He glanced at Fang Mingshan, and Fang Mingshan’s face was helpless.
Fang Mingshan looked at Su Yun and said, “The villa by the Golden Eagle Lake and the courtyard by the Yangshan Lake are the two most controversial places at present.
Everyone wants to buy this kind of house with mountains and rivers, and now there are more than 30 people vying for it.
These are all rich people from all over the south of the Yangtze River, including Yangzhou and Zhenjiang, as well as Suzhou and Hangzhou.
I heard that there is another one from Guangzhou, but I don’t know who to sell it to. ”
Su Yun heard the words silently, the villas, courtyards, and mansions in ordinary residential areas have only sold for more than nine million in total.
Sounds like a lot of money, but what about setting up a wind tunnel lab?
It is estimated that the cost of simply establishing a wind tunnel laboratory will exceed 15 million.
At present, this amount of money is simply not enough, far from enough.
After thinking about it, he looked at Fang Mingshan and said, “Since so many of them are fighting,
Then let them wait for two more days. The company will hold an auction for courtyards and villas. The starting price is 500,000, and the highest bidder will be awarded. ”
Auction is a good solution to these disputes. Since these people want to buy, let them fight, and he needs to use the money now.
“Mr. Su, I’ll go right away.”
Fang Mingshan said excitedly, he immediately understood what Su Yun meant, and his most troublesome problem was solved.
Fang Mingshan went to do it immediately after taking the order.
Su Yun went to the residential area. There are already many people looking at the house in the residential area. When Su Yun walked anywhere, he could see employees from Huayin Company bringing people to look at the house.
When he was about to leave after looking around for a while, he was stopped by someone.
“Mr. Su”
A somewhat familiar voice came from behind, Su Yun turned around, and unexpectedly found that Gao Ren was here.
There was a girl in her twenties next to Gao Ren, Su Yun just glanced at it and then withdrew her gaze.
Su Yun walked over with a smile and said, “Aren’t you in Hangzhou? Why did you come to Jinling?”
“Don’t Huayin Company need a lot of rubber behind it? So we need to send someone to Jinling to get in touch. Grandpa asked me to come and experience it.”
Su Yun nodded with a smile. He looked at the girl and said with a smile, “Then who is this?”
Gao Ren didn’t speak (ajec) yet, the girl said generously: “My name is Gao Lin, he is my brother.”
Su Yun said with a smile, a little surprised, it turned out to be Gao Qin’s granddaughter, and he thought it was Gao Ren’s girlfriend.
Su Yun looked at the two and said, “Are you two here to buy a house?”
If it was for the handover, they said that they should go to Huayin Company. They came to the residential area to see the villa, and I am afraid they have other ideas.
“The infrastructure outside the city is good. Huayin Company said that there will be bus operations here in the future.
There are also hospitals and schools nearby, and the infrastructure and layout are much better than those in the city, so I bought two houses here, and my two brothers and sisters lived there. ”
Gao Ren said with a smile that he felt that the conditions in this residential area were pretty good in all aspects.
Su Yun said with a smile: “The feelings are good, I will give you two sets.”
Of course, he was just being polite, but he didn’t dare to give it away. He only had more than 300,000 oceans in his pocket. If he sent two sets out, he would be poor and reluctant.
Gao Ren smiled and said, “Thank you Mr. Su for your kindness, but no need, we have already bought it.”
Su Yun pretended to be sorry and said, “That’s a pity.”
Fortunately, Gao Ren had already bought it, otherwise he would have to bleed a lot. He felt relieved when he thought that his small vault was fine.a lot.
After parting with the two siblings, they returned to the company headquarters by car.
After he returned to the office, he picked up the phone and called Zhao Lin.
“Zhao Lin, come to the office!”
Su Yun ordered.
Soon after, Zhao Lin knocked on the door and entered the office.
“You are temporarily in charge of the company’s affairs. I will go to Lu’an tomorrow.”
Su Yun said that the industrial parks in Lu’an are now developing faster and faster.
And another group of mechanical engineers came, and more employees were recruited. He was going to see the specific situation.
Zhao Lin said: “No problem, President Su, don’t worry, leave it to me!”

Shanghai, East Cherry Co., Ltd., backyard room.
This is the backyard room of an island company. In the room, there are two islanders in kimonos kneeling opposite each other.
An islander in a white kimono looked at another islander in a gray kimono and said, “Hirano-kun, is the news you got true?”
The islander in gray kimono called Hirano nodded and said, “Murasha-kun, the news is true,
Huayin Company in Jinling has invested more than 10 million yuan in heavy industry machinery and equipment this year.
It costs nearly 10 million to recruit talents from those places in the United States. ”
Since the beginning of this year, Huayin Company has made great moves, which not only attracted the attention of Chinese people, but also attracted the attention of many islanders.
Murakami looked at Hirano and asked, “Is it possible to acquire some shares in Huayin Company?”
Hirano shook his head slightly and said, “Huayin is not listed in places like Shanghai or the United States, so it cannot acquire shares.”
Murakami thought for a while, then asked, “What about financing?”
Since acquisitions are not possible, then cooperation financing is always possible, right?
Huayin has invested so much money that it should need to bring in foreign investment.
Hearing this, Hirano was even more confused: “They didn’t find someone to raise money, and Su Yun, the chairman of Huayin Company, took full control.”
He also found it strange that after spending so much money, no foreign investment was introduced.
Murakami frowned slightly after hearing this, feeling that there must be a problem here.
“Where did he get so much money to invest in heavy industry? Have you checked his details in detail?”
A person actually smashed tens of millions in heavy industry, as if he came prepared.
Hirano sternly said: “It has been checked, but the source of his money is a mystery.
According to our investigation, since last year, Su Yun has suddenly risen from the Chinese business community.
In only nearly a year before and after, the value of his company’s industry has reached tens of millions of silver dollars.
And every few months, he would suddenly have a lot of money out of nowhere. ”
The more his subordinates checked, the more bizarre they felt. This Su Yun seemed to appear out of thin air, with a mysterious existence all over his body.
Murakami had doubts on his face and asked, “What’s going on? Is there no source?”
Inexplicably so much more money, there is no clue at all?
Hirano shook his head, with a bitter expression on his face, and said, “The source has not been found.”
He has checked all of these, but unfortunately he can’t find anything.
The people under him are all good at intelligence, and they all lost here.
The village fell into deep thought, and then slowly said: “Have you asked the factory over in Lu’an to sneak in?”
Since I haven’t found any information from myself, the Lu’an factory must have leaked some information, right?
He wanted to see what exactly this Su Yun wanted to do?
Hearing this, Hirano smiled bitterly and said, “A lot of people have already been sent, but Huayin Company didn’t accept the people who first sent them, they only recruited the scrawny poor.
Later, I bought a few poor people, ready to let them go in to find out the news. But Huaxia’s intelligence power in Jinling area is too strong,
Those people were caught before they even got in. ”
He was also a little helpless in his heart, he had tried everything, but still couldn’t find it.
Chapter 131: Super Project – Wind Tunnel, Power Lab
Murakami’s face was a little surprised, he opened his mouth, and after a while, he asked, “Did you not inquire about the arsenal in Lu’an later?”
Hearing this, Hirano said with a bitter expression again: “The inquiries have been inquired, but some time ago, the two regiments in Lu’an had several thousand people cordoned off at the periphery to stand guard.
The patrols were also very dense. The people I sent out were discovered before they got close. Some time ago, Lu’an sent another division of troops.
Now that the defense is tighter, we didn’t find a chance to get close at all. At night, there are all searchlights around! ”
He can’t either. The defense of the industrial park in Lu’an is so tight that not even a flies can get in, let alone them.
The village was silent after hearing the words, this thing is not good – it’s done.
If you can’t enter the industrial park in Lu’an, you have no idea what they are brewing, it’s too dangerous.
After thinking about it for a while, Hirano continued: “I have a solution, now Huayin headquarters is recruiting again.
In fact, we can buy some Chinese who are studying in the Empire and mix in. ”
Since their people can’t get in, they will find other people to get in.
“Hirano-kun, your idea is very good, you can find some people to mix in now.”
Murakami nodded and said with a smile.
After Hirano-kun left, he went to arrange for someone.

In the morning, after Su Yun had breakfast, he took a car to Xiaguan Pier.
As soon as he got off the bus, Su Yun saw that there were countless people here, and the crowd was full of people.
These people are very thin, and the complexion on their faces is not very good-looking, and it is obvious that they are malnourished.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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