also wants the common people not to sink into dire straits.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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