Su Yun did not answer Li F, such a heated discussion could not be translated at all.
He had only heard a half-understood one, and it was a bit too messy.
But being able to discuss so intensely with a big bull like Robert is still an American who has never met before.
These are probably the newly recruited alumni of the Robert Mechanical Department, and they all seem to have real talents.
Think about it, it seems that the universities in the United States are all liberal in admission and strict in out, right? Getting in is easy, but graduating is hard.
Su Yun looked at them and asked loudly, “What are you discussing?”
Su Yun’s abrupt question brought the discussion to an abrupt end, and those Americans looked over.
When they saw a young man like Su Yun, they were a little puzzled. After these people glanced at each other, they found that they had never seen Su Yun.
At this moment, Robert walked out, came to Su Yun, smiled and gave him a big hug.
Then he smiled and looked at Su Yun and introduced to these people: “This is our boss Su Yun.”
When everyone heard the words, their faces were a little stunned, and they couldn’t help but sigh that their boss was so young.
And it’s not easy to be so successful at such a young age.
Then Robert looked at these people and said to Su Yun, “These people are all talents who came to Lu’an some time ago, and they are all alumni of my Department of Mechanical Engineering.”
“Hello, Mr. Su!”
The crowd laughed and shouted in unison.
Su Yun greeted them with a smile.
“Let’s go outside and talk!”
Su Yun looked at Robert and said, Robert nodded, he knew that Su Yun must have something to do when he came to Lu’an.
“Mr. Su, why did you come to Lu’an all of a sudden?”
Coming down to the office building, Robert walked with Su Yun while looking at Su Yun and asked.
Su Yunlai didn’t have any notice before, which made him a little surprised.
“Something needs to be done.”
Su Yun said with a smile.
He pursed his lips and said, “The factory is currentlyHow’s the show going? ”
“Now that 400 alumni have joined, this industrial park is really functioning.
The arsenal is now planning to expand the next step, to reach the monthly production capacity of 10,000 rifles by July. ”
Robert restrained his smile and said seriously.
Chapter 132: The Dilemma of the Power Engine
Hearing that, he glanced at Robert, and Su Yun asked again, “How are the large steelmaking plants and iron smelting plants that were prepared before now?”
“It would have taken three or four months, but with the addition of these alumni,
With the addition of so many machine-manufacturing plants, the equipment for the steel-making plant and the iron-smelting plant will soon be completed. ”
Robert said with a smile. Nowadays, the industrial park is developing rapidly with the addition of talents and equipment.
Su Yun heard the words and nodded.
“Mr. Su, the engine production line that I bought earlier may not be used in the future.”
Robert restrained his smile and said solemnly.
Su Yun asked curiously.
It stands to reason that the engine production line that was previously bought should not have much problem in the car.
Today, Huayin also happens to be short of all kinds of cars, but Robert’s remarks are probably not groundless.
“Engines made on these lines are fine for trucks, cars, passenger cars, etc.
But if you want to make engines for tanks and planes, these lines will not work. ”
What Robert said was very serious. This time is an era of rapid technological progress in engines, and various engines are constantly being updated.
However, the machinery and equipment of the current engine factory cannot undertake such a heavy task.
After Su Yun heard the words and thought for a while, he remembered that the power system of the P47 fighter jet uses an R-2800 air-cooled piston engine, as well as a turbocharging system.
As for the tank, the technical drawing given by the system is T34-85.
T34-85 is said to be one model, but there are actually two models.
The first model is naturally the original version. The production of tank parts is slightly complicated and requires craftsmanship.
The second model is a simplified version of the designer. On the basis of the unchanged performance of the “803”, the production of tank parts has been simplified, resulting in a surge in output later.
The system gives a simplified version of the model, which is also the peak version of the T34 blueprint.
This tank has all kinds of advantages and disadvantages, but now there is a biggest problem in front of Su Yun.
“Can’t make a diesel engine?”
Su Yun looked at Robert and asked.
The production of the T34 tank involves diesel engines, which is also a great feature of it. Obviously, the previous engine production line could not be produced.
Robert nodded. The biggest problem now lies here.
“Can you produce a production line for aero engines and tank engines?”
Su Yun looked at Robert and asked, the power engine is the most important part of the vehicle, and there is no one. If you can’t even produce the engine, let alone the production of tanks and planes.
Since there is no way to use the previous engine production line to produce, then we can only build another production line.
But can the current problem be created with the technology of the industrial park?
“There is no problem with technical drawings, but there are some technologies that we don’t have.
However, I have already sent a telegram to my instructor to ask, and I believe there will be results soon! ”
Robert looked at Su Yun and said.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and for the time being, that’s all he can do.
As for buying technical drawings and the like, he doesn’t want to, because he can’t get them at all.
Then he thought about it and asked, “How is the vocational college running?”
A few months ago, he started to establish a vocational college in Lu’an to train workers.
It was only later that the vocational college was built, and he never took care of it after it started running.
It’s all left to Robert and Dugan.
“It’s working fine so far, no issues!”
Robert said with a smile that the vocational college was just a small problem for him, and there was Du Gan’s help.
Su Yun nodded after hearing this.
Now that vocational schools are on the right track, batches of skilled workers will soon be trained.
The development of industrial parks will be more rapid.
Then Su Yun asked, “Robert, do any of your alumni study airplanes?”
He had a plan in his heart for a long time, and now there is a lack of talents in this area.
“Naturally there are, and I myself have some research on airplanes.”
Robert said as he walked.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, of course he knew, but researching the plane is not enough for one person, it needs the assistance of a team.
Su Yun smiled and looked at Robert seriously: “I want to build a wind tunnel laboratory, an engine laboratory, and I want you to study technologies such as aircraft and tanks.”
He had planned it before.
Neither rifles nor artillery were his targets.
If you want to build it, you need to build an airplane, or even a fighter jet.
To build a tank.
Hearing this, Robert looked at Su Yun incredulously and asked, “Do you know how much it costs to build a wind tunnel laboratory?”
“It should be around fifteen million.”
Su Yun thought for a while and said. He had estimated before that more than 15 million oceans should be about the same.
Hearing this, Robert shook his head and said: “There are actually many airlines in the United States, but there are only a few really famous airlines.
The reason is that they have their own wind tunnel laboratory and have independent research and development capabilities. ”
It’s not that other companies don’t want to build wind tunnel labs, it’s just that this thing is too expensive to build.
In his opinion, Su Yun has spent a lot of money to buy machinery and equipment, and to recruit industrial talents. These expenses have already cost more than 20 million.
But a wind tunnel laboratory has already fifteenMore than one million, more than half of what Su Yun smashed in the industrial park.
No matter how rich Su Yun is, he can’t stand such consumption, and besides the wind tunnel laboratory, there are other expenses.
Su Yun stopped to look at Robert, and said with a serious face: “Huaxia’s industrial foundation is very weak, and the aviation industry is even more backward, but no one can stand up.
Now that I have achieved this step, I will build a wind tunnel laboratory, let alone 15 million, even if it is 30 million, I will also build it. ”
Robert was infected by Su Yun’s words, he took a deep look at Su Yun and said, “I understand.”
He knew that Su Yun had made up his mind, and he did not continue to persuade him.
And everything Su Yun has done for his motherland, he sees it all.
“But I need your help now. Apart from you, I have no one else to trust, let alone how to set up a wind tunnel laboratory. Can you help me?”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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