Su Yun nodded when he heard the words. He hadn’t been there since he ordered to build a farm.
The last time I came to Lu’an with Xu Deli and the others, they came and left in a hurry. Until now, I don’t know what the specific situation of the farm is.
Then the two got into the car and drove towards the farm.
The car stopped after driving for a while. After Su Yun and Li �F got off the car, they saw a wooden sign on the front 09 and surrounded by fences.column.
Looking around, the fence surrounds the endless plain, and withdrew his eyes, stepped forward and glanced at the content of the wooden sign, which had the three characters “Farm Farm” written on it.
“This farm is said to cover an area of ​​more than 1,000 acres!”
Li �F looked at Su Yun and said with a smile, although he didn’t come back from the northern battlefield for a long time, he paid attention to the places he wanted to protect after coming to Lu’an, so he knew a lot about these things.
“It looks really big.”
Su Yun said with a smile, the farm was bigger than he thought, and he could vaguely see a few pigs rolling from a distance.
However, he was soon driven into the shed by Huayin employees.
At this moment, an employee of Huayin Company trotted towards him.
When the employee came to Su Yun, Su Yun looked at him a little familiar.
“Mr. Su, hello, my name is Xin Ming, I’m the person in charge of this farm!”
The Huayin employee said with a smile.
Su Yun nodded in response when he heard the words, and he remembered that Xin Ming was the head of the farm appointed by Huayin Company.
“Mr. Su, this way please!”
Then Xin Ming said with a smile, he led the way, Su Yun and Li F followed.
The group entered the farm and walked in all the way.
Xin Ming brought Su Yun and the others to a shed, and a group of ducks croaked.
Su Yun saw that there were quite a few ducks in the shed. At first glance, there were probably nearly a thousand or two thousand ducks in it.
They walked through several sheds, the chickens were crowing endlessly, and occasionally chicken feathers were flying in the air, and some sheds were still being cleaned by employees.
Su Yun saw a lot of livestock here, including fat and white pigs that were eating, rolling around in the pigpen after eating.
There were also some aggressive geese who fought for a bite, and the feathers flew all over the ground.
“How many animals are on the farm now?”
Su Yun glanced at Xin Ming in front of him and asked.
“Currently this farm has 60,000 chickens and more than 40,000 ducks.
There are more than 10,000 geese, 13,000 pigs, 800 sows, and more than 200 boars. ”
Xin Ming reported as he walked.
After Su Yun heard this, he glanced at the farm and saw the live pigs in a pigpen in the distance, all of them were still piglets.
After taking his eyes back, he glanced at a chicken farm not far away and listened to the sound of chickens crowing inside.
The chickens here are quite big, and they belong to the chickens that can eat meat when they are slaughtered.
He does know that pigs grow slowly and chickens and ducks grow fast.
After thinking for a while, Su Yun looked at Xin Ming and asked, “With so many livestock, is there enough swill in the nearby cities and villages?”
You must know that all the farms under Huayin Company collect swill from nearby cities and villages.
Chickens, ducks and geese are fed with rice bran, some weeds and corn.
Like pigs, they will be fed swill, etc., and the pigs fed in this way will have a lot of fat.
In this era, the common people like to eat fatty meat, and in the market, fat meat is also much more expensive than thin and weak meat.
Taking a look at the scale of this farm is still very large, I am afraid that the demand for swill is more.
“In the beginning, it was not enough. The people in the countryside and the inns, restaurants and restaurants in the cities were not willing to give us swill.
Later, the merchants in the city gave them a piece of ocean every month, and those ordinary people’s homes gave each household a piece of ocean a year, and only then did they give us the swill. ”
Xin Ming heard the truth and reported the truth. At first, everyone was reluctant to give swill to the farm, and it was impossible for them to grab it.
He can only use this method to recycle swill. Although it increases a little cost, it is worthwhile to feed the livestock of such a large farm.
“Is there not enough swill every day in the industrial park?”
After listening to Su Yun, he asked that the breeding farm in Lu’an is really big, and it needs a lot of swill every day.
However, the industrial park in Lu’an also has many employees and large canteens. The swill produced by the canteens every day should not be small.
“The pigs on the farm are too edible, and the swill produced by the industrial park is not enough for them to eat.”
Hearing this, Xin Ming shook his head slightly and said, live pigs, especially live pigs weighing hundreds of pounds, this is the time when they can eat the most.
Two or three pigs, two buckets of swill a day is not enough for them to eat, but there are tens of thousands of live pigs here.
The swill produced by the canteen in such a large industrial park naturally cannot supply the farm, and the canteen in the industrial park does not actually have much swill every day.
For ordinary people from poor backgrounds, waste is shameful. Many times it is seen that there is no residue left in the vegetable bowl after eating.
“Okay, I got it!”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words and said, it’s not a big problem for livestock to eat, and they can eat as long as they want.
Afterwards, the group watched the farm for a long time, not realizing the sound of the livestock in their ears. Seeing that it was getting dark, Su Yun decided to return to the temporary residence.
night time.
Xie An came to Su Yun and said, “Master, Commander Li has sent someone to invite you to a banquet at the residence.”
“Okay, I get it, I’ll go right away!”
Su Yun nodded and said, then simply cleaned up and walked out of the mansion to the military headquarters next to him.
Li F’s military headquarters in Lu’an was set up next to his temporary residence.
There are also troops stationed around, so he went out and turned the corner.
“Ziwen, come, come quickly!”
After seeing Su Yun, Li Fei pulled him into his seat with a smile.
The meal prepared by Li F was very rich, and Su Yun was not polite, and the two started to eat.
After eating for a while, Li �F looked at Su Yun and said, “Ziwen, did you come to Lu’an this time to see the farm and see the industrial park?”
Hearing this, Su Yun sighed slightly: “In this period of time, too many things have happened.
The fishing reel is too big, it seems that someone is targeting me around,
but inThe center of the vortex in Jinling is very confused, and I can’t understand it.
This time I came to Lu’an just to get out of this whirlpool and to figure out some things. ”
After returning from Hangzhou, this feeling became stronger and stronger, and the propaganda in the newspapers gave him a sense of crisis.
From last year to now, he has been doing things smoothly, but this time the sense of crisis is very strong.
And the propaganda in the newspapers is getting more and more outrageous. It seems to be praising him, but he feels the crisis.
After thinking about it, he decided to leave the vortex of Jinling temporarily, and he needed to rationalize his thoughts.
After listening to this, Li Xing nodded thoughtfully, and soon he picked up the jug beside him and poured a glass of wine for himself and Su Yun.
Neither of the two said a word, but silently clinked the glasses and drank it. For a while, both of them seemed to have something on their minds.

The next day, Du Gan came to the temporary mansion where Su Yun was located early in the morning.
Su Yun happened to have breakfast and was about to go to the industrial park to take a look, when he met Du Gan and saw him anxiously approaching him.
“Mr. Su, I’m really sorry the day before yesterday for not being able to leave to welcome you!”
Du Gan bowed and apologized. He has been busy these days. When Su Yun arrived the day before yesterday, he was also busy arranging the workers sent from Jinling.
At the same time, some skilled workers must be transferred from the previous factories to the newly established factories.
All things on Lu’an’s side were on him, which made him a little overwhelmed.
Hearing this, Su Yun waved his hand and said casually, “I know you’ve been busy with the industrial park recently,
Needless to say, there is no need to greet me.
Originally I was going to find you. Now that you are here, please tell me the basic situation of the industrial park. ”
He didn’t care about what Du Gan failed to meet, but wanted to hear the basic situation of the industrial park today.
Du Gan Wen Yanhui reported: “At present, the industrial park has developed very rapidly after being joined by many talents.
A number of machinery manufacturing plants, precision processing plants, electronics plants, and automobile manufacturing plants have been completed…”
Du Gan said in an orderly manner, these are the things he is responsible for, and he has already kept them in mind.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words. In fact, he had already learned about this when he went to the industrial park yesterday.
It can be seen that Du Gan is very concerned about the construction of the industrial park, otherwise it would be impossible to remember it so clearly.
Su Yun asked casually, “How is the development of the vocational college?”
When I chatted with Robert yesterday, I didn’t have a deep understanding of the specific situation of the vocational college.
However, since Du Gan and Robert are in charge of the vocational college together, Du Gan must also know the situation.
“The staff college is divided into dozens of classes, each class represents a process,
Workers only need to be familiar with the production of one process. Basically, they can walk into the factory in a week or so in one shift.
Those with potential and strong hands-on ability will be selected for individual training to become mechanics. ”
Du Gan reported with a serious face that he had discussed with Robert about the staff college, and finally decided to carry it out in this way.
“well done!”
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, and was quite satisfied with what Du Gan and the others had done.
In this way, workers can be put on the job quickly, and a batch can be cultivated in a week, which is also the advantage of the assembly line operation method803.
Workers do not need to be familiar with all the processes, but only need to be familiar with one process.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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