Su Yun looked at Robert and said solemnly, there are many industrial talents in the industrial park.
But there are only a few people he can really entrust, and Robert is one of them.
He believed that as long as Robert was given time, Robert would definitely be able to build it.
Robert stretched out his hand and shook it with Su Yun and said, “When I was in the most difficult situation and even starved to death for a while,
It is you who still open up high-tech for me, so that I can survive and my parents can live,
What you want to do, I will do my best to help you, unless you don’t want me one day. ”
Robert was very grateful to Su Yun. If it weren’t for Su Yun, I’m afraid he would have died, and there would be no chance to imagine the future.
For him, Su Yun is not only a life-saving grace, but also a gift of knowledge.
Su Yun entrusted him with heavy tasks again and again, let him let go of his hands and let him do it boldly.
To have such a boss, a friend, Robert thinks that is enough.
As long as he is alive for a day, he will go all out to help Su Yun.
With a smile on his face, Su Yun said, “Then let’s work together!”
Su Yun felt that it was enough to get a big bull like Robert to do his best to help.
The two continued to walk, Su Yun casually glanced at the factory in front of him, and slowly said, “Can you build a wind tunnel laboratory?”
“If you want to establish a wind tunnel laboratory, it is not yet possible. In the wind tunnel laboratory, it is very simple to simply build a wind tunnel.
But the most important thing is the instruments inside. Those instruments are all precision equipment, which is related to precision processing factories and electronics factories.
And some techniques, even I don’t understand, unless it is my mentor, he is likely to know. ”
Hearing this, Robert shook his head. At present, it is not enough to establish a wind tunnel laboratory with their strength. There are many precision instruments involved.
Moreover, the required technologies are quite complex, which are all problems for the current industrial parks.
Su Yun pursed his lips when he heard the words, looked at Robert and asked, “Can these technologies be bought?”
He also knows how difficult it is to establish a wind tunnel laboratory. Now the precision processing factory and electronic production are all okay, and they can barely solve it.
As for technology, if they can’t do anything, he wants to try it with money, okay? Now foreign countries are still in an economic crisis, and there may be a turnaround.
“These are not for sale. Neither the United States nor European countries have heard of these technologies being sold.”
Robert shook his head with a wry smile and said, even under the economic crisis, these technologies cannot be bought with money, let alone in normal times.
After finishing speaking, he continued: “But I can consult my mentor, he is very good at these aspects.”
If you are indecisive, ask your mentor, and it happens that the problems they are encountering now are what his mentor is best at.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and that’s all he can do now. The country is really blank in this regard, otherwise he can see if there are other ways.
Temporarily solved the problem with the wind tunnel lab, and now there is one more problem.
Su Yun looked at Robert and asked, “Where’s the power engine laboratory?”
The power engine laboratory is also a very important part, and both the wind tunnel laboratory and the power engine laboratory are indispensable ……
Robert smiled and said: “This is no problem, even if you don’t take the initiative to bring it up, Mr. Su, I will send you a telegram after a while.
The engines produced now have too low power, and the trucks produced can only carry 1.2 tons. ”
“How much would it cost to build a power engine lab?”
Su Yun nodded and asked, listening to Robert’s tone, I am afraid that the power engine laboratory has a way to solve it first, which is a good thing!
“I was in a power lab when I first graduated, trying to build a lab like this.
Calculated in terms of Huaxia’s silver dollars, it also requires more than 10 million. There are many parts in it,
It is currently impossible to produce in industrial parks and can only be purchased in the United States or Europe, so the price is very expensive. ”
Robert said slowly, some technologies you don’t have, some things you can’t produce, you can only get them by purchasing, these are things you can’t do.
However, the difference from the wind tunnel laboratory is that the power engine laboratory can be purchased.
The wind tunnel laboratory is not good, and there is no way to buy it if there is a lack of parts.
“Can you buy it in the power laboratory?”
Su Yunwen asked curiously.
This feeling is so good! Anything that can be solved with money has to be spent, and money is not a problem for him.
He is here to spend money, he is afraidMoney cannot be spent like wind tunnel labs.
“Power engine is more important than aviation, but the control of power engine is not as strict as aviation. As long as the price is enough, you can buy it.”
Robert said with a smile.
Su Yun knows that this is actually the characteristic of this era. Why is the control of aviation technology such as aircraft stricter than that of power engines?
Is the power engine still inferior to aviation technology? Of course not, but something new!
Aircraft have not been around for a long time, and they have been used in wars for less than twenty years.
As soon as the aircraft appeared, all countries recognized the importance of the aircraft to the war, so at the current stage, all countries are very strict about aviation technology.
The power engine has been around for a long time.
From the birth of the world’s first steam engine at the end of the 17th century to the beginning of the 19th century, when the first steam locomotive, that is, the train, has been used for more than a hundred years.
In terms of management and control, it is naturally not as good as the aviation technology that has just been born.
“You can buy it, money is not a problem.”
Su Yun said with a sigh of relief.
The matter of the power engine laboratory has been resolved for the time being, but he still has a problem.
“When will the production of the current car factories be increased?”
Su Yun pursed his lips and asked.
Now the production of cars is a little bit low, the supply is not enough, and there are too many places where cars are needed.
“Come on, the mass production time originally envisaged was in June, but in fact, the actual mass production will need to wait until July,
But it’s different now, because many school 4.2 friends are busy at the car factory,
They are still very experienced in the debugging of mechanical equipment. It is expected that mass production will start in the second half of this month, and it will be offline in June. ”
said Robert, with a smile on his face.
Su Yun heard the words and said slowly: “How is the output?”
The output is what he cares most about, but he looks at the smile on Robert’s face, I am afraid the output will not be low.
“The monthly output will be around 1,000 units, but with skilled workers at the back, if you add a few more production lines, the annual output will exceed 30,000 units.”
Robert said with a smile that he had already planned all this.
After hearing this, Su Yun had a happy expression on his face. He was quite satisfied with the output, and the decision to spend nearly ten million on recruiting talents was indeed right.
To know that the car factory has not been established for a long time, it is not bad to be able to obtain such a volume.
“The establishment of the wind tunnel laboratory will cost up to 15 million yuan, and the power engine laboratory will cost more than 10 million yuan. This is more than 25 million yuan.”
Su Yun calculated in his heart, he only has eight or nine million in his hand, and he spent more than one million to buy the plane.
Even if all the houses in the residential area are sold, including the courtyard houses, it is estimated that there will only be around 13-4 million.
You can’t even build a wind tunnel lab for that kind of money.
Not to mention the Power Engine Lab.
Forget it, there are also employees recruited from Hubei, all of which cost money.
And now they are still affected by the disaster, Huayin Company needs to spend a lot of money on them if they want to purchase materials and send them over.
Su Yun felt that this mission was definitely a sure thing.
The financial gap is too big, and the system will have no way to take him.
Chapter 133: The Crisis Hidden in the Undercurrent
After Su Yun and Robert separated, they left the industrial park with Li F.
After the two got into the car with the guards, they rushed towards the north of the industrial park, ready to see the dormitory building there.
Now, all the cement roads from the industrial park to the dormitory building have been paved. The truck does not shake when driving on it, and it will soon approach the dormitory area.
Before seeing the appearance of the dormitory building, I heard the sound of a truck.
The car drove towards the dormitory area. Su Yun and the others saw many workers busy building the dormitory with tools.
Many dormitories are half-finished and can be seen from a distance.
“After almost half a year, the industrial park finally looks like it, and now the dormitory building looks like it.”
Su Yun looked at the dormitory buildings that were still being built around, and was filled with emotion.
Then the car stopped in front of the construction site, and both Su Yun and Li F got out of the car.
Su Yun looked around and saw that eight dormitory buildings had already been built.
I glanced at the dormitory building that was still under construction, and the workers were building it with reinforced concrete.
Su Yun had a smile on his face, which is not surprising, there are so many talents here.
It is also normal for someone to understand the method of reinforced concrete, and this technique is not difficult.
It is normal to master it, and this is a good thing, the employees can live in the dormitory faster.
After Zhao Tiezhu saw Su Yun, he trotted to greet him.
“Just go and do your own thing, I’ll take a look!”
Su Yun said casually.
Zhao Tiezhu heard the words and continued to oversee the construction of the staff dormitory.
After Su Yun looked at it for a while, Li asked Su Yun and said, “Ziwen, the farm built by Du Gan is not far from the dormitory building. Would you like to go and have a look?”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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