Elder Gao stopped, looked at Su Yun and said, “I have people in China who have asked for their lives since ancient times.
A man with iron shoulders and morality, now you take on the important task of revitalizing the industry. ”
His eyes were full of admiration.
“alsoMaybe hit the stone with an egg? ”
Su Yun said with a smile after listening.
“Ha ha ha ha!”
Elder Gao and Su Yun looked at each other and smiled, and the originally heavy atmosphere became lighter.
Mr. Gao restrained his smile and thought for a while, then said: “Even if I give you the technology of planting rubber,
If you recruit people to plant, it will take half a year at the earliest to achieve self-sufficiency.
In the past six months, my Gao family will provide you with rubber and charge you the cost price, which is 15 yuan per ton. ”
Su Yun’s pupils shrank slightly when he heard the words, a little surprised.
You must know that the international price of rubber per ton is 20 US dollars, while the domestic price is 55 silver dollars.
The Gao family only charged 15 yuan a ton at a time, and the price was ridiculously low.
Besides, Elder Gao gave him rubber planting technology, which is already a great kindness.
To actually supply him with low-cost rubber, this kindness is really too great (for money).
“The younger generation can’t bear this kindness, the old gentleman can just give it to me according to the price.”
Su Yun said softly, there are too many places where he needs rubber now, and the amount of rubber needed in half a year is astronomical.
Elder Gao didn’t give Su Yun a chance to bargain, so he made a final decision: “That’s it!”
“In that later life, Wen Xie thanked Mr. Gao for his affection.”
Su Yun did not continue to struggle, and said gratefully.
However, he did not expect that a trip to Gaofu would yield such a big harvest, and that he had acquired such an important rubber planting technology.
Afterwards, the two talked in the garden for another afternoon, and they talked very happily.
In the evening, Elder Gao hosted a feast to entertain Su Yun, and this time the feast was even richer than the previous ones.
“Ziwen, come to the old man’s side!”
Elder Gao even invited Su Yun to sit beside him, and Su Yun took the seat with a smile.
The two of them chatted and laughed at the dinner table, and the atmosphere was no longer as dull as before.
After dinner, Su Yun and Zhao Zhen also left the Gao Mansion, and the two got into the sedan and headed for the temporary residence.
“Mr. Su, what did you all say in the afternoon?”
Zhao Zhen asked curiously, Su Yun and Elder Gao only talked for an afternoon, and the attitude of Gao Fu changed 360 degrees.
At the dinner table, he really felt Mr. Gao’s true feelings, Mr. Gao really valued Su Yun.
“Talk about the rubber thing!”
Su Yun said casually, without going into details.
Zhao Zhen smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and didn’t turn his head to look outside the window.
Looking at Su Yun’s attitude, he had already guessed seven or eight points. I didn’t intend to ask any further.
He still knows some things about the Gao family, and now the Zhao family is probably looked down upon by the Gao family. But he was also a little helpless.
The next day, Su Yun and his party got on the train back to Jinling.
Chapter 130: The extraordinary in the propaganda, there are always people watching
“Selling newspapers! Huayin Company has purchased a large number of materials and is shipping them to the disaster area…”
“Selling Newspapers!  …”
As soon as Su Yun and his party returned to Jinling, they heard the cries of newsboys, and the newspapers promoting Huayin Company were flying all over the sky.
Su Yun looked at the petite figure walking on the streets from the car window, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.
After a while, the sedan returned to the company headquarters and sat in the boss chair to start handling affairs.
He picked up the phone on his desk and dialed Dong Cheng.
“Dong Cheng, come to the office!”
After Su Yun finished his instructions, he hung up the phone.
Then there was a knock on the door of the office, Dong Cheng walked in and stood in front of Su Yun.
“How is the preparation for the supplies sent to Hubei?”
Su Yun raised his head and looked at Dong Cheng and asked, it has been some time since the procurement of materials, and the most important thing during the flood period is to grab time.
In this special period, the most test is the ability of the purchasing department.
“Report to President Su, the materials are currently being purchased, and the purchased rice and noodles have been shipped to Wuhan.
The clothes and trousers produced by the garment factory are also being transported far and wide. ”
Dong Cheng looked at Su Yun’s serious report.
After Su Yun nodded after hearing the words, he said, “You will go to Hubei to watch tomorrow and be in charge of Hubei’s affairs for the time being.”
The procurement and distribution of disaster relief materials in Hubei need to be watched by individuals. The time is urgent and the task is relatively heavy.
Dong Cheng, the manager of the purchasing department, was just right in the past, and he could take care of it as a whole.
“No problem, Mr. Su, don’t worry, leave it to me!”
Dong Cheng said loudly, with a confident look on his face, but it was not a problem for him to go on a business trip.
Su Yun then picked up the phone on the desk and called Fang Mingshan.
“Fang Mingshan, come to the office.”
After Su Yun ordered to go down, he hung up the phone.
After a while, Fang Mingshan knocked on the door and entered the office, standing in front of Su Yun.
“How many people are currently buying health insurance?”
Su Yun glanced at Fang Mingshan and said that medical insurance has been publicized for some time.
Moreover, many people come to Huayin Company every day to declare, and many patients come to Huayin Hospital every day.
“Report to President Su, there are currently about 267,000 people who have purchased medical insurance.”
Fang Mingshan said seriously, the number of people with medical insurance is increasing every 800 days, and he only remembers an approximate number.
“Okay, I see, you go to work first!”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, the 260,000 to 70,000 copies sold over the past few days were similar to what he expected.
Fang Mingshan also left the office.
The next morning, Su Yun went straight out of the city by car after having breakfast.
Su Yun looked at the residential area and the school town faintly visible in the distance, with a smile on his face.
The car went unimpeded all the way to the sales office outside the city, and after getting off the car, it came to the front desk.
At a glance, Su Yun saw that many employees of Huayin Company were explaining to some people who came to consult, and they all held documents one after another in their hands.
Looking around, every employee had a smile on his face and explained patiently.
Fang MingshanziHowever, he was also busy, and when he saw Su Yun, he quickly greeted him.
“How many courtyard houses are currently being sold in residential areas?”
Su Yun looked at Fang Mingshan and asked, the residential area has been open for some time, and looking at the flow of people in this sales office, there should be a lot of people buying it.
“At present, there are 43 courtyard houses for sale, all of which are sold at a price of 100,000 yuan.”
Fang Mingshan held the document in his hand and answered truthfully, giving a very precise number.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words. He set the price at a high level, and he was still able to sell forty-three sets.
You must know that his real estate in Xingdaoli is only a little money, and it is already the most prosperous place in the wealthy area of ​​Jinling City.
The surrounding area clearly looks like a suburb.
I have to say that there are really many rich people, and they are rushing to buy a set of 100,000 courtyard houses.
Su Yun then asked, “How many sets have the mansion sold?”
“Twenty-eight sets!”
“Where’s the villa?”
Su Yun thought for a while, it seems that the house has been sold within a few days, and ninety-two units have been sold.
However, he still feels that it is not enough, and his plan is not enough money.
“Has anyone bought the villa in Jinying Lake and the courtyard in Yangshan Lake?”
Su Yun looked at Fang Mingshan and asked, the price of the villa in Jinying Lake and the courtyard in Yangshan Lake are much higher.
The houses around the school city were initially thought that no one would buy the best and lose money.
But as things change and Su Yun’s plan goes ahead, now he needs these houses to make money, and his plans below need this money to start.
As for the system, he also has some ideas in his mind now. With a lot of resources in hand, he can sell a piece of shit for money. The conventional method is definitely not good, and he has to use some special methods.
“Mr. Su, please come with me!”
Fang Mingshan said with a wry smile, and brought Su Yun to the outside of the sales department. There is a room here.
The two were only a little closer, and Su Yun could hear the voice inside.
It seemed that someone was arguing inside.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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