Looking at the sky outside, he looked at Du Gan and said, “Let’s go! Let’s go outside for a walk!”
The two walked slowly outside.
Su Yun looked at Du Gan and asked, “You have been here for a few months, how do you feel about industrial production?”
Du Gan has been in the industrial park for a while, and from the beginning he was unfamiliar with it and now he is well organized.
Su Yun was quite satisfied with Du Gan, and he also had arrangements for Du Gan.
“In a few months, I’ve changed from a layman to an insider.”
Hearing this, Du Gan said with a wry smile, he didn’t have much time to sleep well in a few months, either when he was busy or on the way.
He really didn’t know much at first, and he had no idea about the industry. But now that I have been busy for a few months, I don’t understand and understand.
After hearing this, Su Yun nodded and said, “The industrial park is developing well, and you are also credited with it.
You also have experience now. After a while, you can recommend a competent person to manage the industrial park in Lu’an.
I plan to transfer you back to the company headquarters as the production manager, responsible for the company’s industrial aspects. ”
At present, all departments of Huayin Company are vacant, and there are still many vacancies for department managers.
The industrial park is well-organized under Du Gan’s management. After so many years of experience, it is proved that Du Gan is a person worthy of promotion, and he can try the position of production manager.
And now that the industrial park in Lu’an is gradually mature, Du Gan can come back.
Du Gan heard joy on his face, and he said quickly, “Thank you for the promotion, President Su, I will definitely continue to work hard!”
He didn’t expect that he was even promoted, which is a good thing for him and a challenge at the same time.
He knew it wasn’t so easy for a production manager to do it, but he wanted to try it too.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, with a smile on his face.

Outside Jinling City, inside the school city, inside Shao Lao’s office.
Shao Wen was sitting in the office reading the newspaper at this time. Next to him was Zhao Pu, who also held a newspaper in his hand.
two people looking at the newspaperthe content, occasionally frowning slightly.
After the two watched for a while, Zhao Pu slowly said, “Those people are starting to exert their strength.”
“Fortunately, Ziwen responded quickly and left Jinling, otherwise he might be in trouble now.”
Shao Wen said, stretched out his hand to click on the contents of the newspaper, and shook his head slightly.
At this time, Zhao Pu put down the newspaper and picked up a cup of tea.
After a while, he said: “Those people see that force is not enough, and now they are using soft knives. This is giving eye drops to big figures in the military and political circles.”
“It’s good to kill with one hand. Now let’s see what those people above think.”
Shao Wen shook his head slightly and let out his voice slowly.
Chapter 134: Too Big to Fail? The biggest crisis!
Inside Jinling City, the Ministry of Education, the Minister’s Office.
I saw Zhu Jiahua and Duan Xipeng sitting on chairs, each holding a newspaper and watching.
The two of them frowned from time to time, and then pursed their lips again.
After a while, Zhu Jiahua closed the newspaper slightly and said slowly, “Someone has bad intentions,
With such a big noise, most people probably don’t have such a large amount of energy. ”
As he said that, he held the newspaper in one hand and put the other hand on the coffee table, tapped it twice, his face was a little dignified.
Duan Xipeng closed the newspaper and put it on the corner of the coffee table, holding the tea cup, his face was also solemn.
“Who do you think will be stirring things up behind the scenes?”
Zhu Jiahua looked at Duan Xipeng intently and asked.
When he asked, he already had an answer in his mind.
Duan Xipeng lowered his voice and said, he slowly picked up the teacup and took a sip. He was the only one with such energy.
Zhu Jiahua agreed with it, narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately returned to normal, putting the newspaper aside.
“I’m afraid Chen Bo, Minister of Industry, is also behind this incident.”
Zhu Jiahua said faintly, then sat upright, leaned his back lightly on the back of the chair, and looked forward with a distant gaze.
To say that there is another possible candidate, I am afraid that the Minister of Industry Chen Boyou is among them.
Chen Bo’s interests have also suffered a lot, and the Ministry of Industry also has enough energy.
“It’s not that I’m afraid, it’s certain that industrial matters should have been his achievements.
However, the heavy industry of Huayin Company was exempted from tax, and the military sent troops to protect it.
The arsenal even sent people to the industrial park to assist.
In the end, this matter had nothing to do with the Ministry of Industry and affected his interests. ”
Duan Xipeng said, his face became more and more solemn, and one of the most affected is the Ministry of Industry.
At this moment, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open.
The two looked up and saw a familiar figure.
Minister of Communications Chen Mingshu.
Chen Mingshu walked in and said slowly: “Huayin Company is prosperous and has done many good deeds that benefit the country and the people.
Many preferential policies were issued by the commissioner, and the commissioner’s prestige among the people increased because of this incident.
The seat is getting more and more stable, but some people have spotted the seat of the commissioner and don’t want him to be more stable. ”
He thinks that some people are stirring up the situation, not just for Huayin Company, but to give Huayin Company a discount and support Su Yun’s appointment.
Since they wanted to pull Weizao into the water, they naturally didn’t see him well.
This is enough to see some clues from the previous year’s downfield incident.
Zhu Jiahua nodded when he heard the words, what Chen Mingshu said was not unreasonable.
Using such a large amount of energy to stir the situation, I am afraid it is not just for a Huayin company, and the interests involved are too complicated.
Regarding Chen Mingshu, Zhu Jiahua and the two did not see the outside world, because the two of them belonged to the same faction.
Hearing this, Duan Xipeng looked at Chen Mingshu and asked, “The situation is not right now, can we ask the newspaper to oppose Heiziwen?
Otherwise, if this continues, a little bit of negative news will break out later, and there will be a situation of praise and killing. ”
Duan Xipeng frowned as he said that, now that the fishing reel is too big, it has lifted Su Yun to a very high height, and if he is not careful, he will be doomed.
Zhu Jiahua heard the words and said with a serious face: “No, now anti-black can’t solve the problem,
Moreover, those newspapers will not be anti-gangsters, otherwise the newspapers will be scolded by others, and extreme people will probably smash the newspapers. ”
He felt that this would not work, and now Su Yun’s status in the eyes of the common people was even higher than that of a saint, and he could not tolerate a bit of sand.
When the newspaper came out to sing the opposite tone at this time, it was undoubtedly self-defeating.
Several people heard the words and smiled bitterly.
Duan Xipeng picked up the newspaper on the coffee table and read it carefully.
Chen Mingshu came over, and the two of them looked at the newspaper in front of them carefully, without saying a word.
The atmosphere in the office was a little heavy, and the brows of several people were slightly wrinkled, and they thought hard for a while to no avail.
At this time, the office door was pushed open again.
Several people raised their heads and looked over.
I only saw Li Wenfan, Minister of the Interior, walk in and laugh: “Negative news can’t affect his status in the hearts of the people~¨.”
Just wanting to influence Su Yun by relying on some negative news is probably not that simple.
They all overlooked a very important thing.
Hearing the words, several people looked at him and were a little curious why Li Wenfan was so determined.
Li Wenfan went on to say: “You don’t understand the common people, what the common people think is firewood, rice, oil and salt,
All I want is to be able to eat enough to eat, to see a doctor, to go to school, that’s all.
Su Yun has already done these things. This is a fact. It is not just negative news to touch Su Yun. ”
What the common people want is not a false declaration, but a real thing that falls into their lives, and Su Yun has done it all.
No matter how big the negative news is, it can’t affect what Su Yun did for them.
Negative news can only be seen, but they can feel what Su Yun does and experience it personally.
Several people looked at Li Wenfan and still did not speak. They digested Li Wenfan’s words.
He saysIt’s not unreasonable, what Su Yun has done has really fallen into place.
“Even if it is revealed that Su Yun wasted his life and indiscriminately killed innocent people, the people would still support him.
Maybe they will say that those people deserve to die, because what the common people get is real things, and the change of life is in sight.
No matter how dark the newspapers are, they can’t change the facts. ”
Li Wenfan said slowly. This is the case now.
No matter what the newspaper says, it’s just a pen, and the newspaper can’t change their lives.
But someone can!
He is Su Yun!
Su Yun has a very high status in the hearts of the common people, and has already surpassed ordinary cognition.
“Then why do they still want to kill? Isn’t that useless?”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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