Su Yun knew that these were recruited beforeThe poor came, and there were many people in the distance who were boarding the ship to cross the river.
Some of them were assigned to factories in Lu’an, while others were assigned to farms in the Lianghuai area.
Recently, a lot of factories have been added in Lu’an. Naturally, more workers need to be added on the original basis.
Su Yun stepped forward. When these poor people saw Su Yun, their faces were excited, and they looked at Su Yun with hot eyes.
“President Su!”
These poor people shouted at Su Yun with a very loud voice that spread throughout the pier, and the whistling sound of the sea breeze on the pier was covered by their voices.
Su Yun smiled and waved to them. These poor people looked at Su Yun, and their eyes followed Su Yun.
Su Yun walked towards the ship, and these poor people followed Su Yun and watched him leave.
Even after the ship was far away, they were still excited.
After a period of time, the ship finally docked at Pukou. After Su Yun landed at Pukou, he saw countless poor people at the dock.
After these poor people arrived in Pukou, they were waiting for the arranged vehicle to take them to Lu’an. When they saw Su Yun, their bodies trembled slightly.
“Hello, Mr. Su!”
These poor people gathered around one after another, thousands of people cheered, and their emotions were excited, but Su Yun, who gave them a new life, was their savior.
Su Yun looked at these poor people with a smile on his face, and he waved to them.
He slowly walked towards the military truck that was prepared for him. These poor people consciously made a way out, and their eyes looked at Su Yun with reverence.
Su Yun looked at each of them.
Then he got into the military truck, turned to look at the poor people, waved and shouted, “See you in Lu’an!”
Su Yun’s team rushed towards Lu’an.
Countless people stood there, watching Su Yun’s motorcade leave, and no one was making a noise.
They quietly watched the convoy drifting away, and there was only respect in their eyes.
Jiang Feng whizzed past and hit them in the face, still unable to divert their gazes.
The convoy had just arrived in Quanjiao County when Su Yun saw more than 50 trucks parked outside the county seat in front of them, and the trucks were lined up in several rows one after another.
And there are countless soldiers lined up before these trucks, and they are well equipped.
These soldiers stared straight ahead, standing straight, like pine trees one after another in the wind.
There was a black car in front of him, Su Yun took a closer look and saw that Li F was standing beside the black car.
On the rank of his collar, he was already a lieutenant general.
Su Yun’s motorcade stopped not far away. After Su Yun got out of the car, Li F smiled and greeted him.
Su Yun glanced at the military rank on Li F’s neckline and said with a smile, “Congratulations on your promotion, it seems that you should be called Commander Li.”
“It’s a shame to get promoted after losing a battle.”
Li .F smiled and shook his head.
Su Yun smiled and asked, “Why is Master Li in Quanjiao County?”
Li Fei said with a smile: “After hearing the news that you are coming, my brother rushed over with a group this morning,
The distance along the way is too far. I am afraid that a camp cannot protect your comprehensiveness. If there is a regiment, who would dare to come? ”
“One company is enough to protect me, let alone one battalion.”
Su Yun said with a smile, although he was a little excited, he also knew that this was Li F’s kindness.
Then Su Yun and Li F got into the car.
“I don’t know about your promotion this time. Next time I go back to Jinling, I will give you a banquet to celebrate!”
In the car, Su Yun looked at Li F and smiled.
“Hey! Don’t mention this. After a defeat, the Ninth Division was promoted to a military-level unit.
I was also promoted to lieutenant general because of this incident, which is a disgrace to the military. ”
Li �F smiled bitterly, and Su Yun understood his mood.
But still said: “But you defended the motherland and defended the people, didn’t you?”
Su Yun said with a slight smile on his face: “Now there is an army unit stationed in the industrial park. If this news spreads out, others will not know how much they envy me.”
Hearing this, Li F. smiled and said, “You are wrong about this. It is still a division now. Other troops are either supplementing losses or building new ones. It will take some time to come and report.”
Su Yun smiled and didn’t speak. He didn’t know anything about the military, so he didn’t interrupt.
In the afternoon, the convoy arrived in Lu’an, and Su Yun came to the temporary residence to rest for a night before talking about it tomorrow.
The next morning, Su Yun came to the industrial park. At first glance, he felt that the entire industrial park was a little unfamiliar.
The current industrial park is surrounded by heavy troops, and the soldiers surround the entire industrial park in three layers and three layers out.
Moreover, the industrial park has more than doubled in size, and factories have sprung up.
The roar of the machine sounded clearly in his ears.
“This is my own industrial park.”
Su Yun looked at the industrial park with pride in his heart. This is the industrial park he has worked hard to build for so long.
He spent so much effort in it, and now he has finally emerged.
Su Yun entered the industrial park and walked into the office building next to the entrance of the industrial park.
After he swept around, he didn’t find Du Gan.
An employee of Huayin Company was called.
“Where is Du Gan?”
Su Yun looked at the employee and asked.
“Reporting Mr. Su, Mr. Du has been busy with manpower scheduling in the industrial park recently, often staying up all night,
This time, I hadn’t slept for two nights, and I didn’t sleep until five o’clock in the morning this morning. ”
The employee said softly, with worry on his face, worried that Du Gan’s body could not stand it.
“I see, you go to work first!”
Hearing this, Su Yun nodded and said, no wonder Du Gan didn’t come to greet him after he arrived yesterday afternoon, it turned out to be busy all the time.
After leaving the office building, at workLook casually in the industrial park.
But he soon discovered that there were quite a few patrols in the industrial park.
The equipment on these patrolling soldiers is very complete.
With sharp eyes, they looked around vigilantly, checking every corner of the industrial park.
One team just went over to check, and another team came across.
These soldiers are still carefully checking every place, and at the same time carefully checking everyone passing by.
Su Yun was a little puzzled. There were already a lot of soldiers outside the industrial park. How could there be so many soldiers in the industrial park?
Su Yun looked at Li F, who came in with him, and said, “Commander Li, what’s going on? There’s no need for patrols in the industrial park, right? Those workers can’t make trouble.”
Many of those workers are from poor backgrounds, and this job is very rare for them.
They were also worried that if they accidentally lost their jobs, how could they cause trouble?
“Brother is not doing this to target the workers in the industrial park, I know these workers were poor before,
They cherish their hard-earned lives, and I do it to prevent others from coming in. ”
Li Fei said sternly, he naturally knew that the workers in the industrial park would not cause trouble, and if it wasn’t for the situation, he would not make an assertion.
“Isn’t there a military guard outside the industrial park? Can anyone come in?”
Su Yun looked at Li F and asked, a little puzzled, there are so many soldiers outside, no matter how good they are, they can’t get in!
“During the time I was stationed, there were always some strangers approaching from time to time,
Dai Yunong also sent me a telegram. Since this year, more than a dozen spies have been caught.
It is because someone wants to plot against this industrial park, so I was assigned to guard this industrial park. ”
Li Fei lowered his voice and said that this industrial park has been uneasy since this year, and many people are staring at it.
Su Yun nodded and said, “Su understands.”
It seems that those people are still not dead, and they even want to stretch their hands into the industrial park, and there are actually spies.
After the two came to the middle of the industrial park, Su Yun looked at the familiar factories around him and couldn’t help feeling a little emotional.
You must know that this was the north before, but after the expansion of the park, it has changed from the north to the middle.
Su Yun retracted his gaze and looked at the office building in front of him.
This office building is where Robert and his mechanical engineers work.
It’s just that Robert and the others still spend more time in the factory, and they sometimes take a break here.
Su Yun walked into the office building, and as soon as he came in, he heard a shattering voice, like a quarrel.
Su Yun couldn’t help looking at a large office in front of him, and he saw several figures surging.
Su Yun took a closer look and found that Robert and a group of Americans were having a heated discussion there.
…….. 0 …
These Americans are all blond and blue-eyed, but they all have raw faces, and he has never seen anyone except Robert.
Robert’s neck was a little red, and he was a little emotional, and the others were similar.
You talk to these people, and sometimes someone interrupts before the last person even finished speaking.
The scene was a bit chaotic, the English was wild, and there were echoes throughout the office.
“Ziwen, what are they talking about?”
Seeing their heated discussion, Li F was a little curious, but unfortunately he didn’t understand. These people speak as if he is listening to a book from heaven.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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