Zhu Jiahua looked at Li Wenfan and asked. Even so, what is the point of them doing this?
The common people will not believe what the newspapers say at all, so why are they so hard-working?
“I understand.”
Chen Mingshu said with a stunned expression on his face.
After listening to Li Wenfan’s words, he finally thought about one thing.
He finally knew what their propaganda was so diligent, and why did they push Su Yun to the top of the fishing reel?
Zhu Jiahua looked at Chen Mingshu with some doubts.
Duan Xipeng put down the tea cup in his hand and looked serious. He really wanted to know what was the reason?
With a faint smile on Li Wenfan’s face, he casually picked up the tea cup and looked at Chen Mingshu.
“It is because of this that those people will be killed, not to make the people hate Su Ziwen,
Those people are using this way to tell the people above how popular he is Su Yun. ”
Chen Mingshu said, his voice slightly raised.
He finally understood that the real target of these people’s killings was not the people.
What they want to stir is not the situation of the people at the bottom.
But that one!
Thinking of this, everything became clear, but there was no smile on Chen Mingshu’s face.
“Do you think the committee will guard against Ziwen?”
Duan Xipeng heard the words and asked, and he also understood.
If these people really intend to do so, then the first and most likely to be affected is the commission.
They can see it, and the commissioner can also see it.
Now that Su Yunmin wants to, so naturally he will be worried.
Chen Mingshu thought for a while, and finally shook his head slightly: “No!”
His face was determined, as if he knew what the commissioner was thinking, which surprised Zhu Jiahua and others.
“Why are you so sure?”
Zhu Jiahua couldn’t sit still and asked in surprise.
He didn’t understand why Chen Mingshu was so sure, he was as apprehensive as they were before.
Now the old god is there, as if he knows everything.
“When Huayin Company launched medical insurance, Ziwen’s prestige rose sharply, and the commissioner did have concerns at that time.
If Su Ziwen was in politics, he would be a great enemy.
So let me ask him, but he said he doesn’t understand politics, and he doesn’t know how to engage in politics.
After that, Ziwen never showed his willingness to enter politics, so the commissioner never doubted him again.
Those people don’t know these things, so they miscalculate. ”
Chen Mingshu explained with a smile, if he hadn’t remembered these reasons just now, let alone a few people present didn’t know, even those people couldn’t know.
In fact, the committee has been paying attention to Su Yun all the time!
He saw everything Su Yun did, and he did gain popular support from it, but more people turned to Su Yun.
Fortunately, Su Yun and he are not hostile.
Zhu Jiahua and Duan Xipeng breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words.
Zhu Jiahua slowly picked up the tea cup and took a sip, which seemed to be a false alarm.
Unexpectedly, the commissioner had already probed into Su Yun’s mind a long time ago, and fortunately Su Yun had no idea of ​​​​going into politics, otherwise he would have to face more than just those people.
Then Zhu Jiahua put down the tea cup and said with a smile, “Aren’t those people busy working in vain?”
They also worried about it for a long time. Now that those people’s plans have failed, they don’t have to worry about what problems will happen to Su Yun.
Li Wenfan shook his head slightly, restrained his smile, and said slowly: “Not all,
They are a pair of eagles. If this goal cannot be achieved, there are other goals! ”
These people have planned for so long, and their thinking is not so simple. They have a deeper purpose.
When several people heard this, they looked at Li Wenfan, and their hearts tensed.
Li Wenfan looked at them and asked, “Do you know how many employees Huayin has now?”
Several people shook their heads when they heard the words, they really hadn’t paid attention to this.
Zhu Jiahua helped Su Yun recruit a lot of teachers, and there are quite a few teachers.
I also know that some time ago he went to the slums to recruit the poor, but I really don’t know how many people there are.
“Currently, Huayin has more than 350,000 employees in its official establishment. In other words,
There are more than 300,000 families and millions of people rely on Huayin for food.
In addition, there are many people who, although not employees of Huayin Company, rely on Huayin Company’s industrial chain to survive.
In total, more than three million people rely on Huayin to make money. ”
After Li Wenfan finished speaking, his face became serious, he looked at them and asked, “Do you know what this means?”
When Zhu Jiahua heard the words, he immediately understood the reason. Huayin Company had become a behemoth before he knew it.
The official employees of Huayin Company do not say, but the products produced by those factories,
not directly to the peopleInstead, they sign contracts with wholesalers, sell to wholesalers, and wholesalers sell to retailers.
In this industrial chain, there are all kinds of merchants, but the transportation of goods also requires people, and supports a large number of transportation workers.
The unloading workers at the wharf, the people who have boats on the river, etc., all rely on Huayin Company to eat.
And Huayin Company’s light industry factory has a lot of orders, and the purchase order of raw materials is also large. Many raw material merchants,
Including the collection and production of raw materials, all rely on Huayin Company for food, which is another industrial chain.
In addition, Huayin Company provides very good benefits to employees, although Huayin Company is currently engaged in breeding farms,
However, during the time period, meat was still purchased from other farms, as well as rice, vegetables, etc., which in turn fed many ordinary people.
In just half a year, Huayin Company has grown and grown, and it has also driven the economic development of the surrounding areas.
There are many people who rely on Huayin to make money, and these are just the tip of the iceberg of the entire industrial chain of Huayin.
At this time, Zhu Jiahua (Qian is good) has completely reacted, and the three million in Li Wenfan’s mouth is only the most conservative figure.
In fact, the number of people who rely on Huayin to eat is much more than this data.
Thinking of this, Zhu Jiahua sucked in a breath and said, “Those people are really looking at what to do.
Now Huayin has grown into a behemoth unknowingly. ”
“This is the biggest killer of those people. Huayin is too big to fail.
But it has not grown to the kind of situation where it cannot go bankrupt. Those people will not sit by and watch such a behemoth grow.
Otherwise, Huayin will be able to control everything by relying on its own economic strength in the future. ”
Chen Mingshu sighed when he heard the words, those people only spent so much effort on this point,
It seems thankless, but it’s actually not as simple as you think.
“Ziwen doesn’t have these thoughts at all, he just wants to serve the country, he invests too much money in education and industry,
It must be earned back from light industry, otherwise Huayin Company will not be able to operate, but if the commissioner wants to take action against Huayin Company, then Ziwen will be finished. ”
Zhu Jiahua said with a wry smile upon hearing this, and some sadness arose in his heart.
If it really reaches that point, even the committee members have to do something to Su Yun, what should they do?
Do they want to personally destroy such an offspring who watched him step by step to the present?
These businessmen and wealthy families are really hateful, they only have their own interests, and they don’t care about the interests of the country at all.
Duan Xipeng and Chen Mingshu lowered their heads, their faces were not good-looking.
Duan Xipeng remembered the first time he saw Su Yun,
It was he who introduced Su Yun to Zhu Jiahua, thus witnessing his growth step by step, but now he has to watch him with his own eyes…
Li Wenfan laughed when he saw the pessimistic expressions on the faces of several people.
Chapter 135: Someone will pay for their actions
Li Wenfan’s loud laughter caught the attention of several people, who looked at him first for unknown reasons.
“Li Wenfan, you are still in the mood to laugh, are you the same as those people?”
Duan Xipeng’s face sank, and he said displeasedly.
He didn’t understand why Li Wenfan was still in the mood to laugh at this time? Did he come to contradict them?
“Don’t you have so little confidence in the commission?”
Li Wenfan shook his head and said, looking at their appearances, it seems that they all feel that the commissioner will definitely take action against Huayin Company and Su Yun.
Huayin has indeed become big enough now, and if it were any other company, it would be doomed.
But Huayin Company will not as long as Su Yun is there for one day. There is a very important reason for this.
“What do you mean by this? I want to say more!”
Zhu Jiahua was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly said, is there still a chance for things to turn around?
It seemed that the commissioner had other arrangements, but it was certain that Su Yun was definitely safe.
“I’m the Minister of the Interior. Guess why I came to the Ministry of Education?”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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